12-22-2009, 02:57 PM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Improved Slice
80 Weaponry
Every point in this skill adds an additional 0.35% per level chance to execute a 60 damage over 60 second bleed when executing a critical hit with slash weapons.
This skill has a 0.1% per level chance of doing a 90 damage over 60 second bleed instead of the normal 60 over 60. Includes whips.
Improved Puncture
80 Weaponry
Every point in this skill adds an additional 0.2% per level chance to perform a poison bolt that has 5 bonus damage per level when performing a critical hit with piercing weapons.
Improved Smash
80 Weaponry
Every point in this skill has a 1% per level chance to add another second to the stun. It also adds 0.33% per level to the damage when doing a critical hit with crushing weapons.
Double Handed Double Attack
60 Weaponry
Every point in this skill adds an additional 0.15% per level chance to attack twice with a two handed weapon
including staves.
Beet Da Brat
Last edited by beetdabrat; 12-24-2009 at 12:59 AM..
12-24-2009, 11:27 PM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Advanced Hemorrhage
Level 60 Weaponry
Every point in this skill adds a 0.25% (0.66% with two handed weapons) chance of causing a minimum damage bleed over 20 seconds with unlimited stacking.
12-27-2009, 04:00 AM
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RogueTigeR is offline
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Great suggestions!!!
Originally Posted by beetdabrat
Improved Slice
80 Weaponry
Every point in this skill adds an additional 0.35% per level chance to execute a 60 damage over 60 second bleed when executing a critical hit with slash weapons.
This skill has a 0.1% per level chance of doing a 90 damage over 60 second bleed instead of the normal 60 over 60. Includes whips.
Improved Puncture
80 Weaponry
Every point in this skill adds an additional 0.2% per level chance to perform a poison bolt that has 5 bonus damage per level when performing a critical hit with piercing weapons.
Improved Smash
80 Weaponry
Every point in this skill has a 1% per level chance to add another second to the stun. It also adds 0.33% per level to the damage when doing a critical hit with crushing weapons.
Double Handed Double Attack
60 Weaponry
Every point in this skill adds an additional 0.15% per level chance to attack twice with a two handed weapon
including staves.
Beet Da Brat
Originally Posted by beetdabrat
Advanced Hemorrhage
Level 60 Weaponry
Every point in this skill adds a 0.25% (0.66% with two handed weapons) chance of causing a minimum damage bleed over 20 seconds with unlimited stacking.
12-29-2009, 08:17 AM
Woodspirit is offline
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Adventuring Skill
Treasury - every point in this skill provides a X% interest on any gold you have at the daily server reboot.
(the % could be a combination between: 1) your gold & 2) *number of total skills or total xp or **zone on the map where you are during the reboot).
01-08-2010, 05:50 AM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Level 20 Death Magic
Every point in this skill grants a 0.2% bonus to detrimental aura effects and
reduces the chance of resistance by 0.25% per point.
Level 60 Protection
every point in this skill grants a 1% + 0.04% per level chance to regenerate skill / 2 health over 10 seconds when attacked with melee, ranged, or direct damage.
Life Tap
Level 60 Archery
Every point in this skill grants a 33% chance that your arrow drains up to skill point damage and transfers it to your health.
Level 60 Weaponry
Every point in this skill grants a 0.15% chance of smashing the ground with a crushing weapon causing an earth quake that does double the weapons average damage (min + max over 2) and causes a 1 second daze (confusion from the earth quake). Does not include staves.
Hidden Power
Level 20 Death Magic
Every point in this skill causes you staff to fire off a random elemental projectile (red, blue, white, green, grey, black) that does the staves min damage with a 1% per point bonus doubling the damage at skill level 100
Level 40 Weaponry
Every point in this skill grants a 0.25% chance to lunge at your opponent. You impale them with your piercing weapons causing double minimum weapon damage and a 1 second stun (shock from being impaled XD).
Hack and Slash
Level 60 Weaponry
Every point in this skill grants a 0.2% chance to dice up your enemy for maximum weapon damage + a 1 second mesmerize (preoccupied with your fancy swordsmanship) when using slashing weapons.
Explosive Arrow
Level 60 Archery
Every point in this skill grants a 0.25% chance to shoot an explosive arrow that causes all targets to burn for 75 damage over 45 seconds (100 damage over 45 seconds on a single target).
Quick Draw
Level 40 Archery
Every Point in this skill increases you quivers haste and AC by .25% per level.
Beet Da Brat
Last edited by beetdabrat; 01-21-2010 at 06:19 AM..
01-08-2010, 11:25 PM
Boss Hunter
Revanche is offline
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Commune With Nature
Lvl 60 Life Magic
When dealt critical damage, every point in this skill gives you a .1% chance of regaining 1% per point of that damage over 30 seconds as long as you have a staff equipped, resulting in a 10% chance of a 100% recovery at a skill level of 100. This effect will not activate while you are already recovering hitpoints due to this effect.
Lvl 60 Psyche Magic
Due to your expertise in magiks, while you have a staff equipped, every point in this skill gives you a .15% chance of mesmerizing your opponent for 3 seconds when you deal critical direct damage. This skill will not activate if it is already in effect.
Alchemical Refinement
Lvl 20 Death Magic
Every point in this skill increases the effect of white direct damage gems by .3%. If you have a staff equipped it increases the effect of grey direct damage gems by .4% per point.
Tactical Assault
Lvl 40 Weponry Skill
Your level in this skill must at least equal your level in Parry to have any effect. Using advanced fighting techniques while auto-attacking, this skill gives you an up to 20% chance (depending on your combined DEX and AGI) to redirect critical hits back at your opponent, while stunning them for 3 seconds if successful. This does not include whips and staves. The effect of this skill is halved If you have a shield equipped.
Bum's Rush
Lvl 40 Archery Skill
When succesfully kiting, this skill provides an up to 30%chance (depending upon combined DEX and AGI) of rushing the opponent and jamming your arrow into their neck, dealing critical and bleeding damage over 10 seconds (based upon the arrows damage only) with unlimited stacking.
Lvl 60 Archery Skill
This skill will only take effect if is equal to or higher than your level in Bum's Rush. When you successfully bum rush your opponent, every point in this skill gives you a .3% chance of also stabbing them in the eyes with your bow, dealig minimum damage and stunning them for 5 seconds. This effect does not stack.
01-08-2010, 11:55 PM
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RogueTigeR is offline
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i likez tactical assault... should not need to be above parry thou.. maybe like DW it doesnt begin to take effect till u level it to lv 20 or someting
01-09-2010, 07:25 AM
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Psych Magic
Deep Thought:every point in this skill gives an extra 0.2% chance to gems not being resisted by mobs. *** This skill is PvE only
01-11-2010, 07:09 PM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Advanced Acumen
Level 80 Learning
Every point in this skill provides 0.25% per point exp bonus to all non stat skills while in a group. This skill can not go above your Group Acumen level.
01-12-2010, 04:59 PM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Since Archery needs some level 60 skills here are some that help archers and rangers
Rapid Fire
Level 60 Archery
Every point in this skill adds a 0.1% per level chance to cast a 10% 10 second range haste aura.
Bow Mastery
Level 60 Archery
Every point in this skill adds 0.25% per level to your max bow damage
Arrow Precision
Level 60 Archery
Every point in this skill adds 0.25% of the arrows average ((min + max) / 2) damage to the minimum arrow damage.
Last edited by beetdabrat; 01-17-2010 at 07:19 AM..
01-12-2010, 10:08 PM
Beet I love you hehe. Always thinking, always calculating, always being awesome , especially in BLOOD :P *Darkblackly* 
01-12-2010, 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Pasterqb
So you ask EVERY single player you see about all their skills? Seems very time consuming you must been on for days without logging off. Plus people never lie over the internet.
I'm sorry, I think I just LOL'd in my pants right there... My day consists of school work, studying, family drama, friend drama, and about 1-4 hours Nod time, IF that, hence having a year old account that is lvl 30.
But yeah, asking doesn't take that long unless they whip out a brb on your ass :P or dont know what you're talking about...
1) whats your slash?
2) damage?
1) slashing skill
2) oh!  its 17
besides, it really doesn't hurt to be social. :P
01-12-2010, 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by shadydingo
Beet I love you hehe. Always thinking, always calculating, always being awesome , especially in BLOOD :P *Darkblackly* 

Weaponry Skill |
01-13-2010, 02:49 AM
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RogueTigeR is offline
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Weaponry Skill
Mighty Swing: Every point in this skill increases attack speed by .5% for 2H weapons.
01-17-2010, 05:49 AM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Surprise Attack
Level 40 Archery
Every point in this skill provides a 0.15% chance to use your melee weapon(s) against or punch your target after your shot.
Beet Da Brat
Last edited by beetdabrat; 01-17-2010 at 07:21 AM..
01-18-2010, 05:33 AM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Stone Polisher
Level 60 Artistry
Every point in this skill grants a 0.2% chance of creating an enchantment that has 1.5x the effect. This skill must be set on active to work so that you don't accidentally make a stone you cant use.
Say you make +-30 stones with this skill you would have a chance to make a +-45 stone.
A +-15 +-15 would yield a +23 -23 +22 -22.
Beet Da Brat
01-18-2010, 06:14 AM
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thatperson is offline
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does glitchess ever even look at this thread? theres some great ideas here
Originally Posted by Glitchless
There are modifiers that alter drop chance when you go AFK based on what you do when gone. We will list them here: - Fix and eat a sandwich +15%
- Watch TV -5%
- Urinate +20%
- Finish your homework +10%
- Stand on your head for 5+ minutes +33%
We believe these are working as intended.
01-18-2010, 06:48 AM
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i hope so too... i totally agree
01-19-2010, 03:02 PM
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Relic is offline
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Beet always haz teh awesome ideas.
Love those archery skills and crafting skill Beet.
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