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I need RARE (kinda but mostly unwanted) Epic Gem
Old 03-25-2015, 08:52 PM   #1
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Default I need RARE (kinda but mostly unwanted) Epic Gem

Please pass it along to others as well, I am looking for the gems/tps of Kremaltors, Cantrip of Doom, Scurriate, Kremalate Rank 10-14! Lower ones are a possibility too! Now if you want to dismantle the gem first and then just sell/give me the Master and you just gain the dusts, that is fine with me! These gems are mainly for me and I am taking a lost as it is dismantling them into masters to make it quicker to get more of them. Thankies in advance!

I currently have Cantrip of Doom Rank 13 master. (and so far its the prettiest gem in all of nod I think!!!)
Do I care if you hate me, do you wanna know the truth? c'est la vie, adios, good riddance, @#$% YOU! ┌∩┐(◕_◕)┌∩┐
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