01-02-2011, 05:45 PM
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Migleyy is offline
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Infamous- lvl 20 Social Skill
Every point in this skill is represented by the number of people who ignore you. With 100 points in this skill, it means 100 people have "iggied" you.
01-06-2011, 06:30 PM
arkahn is offline
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Potion drinking :allows you to use potion same as potion making but saves you an artistry skill cause it could be in social skills.
The highest would determine what level pot you can use
01-09-2011, 02:03 AM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Innate Blessing
Level 60 Stats Skill
Every point in this skill raises the amount of every stat that maintains full effect by 1. Each point of a stat at 400 will give their full effect instead of 300 at 100 in this skill.
Hope I worded that right,
Beet Da Brat
01-15-2011, 12:06 AM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Homing Gems
Level 60 Psych Magic
You pour more energy and/or mana into your detrimental gems causing them to home in on the enemy. By doing this you increase the chance to hit by 0.2% per point but also increase the casting cost of the gems by 0.1% per point. The values are reversed if not using a staff.
Beet Da Brat
Last edited by beetdabrat; 01-15-2011 at 12:10 AM..
01-15-2011, 06:57 PM
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RogueTigeR is offline
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Originally Posted by beetdabrat
Innate Blessing
Level 60 Stats Skill
Every point in this skill raises the amount of every stat that maintains full effect by 1. Each point of a stat at 400 will give their full effect instead of 300 at 100 in this skill.
Hope I worded that right,
Beet Da Brat
please rephrase/give ex... i dun know how to read this
01-15-2011, 07:00 PM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Glitch said the amount of stat points you can get before they start getting penalized is 300 (300 str, 300 dex, 300 cnc, etc). For example you start getting less hp per Dur as you go higher than 300. This would raise the point at which that happens to 400 at 100 in the skill.
Beet Da Brat
01-15-2011, 07:19 PM
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RogueTigeR is offline
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kinda the opposite of vengeance:
Weaponry (80)
Top of Your Game: Every point in this skill raises melee damage by .25% per % of life you have in your HP bar. i.e. you at 100% HP.. melee dmg recieves 25% bonus, you at 60% HP, melee dmg recieves 15% bonus to dmg.
Weaponry (80)
Vigor/Zest: Every pt in this skill gives upto .25% haste to melee (.60% haste to 2h'ers), not including staffs or whips, depending on players hp%, opposite vengeance, and AGILITY!!!
I like skill 2 b/c there is currently no way for melee to increase speed, opposed to ranged and casters; I am treating DW skill more as a modifier of haste, it takes an initial penalty and skill reduces that penalty, does not give a boost. This skill would be very useful for shield users and slow 2h'ers. AND why I absolutely LOVE this skill is its focus on the AGI skill, which only makes sense, and is perhaps the most underused stat in this game now that REG has a handful of auras supporting it.
01-15-2011, 08:10 PM
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Conqueror is offline
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I like skill 2 b/c there is currently no way for melee to increase speed, opposed to ranged and casters; I am treating DW skill more as a modifier of haste, it takes an initial penalty and skill reduces that penalty, does not give a boost. This skill would be very useful for shield users and slow 2h'ers. AND why I absolutely LOVE this skill is its focus on the AGI skill, which only makes sense, and is perhaps the most underused stat in this game now that REG has a handful of auras supporting it.
The 88 archery set is the fastest archery set in the game.
1/1.36 * 34 = 25 is the delay of the 88 archery set.
The 81 slashers are faster and do more damage.
The 84 2 handed piercer is faster and also does more damage now.
The 89 crushers are faster and do more damage.
The only thing that ranged weapons have that melee weapons do not have is a ranged haste aura.
1/1.36 * 1/1.1 = 22.72 with a rank 5 ranged haste aura.
Archers that do use a ranged haste aura, generally use a rank 2 or a rank 3.
In essence, the melee weapons are still faster with an 85 in dual wield.
Quicksteel and Swiftarrow balance each other out.
Casters are an entirely different ball game all together.
Last edited by Conqueror; 01-15-2011 at 08:25 PM..
01-15-2011, 11:29 PM
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I do agree... maybe dw is fine w/ its speed increase w/ dw skill.... this was mainly aimed at shield and 2h users.... lets strike all dw users from use of this skill. skill should now read:
Weaponry (80)
Vigor/Zest: Every pt in this skill gives upto .25% haste to melee (.60% haste to 2h'ers), not including staffs, whips, or dw'ing meleers, depending on players hp%, opposite vengeance, and AGILITY!!!
01-16-2011, 01:55 AM
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Death Magic:
Compound Energy: Every pt in this skill considers all previous levels in Longevity and Everence when adding energy.
For example...as a meleer you get .15% energy per level in longevity...I believe this only takes into consideration your Pst and not current levels in Longevity and Everence. So at xx PST you haz 120 energy... but b/c of skills you really has 150 energy.. each level of Longevity gives (.15)x120 .... with this skill it would be (.15)x150
01-16-2011, 02:23 AM
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beetdabrat is offline
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100 base energy and compounding it that way would give 612,986 energy at 100 in all three skills... and thats at .15% per level longevity .5 would bring over 18 million energy.
Casters Rejoice?
Beet Da Brat
01-25-2011, 08:29 AM
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Weaponry (80)
Heart of a Tiger: Every level in this skill provides the vengeance skill to effect with 1% more HP at your disposal. At level 100 Vengeance will be at 100% at 40% of your HP. (assuming veng is at 100% at 20% HP)
02-01-2011, 08:40 AM
mylix is offline
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i am sry but i think they should change the fishing skill to let u stack up on the fishes u get cause this is the only skill u cannot stack the fishes it bites
02-01-2011, 09:29 AM
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Roeth is offline
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Originally Posted by mylix
i am sry but i think they should change the fishing skill to let u stack up on the fishes u get cause this is the only skill u cannot stack the fishes it bites
Sorry, but trapping (rodent parts) and hunting (carcasses) also don't stack
02-08-2011, 06:55 PM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Level 40 Stat
With this skill you take a heroic stance tricking creatures into thinking you're stronger than you actually are. Doing so gives you a 1 level bonus that affects what color the mobs are to you every 20 points. At level 85 and skill level 100 They would think you are level 90.
Level 80 Stat
With this skill you take a legendary stance tricking creatures into thinking you're stronger than you actually are. Doing so gives you a 1 level bonus that affects what color the mobs are to you every 10 points. At level 85 and skill level 100 They would think you are level 95. This skill stacks with Heroic and can give up to 15 bonus levels.
Beet Da Brat
Last edited by beetdabrat; 03-11-2011 at 06:42 PM..
02-09-2011, 06:53 PM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Level 60 Psych
Every point in this skill increases the chance to hit with Melee, Gems, Pets, and Archery by 0.1% per point.
Would give non casters another reason to use spirits and would help with farming/bosses.
Magic Satchel
Level 60 or 80 Adventuring
A satchel you can use to put your gear in. Every point in this skill reduces the weight of the gear in your unused Equipment Sets by 1%. At 100 in this skill only the set you are currently using increases your encumberance.
Beet Da Brat
Last edited by beetdabrat; 02-14-2011 at 04:22 AM..
Bonding |
02-14-2011, 04:25 AM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Level 60 Beast Mastery
This skill allows you to bond with your pets allowing you both to be more in tune with each other. This allows them to anticipate your commands and gives them a 0.25% haste per point.
Beet Da Brat
Crafting Skill |
02-14-2011, 11:42 AM
Temporarily Suspended
Ripple is offline
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Crafting Skill
Would be cool if we had a crafting skill that added perks to a crafted item. So if your crafting you could level a skill to add a % chance to add more stats or a skill to make the bonus on an epic item better.
Skill #1 Uncommon to Epic you could have X% chance to craft the item with extra stats .
Skill #2 Epic items only would have X% chance to have the special of the item enhanced. (ie. 17% chance to cause 10 damage Bleed would become an 18% chance or would become 15 damage.)
SKill #3 Epic items only have X% chance of having both skills apply. sorta like snake tongue.
03-08-2011, 08:38 PM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Level 60 Beast Mastery
Every point in this skill grants a 0.25% for whip users(0.15% for others one handed weapons) of your pets attacking when successfully striking with the weapon on that side. Two handed weapons have a 0.15% per point chance to cause either or both pets to attack. (would be like using two one handed weapons)
Beet Da Brat
Last edited by beetdabrat; 03-08-2011 at 09:37 PM..
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