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Old 05-07-2016, 04:17 AM   #21
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Still silly to implement something to encourage people to purchase more TC and then almost grantee that the gift will suck. It defeats the purpose of a gift.
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Old 05-07-2016, 05:13 AM   #22
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This is obviously an issue of perception. Gift boxes are meant as a lottery - and nobody goes into a lottery expecting to win. Perhaps they simply need to be renamed to Lotto Boxes to change the mindset.
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Old 05-07-2016, 06:10 AM   #23
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There is at least 14 masters on the list we would like to see on s2 so keep them coming !

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Old 05-07-2016, 09:17 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
This is obviously an issue of perception. Gift boxes are meant as a lottery - and nobody goes into a lottery expecting to win. Perhaps they simply need to be renamed to Lotto Boxes to change the mindset.
Hate to admit it, but you got a point here. Yea they seem more like a lottery now than a stable reward. Change the name to something about lottery and put something absolutely epic for the grand prize, like the free face ticket.

Btw, will the new fedora appear in gifts?
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Old 05-07-2016, 10:23 AM   #25
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might I suggest just maybe trading the masters for something else, such as resins or resources?

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Old 05-07-2016, 11:10 AM   #26
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no for the fedora sox.
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Old 05-07-2016, 12:54 PM   #27
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It is said to appreciate the thought of receiving a gift, and not the value of the gift. People need to get over this. It's a gift. You got it for free. You did not pay for it with TCs, that you lost.
Even if you did, it's a gamble.
A gamble is just a gamble, you know there's a high chance you're going to lose out. So, STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT GIFT BOXES.
These masters are chance for the players to get master recipes without buying a costly LG and then dismantling it. Yes, there already are crafters, and no, this is Nodiatis a free economy, not a monopoly.
It may seem sad that Dennis may not remain the only person with lots of masters, but look at the bright side... Even if he quits, someday, if he quits, you still will be able to get masters.
So I say again, suck it up.
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Old 05-07-2016, 09:32 PM   #28
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I think masters are pretty nice tbh, considering they originally were worth 10M plus usually. it gives us all the motivation to up our crafting levels, its a bonus, and we already get a bonus to every 5 time cards that we buy in terms of a discount. Plus we can still get expanders, however snowbrains is something i'd be more pissed about, personally. just change the name to lotto boxes, or get rid of snowbrains imo
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Old 05-10-2016, 07:25 PM   #29
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Ok so I just spent $152 on TCs, I wasn't expecting anything spectacular but srsly a master? To me that says Thank you for your patronage, have some garbage. Al lthe masters are already spread through the game...

How about small gifts of like 2 hours rt, an epic gem, something that can be dusted for non crafters, something that's not just garbage.

I don't work hard to put money into a game where I'm going to be thanked with something that I can just destroy.

If you were at a restaurant and had awesome service, would you tip with belly button lint?

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Old 05-10-2016, 08:08 PM   #30
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okay I guess i'd be a bit pissed about that too. It isn't quite as bad as snowbrains, Jackpot, or a Santa hat though, at least O.O BUT perhaps they shouldn't be lotto boxes, and perhaps they should completely overhaul the gifts from giftboxes. clearly people aren't happy with the masters in the gift boxes, so why shove them down our throats? i personally have only blissed enough to get a few giftboxes ever, ( and from what i remember) all of them were masters. Perhaps the gift boxes allowing you to choose a small prize, say an hour real time of double exp or double gold or something. Peeps act like someone is just going to come in here, open up a gift box, and rule nod if it has a TC in it lol. At first i thought, a master is decent, considering they were worth 10M+, and it motivated us players to craft it, but this is just ridiculous. Sure it shouldn't be a guaranteed "awesome prize" but it should at least be a a small token that says thank you, or something that gives us a reason to want to buy more TC's/gift boxes. 125$ is quite a bit of money. LG masters are worth 450k per usually, about 1/3rd a TC if you can manage to sell it. point being, if LG masters are going to be in gift boxes, then we should have the option to at least choose the master of our choice. If not, i'd just recommend those who get gift boxes to take a safe bet, sell them for 1.5m ( a tc's worth) in the ah, and let a braver toon hope for a invo or storage expander or w/e so you don't get pissed off lol. Sorry for rant :P masters suck, but snowbrains, Jackopot, and santa hat is what flipy described as "belly button lint" lol
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Old 05-10-2016, 08:26 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by flipynifty
If you were at a restaurant and had awesome service, would you tip with belly button lint?
This analogy doesn't quite work. At a restaurant, you pay for what you ordered, then you pay more as a tip. If you want to add gratuity to your TC orders, we will accept. The gift box is more like the mint you sometimes get at the end of the meal. What's the best thing you've found after unwrapping one of those?
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Old 05-10-2016, 08:30 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by flipynifty
Ok so I just spent $152 on TCs, I wasn't expecting anything spectacular but srsly a master? To me that says Thank you for your patronage, have some garbage. Al lthe masters are already spread through the game...

How about small gifts of like 2 hours rt, an epic gem, something that can be dusted for non crafters, something that's not just garbage.

I don't work hard to put money into a game where I'm going to be thanked with something that I can just destroy.

If you were at a restaurant and had awesome service, would you tip with belly button lint?
:{ more happiness from the boxes. perhaps everyone would be happy if he never implemented them in the first place. where is everyone from the first...5? years who didn't even get junk let alone a chance at something worth upwards of 5mil.

such supportive feedback will really encourage glitch to implement more bonuses.

i still support just take away gift boxes entirely so they got nothing to moan and groan about.
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Old 05-10-2016, 08:32 PM   #33
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I'm not really looking for arguments regarding the master thing... yes its not a restaurant. Ok how about this, I go to a carnival and they offer prizes for the money I spent on the watergun game. a bunch of teddy bears. I win the game and get a used diaper as a prize...

I'm not saying the gifts are stupid, by no means. But the masters are already all over the game.

As you are catering to the plaerybase as opposed to the playerbase catering to you, the gifts should be thankful. Not AWESOME OMG I JUST WON THE INTERNET but a "hey thanks".

The masters don't feel like a hey thanks to many people. They feel like a here u go random stuff you have to destroy. LIke low tier resources almost.

I'm just saying, maybe adjust the rewards, remove the masters, put in something small.

This is the like Ash lotto on RWK (which I also played for many years)....

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Old 05-11-2016, 01:31 AM   #34
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Make LG masters be dustable for 5 t30 dusts
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Old 05-11-2016, 07:48 AM   #35
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Well think about LG masters this way, its exactly like a lottery, you pay for a ticket and you could win or lose. Sometimes you win maybe $5 or $20 or you can get lucky and get a million and a lot of the time you get nothing. An LG master could be worth nothing or can be worth something that's needed. So basically LG masters act as an unlucky find while a cowboy hat can be your lucky find. This is only a side thank you for buying TCs, you don't always get lucky. Yes LG masters used to be worth something but now instead of a potion being your unlucky find (which is still worth something) its now your LG master. It's better to test your luck to find something you may like rather have nothing at all.

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Old 05-11-2016, 05:02 PM   #36
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Also. There is 1 big benefit to masters in gift boxes. Dtm gets most masters yes. But what if someone hoards like the beguiler blade was hoarded for years. Xsadowedxx is still the only person with quiver of the bequeathing cuz no master was made right? So this is a valuable master assuming it was added to gift boxes. Same for all future hoarded lgs.

Perhaps you'd rather waste a the rare lg beasts we do get on hoarded lgs instead of getting new ones.
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