04-09-2018, 12:39 PM
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Just wondering ... Glitchless said that list here is in order of priority/importance.
Seeing travel companions on the top makes me think he is working on it.
As it is complicated update (2 points) I assume it might take a while...
Wonder if it gonna see daylight before vacation. ..
I think those little creatures will cheer many and give Nodiatis few extra points in awesomeness.
Anyways this as my first choice then hot zones runes , trade slots and anything really (all ideas are pretty good - too bad we can choose with limit)
04-09-2018, 12:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Joanna
Just wondering ... Glitchless said that list here is in order of priority/importance. Seeing travel companions on the top makes me think he is working on it.
The list is not in any specific order, hinted by the fact that the very first sentence of that post is
"Let us know which of these ideas you'd most like to see implemented in 2017"
And before you point out that the year is wrong, glitch re-uses this thread every year, simply changing the year in the title. He must have forgotten to change the year in that sentence.
Edit: lol glitch did fix it so that he never has to edit the first sentence again.
"Let us know which of these ideas you'd most like to see implemented by the end of this year."
Praise the hindu gods!
Last edited by Soxson; 04-25-2018 at 09:55 AM..
04-09-2018, 07:43 PM
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NoRemorse is offline
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an addition to the most wanted list , i do hope it catches on :
- filter S1 from S2 and S2 from S1 - toggle option
- forums for S1 only and for S2 only
- increase ignore slots to 799 or to a hexidecimal number
"Hit the lights" because we can always "Enter Sandman"
Life with "NoRemorse" till we hear "for whom the bell tolls"
Purpose of life: Be able to look in the mirror at the end of the day and be satisfied with it
04-09-2018, 07:47 PM
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Originally Posted by NoRemorse
an addition to the most wanted list , i do hope it catches on :
- filter S1 from S2 and S2 from S1 - toggle option
- forums for S1 only and for S2 only
- increase ignore slots to 799 or to a hexidecimal number
Filter for S1/S2 support, as for ignoring slots. Dtm has once told me we were meant to get a filter for servers years ago... why are we still waiting? I cannot iggy all of s2 and some in s1, this filter should be included. They are separate servers after all, like all other games, I have never seen merged chats. Maybe because S2 is so dead you think this is a way to promote it a bit, but I think we should be given the option to toggle it on/off at our discretion.
04-18-2018, 10:37 PM
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Would appreciate another suit set along with another gem pouch.
And finally getting mounts would be nice.
04-25-2018, 12:43 AM
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- Hotbar: do not implement it at all for HTML based client, just add the listeners to the hotkeys defined in the standalone Client.
- More trade slots: it's about time to have more, please also allow moving stacks of items into trade window by pressing an additional key (not shift drag & drop, but ctrl + click on your stack from inventory / storage).
- Transform hit and crit rating from Spellbound item set to % for successfully applying dots and add a new rune for the same purpose.
- Runes for hotzones, no support for this ... find a logic to increase the bonuses by doing the activity which is enhanced by hotzone bonus.
- Those 2016 promised new mid zones: it's about time to add more 90-100 zones, eg:
1. Stronhad: west side
2. Ustenar: east side
3. Burdinia: north side
4. Crella: north and south sides
5. Reydor: the whole south is empty
Just make a place where 3:1 or even 100% combats drop like we have for spirits.
- Epic potions ? instead of potions, make some kind of clan based feasts which last several days and occur BI-Weekly. Those feasts should allow consumers of some kind of food different slot bonuses and they decay with exhaustion which occurs by doing an activity. Create a new crafting skill which uses "eatable" resources + salt (mined) + spices (foraged) + wood (fire) + boilers (metal based items which crack).
Mid level zones |
04-27-2018, 10:57 AM
Seer's BFF
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Mid level zones
If adding mid level zones please take into account 90 level toons.
04-27-2018, 11:59 AM
Glitchless is offline
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Originally Posted by Brau
Those 2016 promised new mid zones
I'm not sure how you decided that mid level zones were promised in 2016. At the bottom of the original post in this thread it states:
"Note: Our goal is to have 4 of these completed each year (a total of x4.0), and your input helps us add to and prioritize the list. The multiplier after some items indicates the count as partial or multiple items due to difficulty."
Things on this list get prioritized and done at the above promised rate: 4.0 per year. Mid level zones are not promised and as of now are considered a very low priority vs. the others. Companions are our top priority right now.
Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
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04-27-2018, 12:46 PM
Hellvet is offline
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My votes in order of importance are:
1. pve tempers!
2. more trade slots
3. mid level zones.
TY Glitch! <3
04-27-2018, 12:59 PM
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ecnod is offline
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1 pve tempers
2 more trade slots
3 more pouches
04-29-2018, 02:14 AM
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Brau is offline
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
I'm not sure how you decided that mid level zones were promised in 2016. At the bottom of the original post in this thread it states:
"Note: Our goal is to have 4 of these completed each year (a total of x4.0), and your input helps us add to and prioritize the list. The multiplier after some items indicates the count as partial or multiple items due to difficulty."
Things on this list get prioritized and done at the above promised rate: 4.0 per year. Mid level zones are not promised and as of now are considered a very low priority vs. the others. Companions are our top priority right now.
Let me refresh your memory:
1. Mid zones were in the top 4 items for implementation, i think that was @ the third position in the initial list.
2. On first 3 pages of this post, you can see that almost everyone voted for mid zones, that item was in top 3 of community votes.
3. Crowdfunding started, i baked that project especially because of the mid zones (it end in infrastructure upgrades)
4. You added the client in the priority list due to having that as your goal.
5. Then you added Steam integration, having that as your personal goal (did it bring and retain 5 people in this game ?)
6. 2017 agenda was containing your preferences mostly, new clients which are underused mostly (hey community, please speak up if you really use that webgl client and if you use the mobile apps for actual farming).
I think i said everything!
Let the community choose what they want for 2018 by implementing some kind of selection of desired features.
Sorry for using "promised", what i really wanted to use was "chosen by the community"
Last edited by Brau; 04-29-2018 at 02:28 AM..
Reason: Indeed, not promised
04-29-2018, 06:52 AM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by ShadeDaScout
1.Travel companions
2.Pve tempers
3.More trade slots
Legendary quests...needs more info, because if it's gonna be another lvl 90 exclusive then no, but if it's for everyone then this is my No.1 above travel companions
It looks like Jeff is taking input from the community seeing how Shade put Travel Companions at the top of his list.
It may be more helpful to get behind this idea and help shape the implementation.
Glitch, is there anyway we could see some of the attributes you plan on attributing to our toons using these companions?
Possible Attributes:
1 Double the waight a toon can carry
2 The armer class of the companion can be used by the owner
3 A rabbit compassion that helps find veggies doubling the chance for T30's
4 A horse companion that quadruples the rate of the toon speed
Just a suggestion. If you don't like my ideas for compassions rather then tell me how bad they are add your new and better ideas! 
Last edited by Pale; 04-29-2018 at 06:54 AM..
04-29-2018, 06:59 AM
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Raidens is offline
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Originally Posted by Pale
It looks like Jeff is taking input from the community seeing how Shade put Travel Companions at the top of his list.
It may be more helpful to get behind this idea and help shape the implementation.
Glitch, is there anyway we could see some of the attributes you plan on attributing to our toons using these companions?
Possible Attributes:
1 Double the waight a toon can carry
2 The armer class of the companion can be used by the owner
3 A rabbit compassion that helps find veggies doubling the chance for T30's
4 A horse companion that quadruples the rate of the toon speed
Just a suggestion. If you don't like my ideas for compassions rather then tell me how bad they are add your new and better ideas! 
No support to possible attributes. Glitch has already given an idea of what they will do if you read above. NO need for resource gains, they are already easy enough to find. if YOU struggle to find them... try harder?  As for toon weight, it is already high enough, maybe 'try hard'er for that also? as for toon speed, 2x the speed is better imo.
04-29-2018, 08:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Pale
Possible Attributes:
1 Double the waight a toon can carry
2 The armer class of the companion can be used by the owner
3 A rabbit compassion that helps find veggies doubling the chance for T30's
4 A horse companion that quadruples the rate of the toon speed
1. Removes purpose of decumberance, weight of wisdom, and endure
2. Armor class on pets etc usually don?t and would probably not work
3. Doubling chance of finding t30s..... veggies is the game of the patient and wise, not for those who want them easy and want them handed to them, no support
4. Quadruples walking speed..... are you serious that makes rw x4 faster exp
Instead of suggesting tons of ideas with MAJOR easy buttons and game breaking exp and gains, maybe tone it back a bit, I honestly do not want to see nodiatis become easy button beyond belief. People worked hard to get their skills and not complain about resources, carry weight being hard to get.

04-29-2018, 02:29 PM
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Demons is offline
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pale your such a silly head
 fisherman avenger!
Originally Posted by Glitchless
The capacity to feel like an idiot is an indicator that you probably aren't one.
crushing |
04-29-2018, 03:28 PM
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crush buff? would rather have DPS buff then a stun... single pet crits are higher than unweighted 2h crush hits. 1h obvi not so great either
04-29-2018, 08:53 PM
Seer's BFF
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Dawl? If none of the above mentioned ideas meet with your approval what would u have them do?
04-30-2018, 08:14 AM
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Isn’t just my approval, it’s most of the people’s approval. The ideas are way too extreme of a buff and would take away the purpose of most skills

04-30-2018, 11:32 AM
Pharn is offline
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1. more trade slots
2. mid level zones
07-26-2018, 03:39 PM
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Brau is offline
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Please rename this thread to: Christmas 2018 Most Wanted ...
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