Trophy Preservation and Trophy Quests.
Old 06-03-2008, 10:35 AM   #1
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Default Trophy Preservation and Trophy Quests.

Normally, selling trophies is a spotty business at best. Not many people are willing to trade gold for XP, and if they are, it's not always easy to catch them online and arrange a trade, be in the same town, etc.

So what if we could preserve our trophies against decay, but lower the amount of XP gained by a moderate amount, say 10-20%?

For example, I take Ash Scales (2200 xp), to an Embalmer NPC. I trade him the stack of Rat Ears for a stack of Preserved Ash Scales (1980 XP -- 495 each, a 10% reduction) which have a decay rate of 0% (or something small, like 5%). Now I can put them in storage and try to sell them without worrying about decay. The tradeoff of reducing the XP is so that you don't just automatically do this with all your trophies, and you'd get less money (since they're worth less XP), but don't have to worry about selling them on the day you got them.


Another idea along the same vein. Say there's a Collector NPC, who wants to collect trophies. Like the Seer, he knows where you should be killing stuff, so once per day, he'll send you out to smash the brains out of some defenseless animal and make off with its body parts. In exchange, he gives you some gold, and a new decay-proof trophy worth the same or slightly more XP.

For example, say I'm level 6. The Collector says "Go get me 5 Gargoyle Fangs." Several dead Gargoyle Guardians later, I return to Stronhad and hand him the fangs. He gives me a small gold reward (say 5g per level of monster for the trophies -- 30g in this case), and a "Carved Gargoyle Statue". This is a trophy with a 0% decay rate, and is worth 4500 XP (Like getting a bonus trophy, since it's 6 times the 750 for each gargoyle fang), and is usable for both combat and spirit.

Basically, it adds a little goal for you to do every day, a small bit of extra gold income, and the chance to get trophies that would be very valuable in trade (large XP, no decay, combat and spirit in one trophy), but since it's once per day, it's not something that would flood the game with stuff.
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Old 06-03-2008, 11:04 AM   #2
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both ideas sound very good to me as the decay rate is quite problematic when trying to sell trophies as if you set price too high it wont sell and would just decay so basically i hope that they will try to implement one or both of these ideas
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Old 06-03-2008, 11:11 AM   #3
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yeh they seem like good ideas

at least it give u something else to use trophies for say u didnt want to use them on an alter as u had the skills u wanted
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