Slow logout?
Old 08-31-2008, 11:03 AM   #1
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Default Slow logout?

I know the normal logout time is 10 seconds, so why am I getting this message?

"So, you have a pulse or are you a junkyard of meat and wire?"

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Old 08-31-2008, 02:17 PM   #2
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because you have to wait for 60 seconds after your last combat to log out.
The war is waged, the battles are fought, the Angels and the Demons vow that none shall be left standing. Compassion, never to be seen on the battlefield, one lone angel left standing at the battle's end, sword against her foes throat, tears in her eyes, for her fallen comrades and the slain enemies around her, staring into the eyes of the last demon, lowers her sword, a single act of compassion and mercy, never to be forgotten.
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Old 08-31-2008, 10:54 PM   #3
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I had not been in combat at the time, and the same glitch occured after I logged off and relogged in.
"So, you have a pulse or are you a junkyard of meat and wire?"

-The Crow

Disclaimer: I shall in no way, shape, or form be responsible for any butthurt you suffer when I put your stupidity on display. If you don't want to be mocked, then don't be an idiot.

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