Recastable DoTs and Heals
Old 06-29-2014, 07:57 PM   #1
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Default Recastable DoTs and Heals

We have one-time use and recastable DDs, but why not DoTs or Heals? Granted, damage done with recastable DoTs and HP healed with HoTs or one-time use heals would have to be brought down a bit to balance with the convenience of recasting (just like how one-time use DDs have higher damage than recastable ones, of the same rank of course), especially with the autocast patch, but I still think it'd be an interesting idea. Perhaps make them LG gems? Also, Flip had the idea of combing an Aura with DDs or DoTs, perhaps something similar to the proc on Release the Kraken, where, when hit, the mob gets an aura where it takes extra damage. If hit with the gem, mob will take more damage or if hit with DoT, perhaps there could be a slow aura. I don't know. Just thought it would be an interesting idea. Looking forward to what you all think.

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