new social skill
Old 05-10-2016, 03:25 PM   #1
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Default new social skill

Haggler (or some such)
perhaps a level 20-40 skill?

increases how much you get for selling an item to store by x%

was thinking maybe 1.5 but anything works. can't think of anything in the game that buying price is less than 1.5x selling price for exploit.

i'd also prefer if it lowered buying costs slightly from store but considering resins that might be a bit op.

main issue i see would be people buying stuff off ah at non haggled prices then selling to store for profit

Last edited by Blaze; 05-10-2016 at 03:30 PM..
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Old 05-10-2016, 06:30 PM   #2
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The 84 epic pierce is is like 800k store price and 400k sell price, so that's the closest I can think of. Tbh, some of the values should be adjusted in the first place. It costs more to unsoulbind timmies than it costs to make them.
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Last edited by Soxson; 06-10-2016 at 12:10 PM.. Reason: goddammit autocorrect on phone (yes it did take me a month to find the mistake)
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Old 06-10-2016, 03:08 AM   #3
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Unfortunately, first idea u posted i disagree with blaze.

I have no idea what the total returns from selling at all the stores daily is, but i'm sure its not insignificant. Increasing returns by ~x% would inject even more daily gold to the economy, effectively increasing inflation.

Anything to do with the stores needs to soak up as much gold as possible IMO. I do however agree with sox that items should never cost more to buy than their mats.

Remember, gold just magically appears out of thin air in nod. The ever increasing prices are a result of the mild imbalance between the gold sinks, such as player transactions, resins, rune sets, and other store purchases vs the global farm rate of all players in the game.

Honestly, i have to applaud glitch in this department considering there is no limit to the amount of characters a player can create and farm simultaneously, it's amazing the game's economy has been so resilient to this point, he obviously estimated quite accurately/conservatively with the maths when he he first created nod.

Last edited by Nomicon; 06-10-2016 at 03:41 AM..
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Or maybe a slightly different way
Old 06-10-2016, 09:20 AM   #4
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Default Or maybe a slightly different way

I like the idea in general but again it need to be refined.

The people who sell to the store most (quantity not value) are low level players . We get whole gear level 1 4 6 13 14 17 20 etc - by the time you 20 you might sell back (with huge loss ) more than 100 items.

Since I was told my tier 1-10 tier dusts are pretty much worthless how about this :

A new epic potions line:

It would be available starting level 5

A master recipe would be available at t2 so actually every potion in game has to be made.

It would use dyes and dusts as main ingredient along with resins of course.

Potion of Moguls rank 1

Costs 1000 (500) g

Increasing sell value of items sold to store by 3% for epic 5% rare and 10% of common /uncommon items. (Traders receiving flat 2% bonus to all items ?)

In that case low level players could make them and they will sell easily to established players.

This way pepole could wait till few items drop (bosses killed) and once their big potion run out buy one from ah make a bit more that they would and at the same time support low level crafters .

I'm sure there would be some demand for those and made dust collection useful from begining.

I'm sorry for long posts but I like things thought through.

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Old 06-10-2016, 01:11 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Joanna
Since I was told my tier 1-10 tier dusts are pretty much worthless how about this :
Uptier dem dusts!

also a single epic or lg sold to the store probably puts more gold back into the economy than 100 low level toons, thats my worry.

If you can get 50% of the resin costs back from selling an item to store, we gonna haz inflation and inflation is bad mmk.

The rest of legendary material costs usually get transfered to other player accounts, instead of a gold sink.
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Old 06-11-2016, 07:43 AM   #6
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Hmmm i dont understand the problem really .

Even for legendary item :

You buying LG piece for roughly 7 M gold wear it then decide to trade it to your alt as you just got up tiered morphed one.

So instead 1M back from store you get 1.030 M . So generally you spent 13 M gold and saved only 30k which generally cover for gate recalls you used coming back from high zones to let's say t2.

People saying 30 k is nothing for end game player and it won't make a difference.

Yet 50 k saved by poor new guy makes lots of difference. It's few good stacks of high lvl trophies that in reality will make a big difference.

I know Im not experienced and LG gear is still a far future.

I simply sharing a view how new people see things - I understand that players who have it all have different concerns .

Yet game is for all of us and we need to find a middle ground.

@Nomicon I assume you don't bother with selling t1 resources because it's waste of time - yet for me it's steady source of gold that help me a lot.

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Old 06-17-2016, 09:12 PM   #7
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Joanna, im sorry but the biggest challenge for new players is competing with th ever increasing cost of materials and tc's

When i first started nod tc's were 100k.

It's all due to inflation, more powerful toons earning more gold, and an imblance between earnings and in game gold sinks.

"saving you 50k" will be nice at first but in 1-2 months prices everywhere will increase, making things evrn worse.

Whats 50k gonna do when tc's cost 3m?
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Old 06-17-2016, 09:34 PM   #8
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Fight Nodiatis income inequality! The top 1% of players earn more than the bottom 99% of players and pay less in taxes! VOTE DAER FOR NODIATIS SUPREME LEADER AND I VOW TO BREAK UP THE GOBLIN BANKS AND REDUCE INCOME INEQUALITY!
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Old 06-18-2016, 05:52 AM   #9
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Lol @ Daer - you funny guy.

Well , I was explained already by veteran player the economy of nodiatis.

Comes out that I'm playing on NG server which is younger one . Apparently "S1" as he called it suffer from gold overflow as many players are fully developed and other than time cards they have no need to spend gold on - he believes another gold sink in needed.

NG seems to be quite opposite - people are awesome but pretty much they all broke.

There is a lack of LG equipment and all players are still under development. Some highest tier resources comes "only around Christmas " (I hope I'll change that )

Maybe a separate patches for each server would spice things up ? Since there is way different needs for each of them so updates should suits them ?

I learned lately we have 33% bonus compared to S1 which helps a lot .

@ nomicon : i far as o know there is no inflation on Time cards . There were $5 when I first time bought them and they still that way. If players get stronger and sell more cheap trophies and resources that is exactly what I would want.
I'm selling time cards for 300k each and I'm happy with it.

Look at this way: I work 1 h and can afford 4 time cards. To grind 1.2 m gold in game ? 10-15 h at this point not to mention you have to burn few to get there so selling tc is a way.

The general idea is to make dust more useful since it becomes easy to access.

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Old 06-20-2016, 05:51 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Joanna
Lol @ Daer - you funny guy.

Well , I was explained already by veteran player the economy of nodiatis.

Comes out that I'm playing on NG server which is younger one . Apparently "S1" as he called it suffer from gold overflow as many players are fully developed and other than time cards they have no need to spend gold on - he believes another gold sink in needed.

NG seems to be quite opposite - people are awesome but pretty much they all broke.

There is a lack of LG equipment and all players are still under development. Some highest tier resources comes "only around Christmas " (I hope I'll change that )

Maybe a separate patches for each server would spice things up ? Since there is way different needs for each of them so updates should suits them ?

I learned lately we have 33% bonus compared to S1 which helps a lot .

@ nomicon : i far as o know there is no inflation on Time cards . There were $5 when I first time bought them and they still that way. If players get stronger and sell more cheap trophies and resources that is exactly what I would want.
I'm selling time cards for 300k each and I'm happy with it.

Look at this way: I work 1 h and can afford 4 time cards. To grind 1.2 m gold in game ? 10-15 h at this point not to mention you have to burn few to get there so selling tc is a way.

The general idea is to make dust more useful since it becomes easy to access.


That 33% bonus is exp only :{ not on everything. Also doesn't affect pilgrim exp.

Only in game amount matters for inflation. Sure rl you can afford 4 tcs for 1 hour of work...(I want your job...$20 an hour is nice..) But...if people are gonna be spending money on games...there are better choices out there. For a free game nod is prolly the best rpg. Low PC requirements can waste years of time doing things and crap. But if nod is looked at as a game people are spending money on...there are better choices out there. So the in-game cost is important to keep at a decent level since the majority of players are f2p.

And before anyone says it's just a f2p quitting or something..since players buy the tcs...if all the f2ps quit cuz they can't afford tcs with in-game gold...the p2ps won't be making money either since those f2ps won't be buying all the tcs. And as is only like 2 builds on s1 at least can profit of burning a tc for rrt. So it's important to have balance. Saying there's no inflation cuz it's still $5 is meh. Since you're on s2 to give you the idea of the inflation is that in..~3 years they've went up 900k in gold price on s1. (Can say for sure 3 years ago ttodaytcs were 500k and they're 1.4mil now)

@ nomi the profit is pretty small tho. I doubt this would cause inflation. On an average day people sell maybe 100k in stuff? 50k a day is only 500k per premmy...I can make 10m a premmy as is...500k won't change much for me....and that's a generous estimate (farming gs that's like 3-4 drops a day..and fungi still 2-3) For an epic...think highest epic is...400k STS? (Complete guess :{ ) 200k every 2 weeks ish...still nothing game breaking. Hell most epics people get dust (unless they're unclucky) so that would affect only the caps who are unlucky or too weak to farm fungi+. Having lgs would be the biggest profit...but considering how much you're spending to unsb that piece of crap...the profit isn't really gonna do much.
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