Permanent trashcan
Permanent trashcan
In light of the new skill Id like to revisit a previously trolled idea that I think would be nice.
A permanent trashcan at the bottom left side of the screen.
there are several applications for this:
For people who only want to use 1 type of trophy. As more and more people max out their skills, people will be faced with the prospect of manually destroying unwanted trophies. The new skill for example, only requires combats and is an epic skill, there is no need for the spirits. Sure they could sell the spirit trophies, but not everyone is interested in doing this. They may not have the storage or their trophies are SB and cant be sold. Also allowing 'enchantrash' to give you 50% chance to change from combat to spirit and visa-versa would add value to the 5mill investment into this feature.
Making enchant stones:
Some people use the method of making enchant stones to level skills in the artistry skill tree. In particular Epic Artistry. Being able to drag the unwanted stones into the trash would be much more efficient in doing this, rather than having to manually do each one.
Some resources don't stack and are just single stacks. With enchant trash there is an option to trash it in the bin. It would be nice to have a quick way of trying your luck with the singles instead of the whole stack you pulled. For example, you get 12x t19 prey. You have 2 options currently (assuming you want t20). When you pull the 12xt19s, you take your chances with enchantrash, you might get 12xt20s or you might get nothing. The 2nd option you have is to put them individually into inventory and manually try your luck. I doubt many do this since it is pretty tedious having to 'right click, destroy' 12 times. Having a TC there means it would be a simple drag and drop effort.
Lets face it, rune drops are pretty much just a waste of time. Sure there is still a need to have them there for the newer clans, but for me, I don't even look at what they are anymore, I suspect many are the same. Having the TC there means you can simply just drag any garbage from inventory or storage, even in combat.
Please keep in mind every time you want to destroy something (excluding after resourcing), involves 'right click, destroy item. This can get incredibly repetitive and tedious when dealing with a lot of resources etc.
sorry about the long post, but this is the last time I will suggest it. If it gets no luv, then fine, I wont bring it up again. I just think it would make the game a little betterer.