Here is a list of good ideas that are already being considered for future additions. It's a good idea to check this list before submitting ideas to make sure your specific idea is not already planned:
-Public player profile pages
-Public clan profile pages
-Many more skills
-Downloadable version of the client w/ graphics pack
-Offline auctioning
-Spectating others' combat
-Periodic Random Competitive Quests
-Mounts for faster travel
-A PvP Arena System or Monthly competitions with in-game rewards or real cash prizes. These competitions will likely involve 1v1 and 3v3 combat.
-Clan battles where clans will compete in brawls of up to 30 vs 30 players.
Since we now able to offline auctioning with the last update, it would be better to move the "Offline Auctioning" idea to Completed section :3