tips for new players
Old 10-20-2015, 02:58 PM   #1
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Smile tips for new players

1) Right click anywhere on the screen and click on account options. Then click 'disable auto stat cycling'. Melee/magic/defense/recovery stats all go to level 140. But at level 85 you can only have 340 stat points. This means you can only max 2 total. So choose your own setup based on your build.

2) was changed so no longer applies

3) At the start, get at least 1 healing gem. They are very important. 3 heal gems and 2 energy/mana replenish gems for longer fights.

4) Get wizardy to level 10 (found in the Psych Magic skill tree) regardless of class. This unlocks a second gem pouch that you can use for escaping so you can fill your first pouch without worries of not drawing escapes. When your first gem pouch is filled with gems, you will not draw any escape gems.

5) Nodiatis (often nod for short) has a very small community game so don't beg. Sure begging might get you some stuff at the beginning but can really hurt your rep long term if you persist. And with such a small community, reputation is important.

6) Like auras don't stack. ie r1 sloth and r2 lethargic. Both cast the same aura slow (sloth adds gem haste slow aura is difference). R2 leathergic slows melee/archery more so it'll cast first and if it's resisted then sloth will try. Same for beneficial. Some auras have similar effects and stack tho like sharpened steel r2 gives 5% melee haste and causes 15% damage bleeds while melee haste gives 6% melee haste.

7) Stacks can be broken up with Ctrl+click and entirely picked up by shift+click or double click. This is useful if you receive a high number stack of trophies.

8) Above the top row of trophies is the word LOOT. Clicking it will instantly loot all trophies to your inventory. They will not stack on their own though.

9) DO ALL YOUR QUESTS. Quests are 100% beneficial. They give the slow to acquire learning exp, gold (gold is kinda minor higher level you get tho..even the highest level quests in the game gives 5k.), and they give 15 minutes of rested time per quest you turn in. Be careful not to level up faster than you do your quests. Once you are four levels higher than the mob itself, you will no longer receive trophies, gold or experience for killing. You can still get kill quests done on lower level mobs but not collection.

10) Aura of lucidity is a great aura at low levels since it stops you from getting dazed. You can find it in the pet shop in various towns. Consult on which town has which rank you want. Keep in mind that you can only have one like gem in play until you get your Gem Handling skill up (found in the Psych Magic skill tree).

11) Don't get into crafting in general at low levels. Far from worth it. If you wanna do crafting do something simple like dyeing or brewing or uptiering potions and resources. Ask civil chat how to do simple forms of crafting.

12) Ask questions in civil if you need help on something. There is generally someone willing to help you out. Be careful about speaking in the uncivil channel as players can troll you without repercussions.

13) The URLs in my signature contain links to several threads that could help you on the subjects posted before the links.

14) if you get a time card use it for 28 days of standard. Premium isn't worth it til 85+. If you purchase using your own wallet, start off at 2 TCs for just $10. Use one for 28 days of standard time and sell the other one. As of the time of this post, they sell at 1,500,000 gold. The value fluctuates frequently though. Ask questions regarding the value in civil chat to reduce the possibility of someone attempting to scam you by buying it from you at much lower than the usual selling price.

15) PlayerKilling (on server1 at least) really isn't worth it so don't do it unless you enjoy the rush and don't mind some guy that put level 100 gear on a level 20 out of boredom is hunting to kill you.

16) Obey civil rules by not filter dodging. There is an uncivil channel to swear in so filter dodging just makes you risk getting civil bant which sucks and has no benefit. Unless you think it makes you look "cool".

17) Right click anywhere on the screen and click on interface options. This can let you shut off font colors if it hurts your eyes, sort damage so it doesn't just go up in a straight line, and do other customization

18) If someone annoys you you can type /i playername to ignore them. Type /i and hit enter to view ignore list, and /i playername to remove someone from ignore list.

19) /b playername to buddy someone. /d to go into dnd mode where no one can pm you or offer trade.

20) Type /a to turn afk on asap. then from now on when done in nod close tab instead of hitting logout. This will let you collect shared bliss while offline, keep your stuff on auction house while offline, and get you extra rested time at daily reset.

21) the level 0 quiver sold in first town is best quiver until the level 11 which is equal.

22) the faces on the right side of the screen above inventory/skill/logout buttons show who is on your local square. if you click on the word local at the top you can change how faces are sorted.

23) PETS ARE USEFUL TO EVERY BUILD. the first pet will either be dropped by a boss if you're lucky. if not it's sold in the third town t3 Fenelia. It's at the end of ashen trail and connected to T2 Stronhad via the trail. it's a level 10 rat. could be better to save your gold and get a level 12 rare turtle sold in the first town though. the first heal pet is the level 18 chipmunk sold in the 4th town Atlimus north from t2.

That's all I could think of ATM hope others will add their own

Last edited by Blaze; 08-03-2016 at 03:09 PM..
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Old 10-20-2015, 03:29 PM   #2
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Proofread balzenub's tips and edited it to make it easier to read in general, also added tips.
Praise the hindu gods!

Last edited by Soxson; 10-20-2015 at 11:16 PM..
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Old 10-20-2015, 05:07 PM   #3
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Old 10-20-2015, 08:31 PM   #4
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copy what i wrote and edit it over yours

I'll delete mine once you finish just for the sake of scrolling down
Praise the hindu gods!
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Old 10-20-2015, 08:50 PM   #5
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Old 10-24-2015, 05:17 AM   #6
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just another tip that might be worth mentioning is that you can turn off color fonts if it starts hurting your eyes to look at them, I know it was when I started.
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Old 10-24-2015, 12:47 PM   #7
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Old 10-25-2015, 05:00 AM   #8
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good ones actually, didn't know them myself haha , beside the last one, haha
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Old 10-25-2015, 10:40 AM   #9
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Old 10-27-2015, 09:03 PM   #10
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Old 09-14-2016, 11:56 AM   #11
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bump for a nub
Praise the hindu gods!
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Old 09-14-2016, 12:08 PM   #12
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:{ the tinyurl for this thread is in my siggy. coulda just gave them it. easier to find a recent post by me than this old thread
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Old 09-14-2016, 03:36 PM   #13
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He was already searching forums. Easier to hit new posts than to type out url
Praise the hindu gods!
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