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Old 09-17-2014, 12:49 PM   #41
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Old 09-17-2014, 04:30 PM   #42
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Hey Scrambles or other in same situation, if u are watching on TV and remote control is in your hand are u continued to watch or read on a boring channel ? lol
I hope all who are boring to read here, don't read anymore and do something adequately as burn or buying a TC to burn :P
Don't strugle to read this post. Please protect yourself lol

Old 09-17-2014, 06:26 PM   #43
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tv also has critics that are there to inform those behind the tv programs when to change things because the viewers are tired of what they see. consider me as a critic.

this nod soap was cute for like the first 5 hrs, but glitchy commented with a statement that shouldve ended this entire phoney pre-pubecent ordeal.

but instead of letting it go, you have been dragging it out not only in forums, but also in the game itself.

so my friend, sometimes is like apple, but other times is like orange and just need to sthu and enjoy your vitamin C.

Old 09-17-2014, 11:58 PM   #44
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Omg, you summed it all up Scrambles. :P Yeah, listen to him Fior and just shut up about this topic already.

Old 09-18-2014, 01:32 AM   #45
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is like orange.....mmm orange my want an orange now

Old 09-18-2014, 07:39 AM   #46
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Who in the world said that this game wasn't a dictatorship?!?!? I have been trying to figure out if I call Glitch just tater or that other word. EITHER way, I love this game, and just play by the rules. His game, His rules... deal with it. He doesn't seem to make rash decisions on banning people without proof. Just accept and move along.
... and I agree the crying on this thread is booooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiii iiiinnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg!

Old 10-06-2014, 12:58 PM   #47
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Scrambles Hey, you found something that regeneration is only for the physical body and not for the mind, right? Regeneration don't help you mentally, especially as evidence that at least you do not have anything mentally get hurt. Where there u have nothing to grow. So take your 4 letters and put them in your mouth and swallows.... As regenerer not to have too much trouble, maybe a little indigestion passes as you recover faster.
Mental not feel anything so do not worry.
And that clever to say something like "His game", "his rules", I'm glad I chose to play a game where the one who made the rules said Bann / squelched ppl and not said : kill ppl wich not obey. Would have been many heroes for breaking rules that were so.
However, Scrambles easily escape when going on the road and head hit of all the signs, but you others who sustain such a stup... idio... idea and are not regenerer think it will hurt bad everywhere when you get home.

So in short, it would be better if Glitch could justify their bann action to show us the log recorded that is in those accounts. I want to make them ashamed those who was banned, and me along with them, that i support them, and as a learning to not support my friends anymore.

Accounts sharing with no claim of damage for those who sharing seems to be tacitly accepted, but sharing accounts with damage for those who giving account, banning the one who caused the damage. If I understand correctly as long as i play the game.

Now ... we have the example of Bloodrain who took his Ubeisea accounts without them back. And one and the other had broken the rules, if sharing accounts is not allowed, but only Bloodrain can be banned now because one who owned Ubeisea account you can not anymore :P

From what I know, you've heard all the clans that i passed me and others, i believe that more then half or evem more of Nod game have given accounts of others, sharing them over a period of time, less or more, or just givving his accounts because they quit playing.

If you apply a penalty for one of these reasons, well it's normal that all those who did same things to receive the same punishment.

For how Bloodrain took account he deserves banning, but Glitch said is "counterproductive". His game, his rules. but these rules, from what I see, they have different and adjustable measure according to.. just do not know why... I could say that maybe that day lost to many moneys in a casino, his partner quit job, he was after a night party until morning and got up with a big headache from using multiple and different liquids... or simply a blind trust in those who have made a claim, without checking, because of urgent problems that should be had to solve in that time...

Again I say, well good to not have the death penalty if someone breaks the rules of the game's and i'm glad for only banned and squelched.

At that time I had heard speaking about people who were in the arena, in different tribes and it seems that even civil or uncivil as one of players they take the place of the other two players who can not be present at the arena rush at that time. And many have do that in many seasons of arena.
Hey, i heard that almost every day.

I played some games on the net, if someone use another player account that does have rules and is called "sitter". Well, here it is, those who use accounts of other people with their consent do the same thing : sittering. In the sense that they take care of the account, the burn RRT has been activated and not to lost because probably bought TC's with real money, aşso they keeps place in the arena to avoid losing and so on.

That's the role of sittering. And I do not know what happened just then, and just to the accounts of the arena, which received some complaints not materialized and without any evidence. I mean those complaints were made simply randomly or intentionally. Therefore, log of the accounts from that period will show exactly if Pedro, Costeak, Bucifal made those reasons have been banned or all complaints is just words of worms that are still stay in basket of good apple and trying to spoil others good apple.

So for a correct judgment please show the log who showing the fair judgment, on this occasion making them to be shame on all those who violated these rules.

And... for the future. for those who will be banned or squelched, to show printscreen's of text or action or log's of their accounts to showing the evident breaking the rules. This is to remove any doubt about the actions of / those that implement the verdict of SQUELCHED or BANNED.

So simple...
...is like apple.
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