Lol @ Daer - you funny guy.
Well , I was explained already by veteran player the economy of nodiatis.
Comes out that I'm playing on NG server which is younger one . Apparently "S1" as he called it suffer from gold overflow as many players are fully developed and other than time cards they have no need to spend gold on - he believes another gold sink in needed.
NG seems to be quite opposite - people are awesome but pretty much they all broke.
There is a lack of LG equipment and all players are still under development. Some highest tier resources comes "only around Christmas " (I hope I'll change that

Maybe a separate patches for each server would spice things up ? Since there is way different needs for each of them so updates should suits them ?
I learned lately we have 33% bonus compared to S1 which helps a lot .
@ nomicon : i far as o know there is no inflation on Time cards . There were $5 when I first time bought them and they still that way. If players get stronger and sell more cheap trophies and resources that is exactly what I would want.
I'm selling time cards for 300k each and I'm happy with it.
Look at this way: I work 1 h and can afford 4 time cards. To grind 1.2 m gold in game ? 10-15 h at this point not to mention you have to burn few to get there so selling tc is a way.
The general idea is to make dust more useful since it becomes easy to access.