06-02-2019, 01:34 PM
Seer's BFF
Pale is offline
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Originally Posted by Qratos
I have no problem with t30 resources.... I have plenty and get them quite regularly tbh. It's all randomness.
Randomness is randomy - Glitchless
lol, that 1 veggies cost more than a tc ?
06-02-2019, 04:47 PM
Seer's BFF
Roeth is offline
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Originally Posted by Pale
Jeff, in case u have not notice most are complaining of a lack of resources in chat.
I think you'll find that just as many (if not more) are complaining about you constantly whining about this, as are complaining about a lack of resources
06-02-2019, 07:08 PM
Seer's BFF
Pale is offline
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Originally Posted by Roeth
I think you'll find that just as many (if not more) are complaining about you constantly whining about this, as are complaining about a lack of resources
What duplicity. You were complaining with every 1 ells.
06-03-2019, 06:40 AM
Boss Hunter
Raidens is offline
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Originally Posted by Kembo
SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT glitch please it needs to be done lets gooo get er done or even bring the reource skill out and the only way to level it is to bliss their ya go 
you're an idiot. he ain't gonna cater to the P2W side of the community, and he's already said this won't happen.
NO support for the 100th time. It's easy enough to get mats/gold/tcs by farming
06-03-2019, 07:29 AM
Seer's BFF
Pale is offline
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Originally Posted by Raidens
you're an idiot. he ain't gonna cater to the P2W side of the community, and he's already said this won't happen.
NO support for the 100th time. It's easy enough to get mats/gold/tcs by farming
How rude! This why there is such a low participation rate in the forums.
06-03-2019, 10:42 AM
Seer's BFF
Tsutsu is offline
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No support, mats aren't that bad to get.
06-03-2019, 11:06 AM
Seer's BFF
Pale is offline
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Originally Posted by tsutsu
no support, mats aren't that bad to get.
06-03-2019, 12:44 PM
Temporarily Suspended
Tharkas is offline
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No support. The amount of mats you can earn is only limited by your determination. An easy button is not needed
06-03-2019, 02:13 PM
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Darklords is offline
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Can i get a helicopter while we asking for stuff? think cows in a helicopter would be Awesome!
06-03-2019, 04:07 PM
Seer's BFF
Roeth is offline
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Originally Posted by Pale
How rude! This why there is such a low participation rate in the forums.
Alternatively, there is a low participation rate in the forums because people like you constantly spam crap all over said forums.
And if someone doesn't agree with you, you treat them like crap.
Oh, and I have NEVER complained about a lack of t30 resources. I'm one of the people telling those that are whining to get out there and resource for them.
So, once again, you have lied. As usual.
06-04-2019, 03:50 AM
Seer's BFF
Tsutsu is offline
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Originally Posted by Roeth
Alternatively, there is a low participation rate in the forums because people like you constantly spam crap all over said forums.
And if someone doesn't agree with you, you treat them like crap.
Oh, and I have NEVER complained about a lack of t30 resources. I'm one of the people telling those that are whining to get out there and resource for them.
So, once again, you have lied. As usual.
riggity REKT
06-04-2019, 07:02 AM
Rat Slayer
Kembo is offline
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its a need its always been a neeed defently with TC prices going up and yes for some players Timecards And Gold Is Easy to earn but not all players are capped with t3 lgs to where they can boss farm hell half the caps in game are still in old ass epics farming NLake Mobs
06-04-2019, 07:14 AM
Seer's BFF
Pale is offline
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Originally Posted by Roeth
Alternatively, there is a low participation rate in the forums because people like you constantly spam crap all over said forums.
And if someone doesn't agree with you, you treat them like crap.
Oh, and I have NEVER complained about a lack of t30 resources. I'm one of the people telling those that are whining to get out there and resource for them.
So, once again, you have lied. As usual.
Your Lier.
There are 2 indisputable truths: there is a shortage of resources and dotters are out of balance OP in PVP>
06-04-2019, 10:48 AM
Seer's BFF
Roeth is offline
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Originally Posted by Pale
Your Lier.
There are 2 indisputable truths: there is a shortage of resources and dotters are out of balance OP in PVP>
As usual, you completely ignore the post, and reply to something different (probably imaginary, like your friends) post that says what you think it says, rather than what it actually says.
So I'll try to make it a little bit easier for you.
You stated to me that " You were complaining with every 1 ells" about the lack of t30 resources.
That is a lie.
I have never complained about the lack of t30 resources. I actually resource, and a lack of resources is good for me, because it pushes prices up, meaning I can earn more gold / TCs for my resources.
You have all the honesty and grasp of reality of Trump
06-04-2019, 11:18 AM
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Lakki is offline
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I finally figured out what Big T actually stands for...........

06-04-2019, 11:24 AM
Boss Hunter
Raidens is offline
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Originally Posted by Pale
Your Lier.
There are 2 indisputable truths: there is a shortage of resources and dotters are out of balance OP in PVP>
Okay mr 200 IQ.
it is either;
You are a 'liar'
You're a 'liar'
I hope this lesson in basic English helps you to get that IQ up to 200.
Secondly, dotters are op, as are samurai tanks, as are healers, as are basically any build with enough time put into it. If you can't figure out how to beat dotters, when Norman, Brooke, and other can... you need to use that 200 IQ to figure it out, rather than rant about it and saying it's unbalanced.
@Glitch, please ban pale from forums, he's constantly making up fabricated excuses as to why he's bad, and constantly deviates and attacks those who disagree with him.
06-04-2019, 11:27 AM
Rat Slayer
lobstermobster is offline
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No support, it has the potential to break the games economy...
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