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06-18-2016, 05:23 PM
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flipynifty is offline
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Ok so we have here eneryone in nod doing the doublecaster stuff and a new LG released for said build...
I would like to see LGs released with some forthought into new builds and things people can try. Add some balance as opposed to nerfing one thing (reg) and boosting another thing.
There are so many facets to the game ignored or just getting little bits here and there.
Maybe there could be more LG gems that combined DoT and DD or DD and HoT or something neat and released morefrequently
There are a PILE of things that could be added to give boosts without nerfing others to add balance and variety..
anyway... one suit.. j/s
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06-18-2016, 05:32 PM
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I fully agree with variety of new lgs instead of the same build having various items for their build.
06-18-2016, 05:34 PM
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how about LG auras for paly and dk?? like theres so much ignored
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06-18-2016, 05:37 PM
Glitchless is offline
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Who was using a double cast whip build prior to this weapon?
Also, an item with a self listless aura is not a regen nerf. It doesn't counter regen in any way, it is simply not useful (or in this case, less useful, since this listless aura is a weak one), i.e. an item for a different build.
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06-18-2016, 06:01 PM
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I had been talking in Clan about a double cast whip user with previously existing whips. Regardless, this is just a new Avenue to a double cast setup. You sacrifice a slight hit percent and double cast percent to get Beastmaster whip skills for pets. In my opinion all you did was improve the double cast setup
06-18-2016, 06:02 PM
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I guess I should point out that I meant it was improved for around level 100 mobs and below, but actually less effective against high-end bosses
06-18-2016, 06:42 PM
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This is why he never wants to release Legendaries, people always cry and complain.
Regarding the double cast build, i have some opinion in particular and i will say it again after 4 years, which is still the same.
Everyone uses gems in this game, if you want to be the best you have to be everything at once; Caster-Range-Melee and adapt as you need it during the fights.
In my opinion everyone should always farm with the most dps build in Pve, its always been the case for obvious reasons, in other games as well, for full dps u tend to have low defense... However if you want to PvP you will have to either equip those whips, use that melee and shield, use that bow and whip or arrow and blablabla, im sure u get the idea.
There is different types of legendaries and i separate them like this: Dps / Defense and Hybrid. I suggest you all to do the same so you can understand the real reason definition of balance.
Double cast has the higuest dps in the game at the moment but not by that far and it feels like is by far just because i dont see Bm or Archers or Melees using a real dps pouch with either dots or dds ( that are the 2 most and almost only type of dps gems).
I will also like to finish this lesson by saying that once you guys reach the highest or close to the highest potential epic health your wrong thoughts will seem different for you.
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06-18-2016, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Tharkas
In my opinion all you did was improve the double cast setup
Since my post obviously wasn't a complaint, I'm going to venture a guess that your post was aimed at flip?
06-19-2016, 12:06 AM
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I wasn't cyring I wasn't complaining, I'm just saying HEY do lets see something completely different!
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06-19-2016, 06:05 AM
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this whip is.. fail.. give others something rather than giving an op build nothing.. though its the thought that counts and i appreciate it. <3
06-19-2016, 07:30 AM
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Originally Posted by flipynifty
how about LG auras for paly and dk?? like theres so much ignored
*drools* these would be awesomeness specially for dk they only have 1 epic aura gem 1 rare gem and 2 uncommon gems (not including lethargy and slowgem as they are both included in sloth) a real lack of det auras in game
06-19-2016, 08:04 AM
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Melee have a hard time working in offensive gems due to needing high melee and defense and re covery
Archers can use gems easily as they only need dex and already need int and cnc.
And casters are well casters.
As it appears archers who cast and shoot can get over 50% double cast chance and already make use of cnc so it blends naturally and nicely. These whips only compound the issue giving archers who want to 40%+ double cast chance and access to beast master skills.
Where as a melee who wants to do the same thing needs to sacrifice their damage curve by building in significant amounts of cnc to be able to actually hit anything with dots and even more so to do it with dds.
beast master whips tend to be fairly weak weapons relying primarily on the pets so they would be able to make the sacrifice and level magic more to compensate.
I think maybe it's time to introduce techniques or strikes or something that do damage based on your weapon or and add other effects.
Like wallop deals weapon max damage can't crit and have rank increase the damage or some ****.
Or like poisoned blade deals weapon damage and up to weapon damage over 60 Seconds. No need to make them legendary or even have the effects be as strong as gems.
06-19-2016, 09:57 AM
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about double cast dders...
I might be an s2 nub, but may I ask if there is a tank that goes with hammer of unity+bloodcrystal shield to deflect dders into oblivion?also prevent/mirror gems...
Everyone could simply have a shield so testudo saves them from dd horrors at the beginning of the fight, and only when the tank taunts all opponents they drop the shield, equip staff/melee stuff and start attacking.Only 3 seconds can be lost, and those that go as dwers can also attack from the start.
But again, this is just an opinion.
06-19-2016, 10:38 AM
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ok my point seems to be lost...
nodiatis has unlimited potential only limited to imagination. playing glitchless games for 15+ years now (yes 15) I know jeff and team glitch have that imagination.
I just want to see it open up and crazy sh*t happening. Yeah doublecasting is cool, everyone does it...
I appreciate the things we have, but open the imagination tickle trunk and go nuts!
why doesn't PoE dungeon abyss open up into a hell map.. that would b so cool..
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06-19-2016, 12:10 PM
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All flippy is saying is that while double cast whips are a new addition, technically, it is still feeding into the overhyped meta of everyone becoming a double cast archer. Yes they can be used for a bm but if you have the stats to successfully cast gems and make use of those whips then you will do more damage auto shooting than auto attacking.
Instead of nerfs to specific builds, listless and degen, he wants legendaries to open up the possibility for new builds to take hold while leaving others moderately viable.
06-19-2016, 12:18 PM
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06-19-2016, 12:59 PM
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yeah that's what I was saying, unlimited awesome potential! try something.. take a gamble.. you guys know the game better than me even :P
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06-19-2016, 01:31 PM
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Ignore these fools glitch, thanks for the drop.
Looking forward to next LG beast.
Seriously guys....lighten the **** up.
it's not like there will never be another LG drop.
06-19-2016, 01:55 PM
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and again point lost.... do you guys need to learn to read or just reading comprehension
its not about omg bad drop.. its more like hey lets see something completely different!! Something that doesn't offer double class or mitigation or whatever....
lol suck up
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06-19-2016, 02:07 PM
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Im with Flipy (yes, we are a couple and a very happy one) and i totally agree that diversity is the key of joy , we are living in a very liberal world now on days, maybe you all should try it too!
If it wasnt clear enough, different type of procs and op combinations would be really good for the game, i hope we dont get more double cast gear since it seems to me that we already completed the "set"
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