Adventure exp changes
Old 07-12-2016, 11:00 AM   #1
Crab Defiler
SapreaverTwo is offline
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Default Adventure exp changes

have adventuring experienced earned the first time you enter a new zone equal to that of entering a town. This rewards players for playing and progressing in the game more than just giving them a bigger sword or more invisible power

Now to Combat 1 square farming of areas have each square you've never been too give adventuring exp of about 2% of entering a new town. This promotes moving around the map more, would help combat the boredom of town walking and, generally be more thematic to adventuring.

In addition to these two above changes to adventuring exp. Add a square or two in each area that isn't a path called a point of interest. When found they give experience equal to half that of a town and contain a chest that has gold equal to a half that of a seers quest of that areas level. . This can be used as a narative tool to expand the lore.
Have these be randomly placed for each new character and only collectible once and once found go in to the achievements tab where you can review them and read about the lore or to check if you missed something.

Examples of points of interest.

Small area ( scorch land )
Destroyed water temple.
This temple was used to give offerings to the gods of water it was once a lush beautiful place now all that remains is a charred temple and burnt trees.

Large area ( plains)
Elephant graveyard.
Mounds upon mounds of bones are piled up here from a distance it looks like hills of salt or sand only as you approach could you make out the details of tusks and giant skeletons in the center lays a ruined alter and a fresh ogres corpse, two large holes in its abdomen.

Abandoned Ogre Sentry tower.
You stumble upon a decrepit watch tower no one seems to be around. It seems to be made by ogres. You better not stay too long.
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Old 07-12-2016, 11:04 AM   #2
Juryoku is offline
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 7

Good idea, would help make town walking less boring, and speed the process for lower levels and higher levels to get proper adventure skill levels.
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