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Unarmed viability balance buffs and cost to use increase.
Old 07-06-2016, 03:38 PM   #1
Crab Defiler
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Default Unarmed viability balance buffs and cost to use increase.

Many of you know i've been fighting unarmed exclusively. I've come to understand a bit better how it works and the pitfalls as well as the reasons for it to be weaker than weapons.

I'm purposing that unarmed be made viable endgame for all characters regardless. Since the main concern from many capped players was the cost associated with lgs and how if not using a weapon was just as powerful it would be unfair.

So let's work on increasing the costs first though let's increase the power.

Have unarmed strikes since you get 4 per delay have each attack count as a slash crush or piercing attack this is random. This might seem like a buff and in many ways it is but it's also a nerf since right now I can use Angelic and stone potions with no loss of dps and huge increases in survivability
This also goes a bit towards increasing the costs since right now I only appear to need slash crush pierce strike through deathblow. This route would require me to level each and every skill thus increased cost through experience and trophies. Have dual wield lower the delay when not using a shield
Allow double bond to affect shields when no weapon is equipped (buff to shield archers too)

Right now the minimum damage is one. this can be improved
I feel having it be 1/6th your character level wouldn't be so bad at least it would increase the hemorrhage procs to not be 1-4
Now let's go for a huge price increase in using unarmed ar cap this can be a new stat skill called mastery of body epic level 1 available as soon as you make the toon. Each point in
Creases the max damage by 1%. This is a time increase the reasoning for level 1 is so you can unarmed from l1 as a new toon.

Third cost increase is a gold sink this fairly substantial increase let's call legendary binding it would work as follows. You get a LG or epic that you like and you b destroy it via a new seer option that gives your fists the proc affect of said weapon bound to your soul, it costs 100 for epics or 1 million for a LG weapon.
For lgs it tracks the tier of the weapon and than if you bind a LG of the sa me tier it upgrade the tier of your bind.

These changes would make unarmed viable as well as the most expensive combat style by far.

Also let unarmed dual parry.
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Old 07-14-2016, 12:52 PM   #2
Crab Defiler
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Good luck sap, one piece of advice I have for you, nod goes through phases where one build is much stronger than the others and players get 'pigeon holed' into things if they want the best. It's a deliberate design choice by glitch, and to be frank trying to go against the programming of the game... you will lose lol.

But if you are dead set on this, i have a few things in response to your post.

one, when you are capped you will ultimately wind up pushing ALL your skills to 95+ regardless of build so there isn't really any need for glitch to make incentive to do so, players already do this just for rerolls.

Second, the cost of skilling your toon with trophies compared to say a t4 lg weapon is peanuts, and as i said players already do this anyways, so handing out "free dps" is probably not very enticing for glitch.

Finally, the legendary binding skill sounds interesting,...id liek to see this for all toons.

It's interesting you ask for legendary binding and the item and skill increases from the gear seem desirable to you

...so dude...

I'm only gonna say this once...

get a f***ing weapon!!!
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