Ruthenium's Quick Leveling Guide
Old 02-17-2017, 12:41 PM   #1
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Default Ruthenium's Quick Leveling Guide

Last edited by Ruthenium; 03-16-2017 at 08:26 PM.. Reason: Guide 2.1 (Added Potions and Runes, Fixed some Grammatical Errors)
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Old 02-17-2017, 04:29 PM   #2
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Props on capping so fast. Not really a new strategy. For the new players who read this. This is probably the fastest way to cap. However you will be very weak at cap. 1.8 billion exp of boon. It takes roughly 1 billion exp in stat skills to cap. This means a mere 800m boon for trophy skills. This may sound like a lot to you at level 10, but at 85 even some of the weakest caps are over 10 billion exp. Unless you have help you will struggle quite a bit at the start. If you grind normally it may take longer but will remove the struggle. So same diff imo if you aren't willing to drop real cash for legendary gear.
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Old 02-21-2017, 01:55 AM   #3
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Very well, If I add a level 60 jump and an additional reroll, that would be even more boon they could acquire, at 1.8B I was able to, allbeit slowly, to solo in n.lake, so its a start, much better than sitting at level 1-79 with no end in sight, I just dont see a point in slow boating it to cap or even overskilling from a low level
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Old 03-11-2017, 11:44 AM   #4
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Yes I am aware of the typos in Guide 2.0 and will fix them on the next revision.
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Old 03-11-2017, 01:06 PM   #5
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This gives moret of a f2p vibe than before so I support it a bit more. Still personally in favor of the normal leveling style tho.

A few edits for capping. 140 stat skills. That's 44m exp per. When every bit of boon you can scrounge up counts.. go 139 at most.

Honestly I'd add another reroll too. Get all trophy skills to 85 then reroll again so you can properly build. Max Coinage and Big Game Trophies 100 without boon is fun. Same for Adventuring skills.
You'd want a minimum of 40b exp. 60b exp would be better. A build depending on the build takes ~40-50b exp to cap all useful skills. So 60 would leave you 10b exp for Adventuring, Learning, and Crafting/Artistry. This would make it a lot easier if they don't go crushing since after all, the final build is supposed to be whatever they want. Crushing is efficient for early rerolls, but for the cap reroll 800m exp isn't exactly a thriller when you need more than that just to cap mana and energy related skills.

As for the going with magic vs regen with the last 59 stat points. I personally loath heals at cap since they require mana and energy beyond what I care to spend. My mana and energy is for the epic auras. I personally like hp vamp. As long as you're in a half decent rune clan it should have a Vampiric rune. Preferably r6, but if not oh well. I've made all my toons always rely on vamp when capping them (Slasher on Blaze, DDer on Alas, Archer on Alana). Vamp isn't as viable before that, but some endless heals in your pouch (Sylvain's Restoration, Gaia's Blessing, and Gradual Repair) can last you until level 50ish. In a group of 3 perhaps even further. I've always been the solo type so I can't say for sure.

Going back to what to do with the last 59 stat points honestly depends on what your build is. If you're an archer you'll need Melee for Dexterity, Magic for Intelligence and Concentration, and Defense is useful to basically any build. That can easily use up the 340 points you have total.
Casters 140 Magic 100-140, Recovery depending on your setup, and rest in Defense can work. Also optional to work Strength into your build for staff damage.
If you're a Melee toon perhaps 139 Melee 99 Defense 99 Recovery (doesn't add up to 340. Put extra points in magic until boon runs out then do the hell level(s) imo. Depends on how you wanna spend your boon) to be a regener. There is also the option of using recovery to pump Mre, and Pre so you can upkeep the melee auras. A good option if you're relying on vamp to keep you full hp.
Above is personally what I did on my beastmasters roughly.
140 melee 124 defense 79 recovery all in Mre you can upkeep a BM's R5 Rabid, and Pet Haste Auras without any runes wasted on it. Regen isn't very good for BMs anyway. However I do recommend archer BM over melee BM if you wanna be PvE focused. In which case your stats would be a bit different. 140 Melee 140 Magic with 59 Defense would be like 100% PvE focused dps setup. For a Healer... don't expect to be healing any time soon. >_>
Perhaps the odd disease dotter. 40ish melee in Pst. the last 3 vary a bit as this is a fairly PvP focused build so depends on a lot of factors.

For resources: I personally recommend you level either foraging (everything needs dyes for the consumable recipes. So endless demand.) or Mining (less demand, less suppliers. Used to make ingots for weapons and geodes for gems so fairly healthy demand). It is optional to raise both since in some zones you cannot forage and some zones you cannot mine but between both can cover 95% if not more of the zones.
Gardening I do not recommend for newbies. It takes a lot of rested time. This is bad when you're trying to catch all your skills up. Vegetables are worth the most gold though so to each their own. Same with dust collecting, but even more so since you require virtues to sell dust.

Thus ends my food for thought :{
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2.2 Coming Soon!
Old 04-02-2018, 02:54 PM   #6
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Default 2.2 Coming Soon!

I will be updating this guide soon!
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Old 11-08-2018, 06:32 PM   #7
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Update is in progress expect it within the month
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Old 09-30-2019, 04:04 PM   #8
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Does a text version of this guide exist anywhere?
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Old 10-06-2019, 10:49 AM   #9
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that would be nice

omg i wanna sammich nao
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