Dual Wield Delay |
08-24-2014, 11:32 PM
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killgore is offline
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Dual Wield Delay
Hello, anyone feel like crunching the numbers on this?
Wondering what the final delay would be in two different outcomes:
Dual Wield Skill is at 100
Weapon 1 - 26 Delay + 20% Melee Haste Bonus
Weapon 2 - 41 Delay
Tier One Aliangel BP : 9% Haste Bonus
Quicksteel Rune 4++
Scenario 1 : Sharpened Steel Rank 5 and all above benefits active, what the final delay would be.
Scenario 2: Sharpened Steel Rank 5 AND Weighted Steel Rank 5 both active, no upkeep failure and all above benefits active, what the delay would be.
The math I am using is bad I think, a very nice reward goes to the person who comes up with the Glitchless approved answer, thanks.
Last edited by killgore; 08-24-2014 at 11:38 PM..
08-24-2014, 11:37 PM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Originally Posted by killgore
Hello, anyone feel like crunching the numbers on this?
Wondering what the final delay would be in two different outcomes:
Dual Wield Skill is at 100
Weapon 1 - 26 Delay
Weapon 2 - 41 Delay
Quicksteel Rune 4++
Scenario 1 : Sharpened Steel Rank 5 and all above benefits active, what the final delay would be.
Scenario 2: Sharpened Steel Rank 5 AND Weighted Steel Rank 5 both active, no upkeep failure and all above benefits active, what the delay would be.
The math I am using is bad I think, a very nice reward goes to the person who comes up with the Glitchless approved answer, thanks.
Base Delay @ 100 dw:
(26 + 41) / 2
r4 QS = 8% haste
bp haste = 9%
and hammer = 20%
so 33.5 / 1.08 / 1.09 / 1.2 = 23.714 delay
Scenario 1: 23.714/1.08 = 21.98 delay (3.14 seconds)
Scenario 2: 21.98 delay / 0.55 = 39.923 delay (5.70 seconds)
Beet Da Brat
Last edited by beetdabrat; 08-24-2014 at 11:43 PM..
Reason: I am a dumbass lol
08-24-2014, 11:39 PM
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killgore is offline
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Originally Posted by beetdabrat
Base Delay @ 100 dw:
(26 + 41) / 2
r4 QS = 8% haste
so 38.5 / 1.08 = 35.648 delay
Scenario 1: 35.648/1.08 = 33 delay (4.714 seconds)
Scenario 2: 33 delay / 0.55 = 60 delay (8.57 deconds)
Sorry Beet, forgot to add hammer and BP hastes
08-24-2014, 11:43 PM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Updated my post
Beet Da Brat
08-24-2014, 11:47 PM
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killgore is offline
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That's exactly what I thought as well, I just monitored 1,000 fights from today. Using the same exact gear from above, delay on 1st scenario is 3.98 seconds and just under 7 seconds on scenario 2, almost right at 7 seconds. I came up with somewhere around 5.51 seconds is where it should be, but it seems to be way slow. I don't know, if Glitch can verify your math, pm me for a timecard, thank you!
08-25-2014, 12:03 AM
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beetdabrat is offline
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I wonder if the haste from the hammer is working since the numbers seem to be about 20% off. Could try to find another 26 delay uncommon or rare that doesn't have the bonus and see if it is the same timing.
Beet Da Brat
08-25-2014, 01:05 AM
Glitchless is offline
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Having trouble reconciling you saying Beet's numbers are exactly as you thought. Here is your original e-mail:
Hey Glitch, sorry to bother you, but I didn't want to bring this up
on the forums after the big stalking incident on the forums. I have
been actively keeping track of my delay while using two legendary
crushers, a Tomahammer and a Demon Eye Hellhammer. I have a tier 1
Aliangel BP and have 100 Dual Wield. While using a rank 5 sharpened
aura, no risk of failure, there is almost exactly 3.8 seconds between
attacks. When I run a sharpened AND a rank 5 weighted, the delay jumps
to 6.98 seconds, for the last 1,000 fights, just finished the
thousandth one. Is there something I am missing with the 45% delay increase from the weighted aura?
To answer the original question which was about weighted steel, it doesn't add 45% to the delay, it reduces speed by 45%, which means you divide by .55 (beet did that correctly), not multiply by 1.45. According to the numbers in your e-mail, your delay jumped from 3.8 to 6.98 which definitely suggests weighted steel is slowing you by the expected amount.
If you have concerns about any of the other specific haste effects, please try to narrow it down and identify the one you're worried about and test it specifically.
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08-25-2014, 01:12 AM
Glitchless is offline
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Beets math appears to be correct.
It's important to note, however, that the bonus from the Tomahammer will only come into effect after your second swing. The first swing increments your swing timer prior to the haste bonus triggering, so the time between your first and second swings and your future swings will be different. If you are going to measure your delay, you should only start after the second swing, then.
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08-25-2014, 10:47 AM
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killgore is offline
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All swings are the same, from the time I take the first one. As soon as I attack I begin a timer (to the best of my ability) and after the 1,000 fights tracked yesterday the delay was the same for all of them. I could not keep track of the fights where I was apoc'ed, and swings where I became stunned were disregarded. Beet came up with 3.14 with just a sharpened and 5.70 while running both auras. These are not my times, going to fight a bit again today to make double sure but something is missing. Thank you guys for your response, I really appreciate it! PM me in game Beet and I will trade you a timecard for your work.
08-25-2014, 03:36 PM
Glitchless is offline
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The client polls the server at regular intervals, and each swing you measure may be +/- a time near that interval off from the amount of time it actually took to swing. There is no truly accurate way for you to measure if your second and subsequent swings are truly 20% faster than your initial swing, but you have a good shot at determining a swing time based on averaging the swings past that point. Including the first swing will undoubtedly skew the results toward higher delays.
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08-25-2014, 03:51 PM
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killgore is offline
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At 642 fights for today and the average time AFTER my second swing, when the timer should be good to go and all benefits are active as the above posts mentioned is nearly 4 seconds. I don't know what else I can do here, just going to forget about it.
08-25-2014, 03:59 PM
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Scratch that, just used a different timekeeper and the delay is dead on, sorry to bug you all. Beet, if you read this hit me up in game for your tc, thanks again.
08-25-2014, 04:59 PM
Glitchless is offline
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Good to hear. Thanks for following up.
Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
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08-25-2014, 05:53 PM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Originally Posted by killgore
Scratch that, just used a different timekeeper and the delay is dead on, sorry to bug you all. Beet, if you read this hit me up in game for your tc, thanks again.
Yay I can still math
Beet Da Brat
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