akil abusive pms .... |
09-13-2014, 06:03 AM
Seer's BFF
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akil abusive pms ....
u see how he was happy to get a guy sqlech for almost nothing he just intelligently farmed him the other day and look at him today lol
i am doing long arena sesions recently to get points and have lost few very easy fights becuz of being afk not to only top teams but even to tauhti team we lost yesterday coz i was afk
good or bad whatever i am i am .....not going to change and not going to pretend <3 and i will never be intimidated by anyone ever !!!

be careful of those alpha nerds !!!
09-13-2014, 06:33 AM
Seer's BFF
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the way of apology -_-
good or bad whatever i am i am .....not going to change and not going to pretend <3 and i will never be intimidated by anyone ever !!!

be careful of those alpha nerds !!!
09-13-2014, 06:50 AM
Seer's BFF
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this is the last one that just came and prolly the last one i am posting ...
also not gona ignore him thats not my way but i wanted to inform that he started it and if he gets away with it i will do the same with him and than i hope there is no punishment for me aswell
good or bad whatever i am i am .....not going to change and not going to pretend <3 and i will never be intimidated by anyone ever !!!

be careful of those alpha nerds !!!
09-13-2014, 06:54 AM
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As far as I know, Leomar was breaking civil rules - I have not. I can post screenshots about you abusing me as well, but then it doesn't matter. Simply, because neither you or I have broken any rules this time, and none deserve a squelch, however if I do receive one, it's only justified that the other person gets one as well.
It will do you good Trojan, if you don't act like a kid and take things maturely and just grow up mentally.
09-13-2014, 07:00 AM
Seer's BFF
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DTC got civil banned for pming disturbing things to underage girl didn't he?
Originally Posted by Tale
thats prolly cuz u a blind serbian moron
Originally Posted by Brick
You'd be surprised how much Excellence helped me in arena, he carried me both seasons so I can't thank him enough for that
Originally Posted by King
ill admit ex is a real toon though... >_> god i'll never hear the end of my saying that
09-13-2014, 07:36 AM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by Akilthedestroyer
As far as I know, Leomar was breaking civil rules - I have not. I can post screenshots about you abusing me as well, but then it doesn't matter. Simply, because neither you or I have broken any rules this time, and none deserve a squelch, however if I do receive one, it's only justified that the other person gets one as well.
It will do you good Trojan, if you don't act like a kid and take things maturely and just grow up mentally.
if u dont get punished is ok with me it just means i have green signal to pm u sweet things aswell
and also how do u tell me to growup lol ur the one abusing me for being afk in arena and not only me bringing my mother into this which is hilarious and schoolboy thing she doesnt even know u exist in this world or there is this game called nodiatis
good or bad whatever i am i am .....not going to change and not going to pretend <3 and i will never be intimidated by anyone ever !!!

be careful of those alpha nerds !!!
09-13-2014, 07:50 AM
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I've talked to glitch about this before when a character kept pm'ing me nasty things. Glitch said that's what the ignore feature is for. As long as he isn't breaking the rules in /c hes fine tro. And imo YOU ALREADY KNEW THIS YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO MAKE SOMEONE LOOK BAD. Just because Akil was an a-hole in your opinion doesn't mean you have to do the same thing back. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind kinda thing, ya know?
09-13-2014, 08:00 AM
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I think you forgot to mention that YOU were the one to first bring MY mother into the conversation? Speak the truth, or get lost.
09-13-2014, 08:49 AM
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09-13-2014, 09:59 AM
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09-13-2014, 10:09 AM
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09-13-2014, 10:32 AM
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Trojan is only posting the responses not what he said to get the responses to begin with. It could very well be that trojan is saying things that are 10x worse and hiding them just to show the responses from akil. Or akil could be channeling his inner helzing. Either way there are no rules for pm, if you get someone ping you mean things, ignore them. If they continue to circumvent igrnore through other characters then they can get reprimanded.
09-13-2014, 10:51 AM
Seer's BFF
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i hardly pm peoples in nod...
first post says it all what happened and than doucheking apologizing
good or bad whatever i am i am .....not going to change and not going to pretend <3 and i will never be intimidated by anyone ever !!!

be careful of those alpha nerds !!!
09-13-2014, 10:59 AM
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I did abuse first, because I know Trojan was being real mature by holding me in arena, killing my team mates but not me... and even if I did remove all my armours pieces, his tank's level 10 crushers would not hit hard enough to end it soon.
09-13-2014, 11:03 AM
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Then your issue is not with trojan who was "afk". It is with the members of his team who WERE. Just because you have a beef with trojan doesn't mean you take it out on him. You said his tank was using the level 10 crusher, you could always pm him to use something else.....
09-13-2014, 11:08 AM
Seer's BFF
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I did.
I even asked him to change his weapons so that he can kill me faster. There was no reply, so I'm just thinking it was Trojan on Kensei as well. I even asked him (Kensei) nicely.
09-13-2014, 04:29 PM
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so is he squelched yet trojan cause if i recall i got a final warnign from glitch for pming skred ??? did anythignhappen to akiL
10-06-2014, 07:12 AM
Seer's BFF
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and he did came on s2 yesterday for no reason and started abusing me in pms lol with a toon named akeel >_>
good or bad whatever i am i am .....not going to change and not going to pretend <3 and i will never be intimidated by anyone ever !!!

be careful of those alpha nerds !!!
10-06-2014, 07:29 AM
Crab Defiler
Bhas is offline
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Leo was muted for his action. There were and are several people who got away with ame kind....
Anyway, I was reciever of abuse too (from Akil) and I never almost use abusive words against anyone. Taking out rage with pms, rarely promote the game spirit.
10-06-2014, 07:33 AM
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You know, you can simply ignore the person abusing you. Stop making it a big issue. Besides, you cannot clap with just one hand.
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