10-21-2017, 02:00 PM
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@halagadventor : i agree with you his version is quite op but general idea of benefit when killing high end monsters is good and fair .
I posted suggestion how to refine it to make it work - I would like to see your point of view of how far would you allow it .
You need to admit that killing faerie river heroic should be more rewarding than gs - it does with trophies , gold and should in resourcing as tremendous investment is needed to comfortably kill heroics at level 110+ oppose to N LAKE
10-21-2017, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Joanna
@halagadventor : i agree with you his version is quite op but general idea of benefit when killing high end monsters is good and fair .
I posted suggestion how to refine it to make it work - I would like to see your point of view of how far would you allow it .
You need to admit that killing faerie river heroic should be more rewarding than gs - it does with trophies , gold and should in resourcing as tremendous investment is needed to comfortably kill heroics at level 110+ oppose to N LAKE
When it comes to resourcing, most toons in 110 zones will duo or tri farm to max potential for resource pulls as well. I know plenty who do this, and together kill about a similar speed that I can kill pit mobs. So they can 3x resource in the same speed but have potential to get massive grs if they take gold suit. I kill slower in fungi, but I got 24 t30 ore today. My trophy and gold rate outweighs the fact that I can't resource as much, all in all it equates so a similar overall profit.
10-21-2017, 05:51 PM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by Halagadventor
Not supported. Could easily kill the market along with your other little t post. Why might you ask? put it this way, let's say I have three gardeners, while I can easily heroic GS and get great pulls (24 t27, 12 t29, 6 t30 in the last 4 hours rrt) this could seriously be manipulated by group farmers who, for example, kill a higher zone like faerie river in a really quick time. Even a duo farm setup in redwood with two dbl dd builds would kill it so fast and the % chance to gain higher tier veg would stagnate the market killing the current supply/demand making prices fall and overflooding the market. The same can be said for all resources, I just say Gardening, as it could be manipulated the most for it's higher base cost. There is a reason resourcing has not been changed or updated in a long time before you make posts maybe take a little time to actually think things through rather than just making a wild suggestion without actually looking in depth at it. This would break the resourcing market, BAD for the game. The current supply/demand is what the game needs, overflooding resources will make LG prices fall (good for some) but also making you net less gold per tc you farm, or per tc on premium.
It never stops to amaze me how people who lack a basic understanding of the game think they can give a commentary on how the market works. It is like the poor fool who is a financial adviser who is poor himself. Who is the greater fool ? The fool or the one who listens to the fool?
Last edited by Pale; 10-22-2017 at 11:27 AM..
10-22-2017, 05:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Pale
It never stops to amaze me how people who lack a basic understanding of the game think they can give a commentary on how the market works. It is like the poor fool who is a financial adviser who is poor himself. Who is the greater fool ? The fool of the one who listens to the fool?
Who is the greater fool who keeps posting random BS on forums in hopes to get new things which will never ever have any hopes of being added?
My reply was thorough and clearly you have not done any thinking in your head before you whack out stupid ideas. I know how the market works, especially for S1. You add a skill that creates a superior way to gain resources, like BGT/MC and the resource market will crumble.
Do you not remember before BGT/MC? how were trophies 25-30 g/k? I surely do. You see what BGT has done? selling trophs 4.8 g/k for months. MC as well, they were added to ensure endgame had the availability to actually get the trophies needed and decent gold from mobs.
At the same time glitch could have added things for resourcing, but they already have. Compass, epic tool, heroic tier buff, mongos.
I saw the way you were speaking in /c yesterday trying to brag over your dominance in S2 and then saying you could come back to S1 and whoop all of us like we're nothing. It's quite pathetic the way you insult and speak to others on Nod like you're the king of the castle when you're nothing more than a little dude behind a screen playing big mouth trying to getting a little self-entitlement. I may do a similar thing myself sometimes to those I don't get along with but I never brag about being better than I am, I play the game for enjoyment and to speak to people, but the way you play it is to insult and brag about how big your balls are when none of us even take you seriously.
I think you have some good ideas for the game, but what you lack is the common sense and general courtesy to actually be listened to. Next time you have an idea for the game, actually think it through before you make a wild suggestion that will crumble the market. Even if the skill doubles tier gains, or double how many are gained by x2, the market will still crash lower than it is. It's good, for the players who want cheaper LGs. but it's not been changed for reasons I'm sure the admin doesn't need to discuss with any of us. You really think in 9 years they haven't thought of adding new stuff for resourcing? lol.
10-22-2017, 10:22 AM
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Joanna is offline
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You both should stop arguing as both of you are wrong and right.
Pale lives on s2 that still develops and demand is 10x greater than supply therefore it's normal he is trying to fix it.
Also s2 doesn't have op toons and r6 runes to efficiently farm in super high zones. To get there it requires huge investment and S1 knows about it very well -been there , done that.
What get people frustrated it's a gap between ah in both servers and issues will always be there .
I would suggest to rather aim for compromise not shutting each other down.
Global patches won't ever benefit both servers equally .
10-22-2017, 11:31 AM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by Halagadventor
Who is the greater fool who keeps posting random BS on forums in hopes to get new things which will never ever have any hopes of being added?
My reply was thorough and clearly you have not done any thinking in your head before you whack out stupid ideas. I know how the market works, especially for S1. You add a skill that creates a superior way to gain resources, like BGT/MC and the resource market will crumble.
Do you not remember before BGT/MC? how were trophies 25-30 g/k? I surely do. You see what BGT has done? selling trophs 4.8 g/k for months. MC as well, they were added to ensure endgame had the availability to actually get the trophies needed and decent gold from mobs.
At the same time glitch could have added things for resourcing, but they already have. Compass, epic tool, heroic tier buff, mongos.
I saw the way you were speaking in /c yesterday trying to brag over your dominance in S2 and then saying you could come back to S1 and whoop all of us like we're nothing. It's quite pathetic the way you insult and speak to others on Nod like you're the king of the castle when you're nothing more than a little dude behind a screen playing big mouth trying to getting a little self-entitlement. I may do a similar thing myself sometimes to those I don't get along with but I never brag about being better than I am, I play the game for enjoyment and to speak to people, but the way you play it is to insult and brag about how big your balls are when none of us even take you seriously.
I think you have some good ideas for the game, but what you lack is the common sense and general courtesy to actually be listened to. Next time you have an idea for the game, actually think it through before you make a wild suggestion that will crumble the market. Even if the skill doubles tier gains, or double how many are gained by x2, the market will still crash lower than it is. It's good, for the players who want cheaper LGs. but it's not been changed for reasons I'm sure the admin doesn't need to discuss with any of us. You really think in 9 years they haven't thought of adding new stuff for resourcing? lol.
Are you saying am not the king ?
10-22-2017, 12:08 PM
Boss Hunter
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Originally Posted by Pale
Are you saying am not the king ?
only sovereign I recognize is my own countries, you're nothing but a speck of dust on a game.
10-25-2017, 06:29 AM
Seer's BFF
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"The current supply/demand is what the game needs, overflooding resources will make LG prices fall (good for some) but also making you net less gold per tc you farm, or per tc on premium."
Is this a joke?
10-28-2017, 04:58 PM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by Halagadventor
Not supported. Could easily kill the market along with your other little t post. Why might you ask? put it this way, let's say I have three gardeners, while I can easily heroic GS and get great pulls (24 t27, 12 t29, 6 t30 in the last 4 hours rrt) this could seriously be manipulated by group farmers who, for example, kill a higher zone like faerie river in a really quick time. Even a duo farm setup in redwood with two dbl dd builds would kill it so fast and the % chance to gain higher tier veg would stagnate the market killing the current supply/demand making prices fall and overflooding the market. The same can be said for all resources, I just say Gardening, as it could be manipulated the most for it's higher base cost. There is a reason resourcing has not been changed or updated in a long time before you make posts maybe take a little time to actually think things through rather than just making a wild suggestion without actually looking in depth at it. This would break the resourcing market, BAD for the game. The current supply/demand is what the game needs, overflooding resources will make LG prices fall (good for some) but also making you net less gold per tc you farm, or per tc on premium.
You consider no-longer posting in the forums, it reals your ignorance.
10-28-2017, 09:50 PM
Terribletank is offline
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Originally Posted by Pale
"The current supply/demand is what the game needs, overflooding resources will make LG prices fall (good for some) but also making you net less gold per tc you farm, or per tc on premium."
Is this a joke?
Simple economics is a joke? Any increase in any product increases supply, reducing their value in any economy. To go as far as ruining the market... we would have to see a pretty large increase in resources gathered. I would prefer these changes not to be added as it would cheapen what I already invested in. Even if only by a small amount. Why not just let people who are less invested have a revenue stream through resourcing? You don't have to take everything away from Nlake farmers.
Dmastuhhh - BM
Dmastuhhhhh - Tank
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my names are unique and well thought out
10-28-2017, 10:04 PM
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This entire thread is the joke. You know a thread is lame when I don't bother to read it.. I even read threads like the slashh's harassment qq
12-11-2017, 08:11 AM
Seer's BFF
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05-25-2019, 04:11 PM
Seer's BFF
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This skill was needed on s2. Now with many less resources on s1 for what ever reason Big T is needed on s1.
05-25-2019, 04:42 PM
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Glitch said it's not happening. Drop it already.
Praise the hindu gods!
05-27-2019, 12:43 PM
Seer's BFF
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Things change. Now there are very few resources on s1 may be this idea or another idea to increase the T tear of resources will be implemented.
05-27-2019, 01:25 PM
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Has nothing to do with the skill or viability or anything.... simple question:
Where did the name for it come from? Big tier?
05-29-2019, 07:09 AM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by Tip
Has nothing to do with the skill or viability or anything.... simple question:
Where did the name for it come from? Big tier?
Yes basically, I just made the name up. As you pointed out the name seems to fit.
Regardless of the name skill or solution, the resource scarcity is real and negatively effecting those who want to build toons.
06-02-2019, 12:57 PM
Seer's BFF
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Jeff, in case u have not notice most are complaining of a lack of resources in chat.
06-02-2019, 01:25 PM
Rat Slayer
Kembo is offline
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SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT glitch please it needs to be done lets gooo get er done or even bring the reource skill out and the only way to level it is to bliss their ya go 
06-02-2019, 01:29 PM
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I have no problem with t30 resources.... I have plenty and get them quite regularly tbh. It's all randomness.
Randomness is randomy - Glitchless
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