Capped toons are bringing in 5-6 million an hour or more.
the highest I ever heard is ~2.5 mil with
25h rrt with all upgrades and premium.Idk, maybe I remember wrong, and people on s1 can truly can farm such numbers.
Unless someone makes like 6000 accounts per hour and completes the tutorial on each of them and does 6000 trades to their main.
Jade's life in a nutshell. :]
I really fail to see how letting everyone trade would crash any thing.
Ask Glitchless, because he's the one
paying server maintenance.
Economy as "in game economy" would probably stay the same except for tc prices, that would rise, as
even less people would buy them
From your point of view standard account literally has no purpose except for +5 slots in the inventory and double passive experience, while premium would still give double gold from chests, while tcs should be only bought for premium (double chest gold), 6h rrt, upgrades and virtues if someone really wants 3.33% bonus exp per virtue.Which honestly doesn't make sense.
If no one is buying tcs, there is no business, and therefore no money for Glitch to keep nod alive.Why throw money at something that you are not profiting on?
I might be wrong, but that's just my opinion.If I made a mistake somewhere feel free to correct me.
Remove all virtue based trade restrictions on epics but not legendary. That way it will still be possible for people to show epics in trade windows for new players to buy virtues one by one.
On the rrt issue, instead of increasing everyone's rrt to 3 hours per day, implement daily quests that anyone can do to earn up to an extra hour or two of rt/rrt per day?
As for my suggestions on getting rid of restrictions for new players:
"Micro Time Card"-can be bought for 50 cents (buying in bulk won't give discount to prevent exploit, see below) and gives the following:
24h of face and removes trade restrictions
or you can consume it for 35 min rrt (since it's 10 times cheaper than a time card which gives 360 min (10th is 36 min) (as if you were standard, except it doesn't increase your inventory, doesn't double passive experience) [can't be consumed if standard or premium is ongoing]
This would be a "Pseudo Time Card".Due to its real cheapness new players could see how trades work and get interested in game enough to buy a real Time Card.If they don't get interested enough, they will at least give some spare money to Nod.
Exploit explanation:if there was discount then 10 micro would be cheaper than 1 time card, making it better to buy 10 micro instead of 1 time card instead if you want to nom them for 6h rrt.
Also the most important part:~110 zones
For every 5 finished zone quests (1 boss, 2 collections and 2 killing) the player gets 1
soulbound micro time card from the seer that can't be taken even when pkked.This could introduce new players into deeper into the game without paying (especially because the 5th zone is fern groove (not counting troll bridge) where people start learning "more advanced" mechanics tricks, etc.), getting them more interested to play and go further.This "paid" status won't be able to stay forever 24/7 considering the time between zones, making small gaps at first, followed by massive ones, and finally no more micro time cards (~120 zones until ice volcano=>24 micro time cards).
Whether the player decides to buy micro or standard tc, that's profitable for both player and business.If you are a casual player that plays from time to time, a few micros are better and cheaper for you than a single tc that fades over 7 weeks (or 10 days).At the same time, considering the price which is 10 times smaller, but also gives
more than 10 times less business is profiting.
As for 28 days of standard
and its bonuses you will either pay 5 dollars for a tc, or 5 dollars (for 10 micro time cards) for 10 days of trade and no bonuses.When it comes to nomming, its either 360 min or 350 min.
Also purchasing virtues should be available via 10 micro cards, in case someone saves them, or is missing a few of them to complete a virtue.
With micro time cards new players will get deeper into the game thanks to the trade that it enables, and at the same time this can profit on casual players that play every once in a while.And depending on finished quests, the current players should get them as well.
As for exploiting gold and gear via alts, it could only be done in small amounts and actual work, as gold low level players get is really low, and not to mention the gear...Only exploitable on a small scale, especially because the delay between getting 1 increases, so people could trade/play successfully farm trophies and take item drops from alts.With such alt tactic until level 20 or so, as alts need to keep getting stronger so they could be used in higher level farming.
But after all, that is just my suggestion in a form of a giant post...