02-23-2011, 11:06 AM
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02-24-2011, 01:42 AM
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Originally Posted by jaym
I have yet to see a post from you that adds anything of value. Stop trolling for +1's.
Aura of Implosion |
02-27-2011, 06:51 PM
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Aura of Implosion
Aura of Implosion
Rarity: Rare
Prereq: Grey Magic (20)
Gem Colour: Grey
Energy Cost: 0 Mana Cost: 0
Effective When in Play
Gem Shattering must target Aura of Implosion and has a 50% chance to stay in play after being targeted.
I think this gem is balanced because it still requires the cost of taking a aura slot to protect your other stay in play gems.
At its highest level I think this game is all about developing toons and strategies based around tight synergies, often involving aura's and stay in play gems. Gem shattering completely disrupts these kinds of synergies. Obviously you can run two of three of the same aura in slots 2-4, but is that really what we want in this game to mitigate gem shattering?
Aura of Implosion finds a good balance between gem shattering being relevant and a healthy part of the game and gem based strategies being stable.
11-17-2011, 11:56 AM
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Blessed Healing Aura
Every level grants back an amount of mana/energy when a heal gem is used
This can at most heal back the gem's cost
R1 (12 white magic) 5
R2 (30) 15
R3 (45) 25
R4 (62) 40
R5 (80) 60
R6 (100) 85
If you think it might fit, make the gem only available to staff users
12-28-2011, 03:40 AM
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Aura of Agony
Red Magic
Rank1(10): Grants a 1% increase to all physical damage including melee, ranged, and pet. 2 mana/energy upkeep every attack. Upkeep halved if autoattacking while dual wielding.
Rank2(15): Grants a 2% increase to all physical damage including melee, ranged, and pet. 4 mana/energy upkeep every attack. Upkeep halved if autoattacking while dual wielding.
Rank3(22): Grants a 3% increase to all physical damage including melee, ranged, and pet. 6 mana/energy upkeep every attack. Upkeep halved if autoattacking while dual wielding.
Rank4(30): Grants a 4% increase to all physical damage including melee, ranged, and pet. 8 mana/energy upkeep every attack. Upkeep halved if autoattacking while dual wielding.
Rank5(39): Grants a 5% increase to all physical damage including melee, ranged, and pet. 10 mana/energy upkeep every attack. Upkeep halved if autoattacking while dual wielding.
Rank6(49): Grants a 6% increase to all physical damage including melee, ranged, and pet. 12 mana/energy upkeep every attack. Upkeep halved if autoattacking while dual wielding.
Rank7(61): Grants a 7% increase to all physical damage including melee, ranged, and pet. 16 mana/energy upkeep every attack. Upkeep halved if autoattacking while dual wielding.
Rank8(75): Grants a 8% increase to all physical damage including melee, ranged, and pet. 20 mana/energy upkeep every attack. Upkeep halved if autoattacking while dual wielding.
Rank9(81): Grants a 10% increase to all physical damage including melee, ranged, and pet. 26 mana/energy upkeep every attack. Upkeep halved if autoattacking while dual wielding.
Rank10(98): Grants a 12% increase to all physical damage including melee, ranged, and pet. 40 mana/energy upkeep every attack. Upkeep halved if autoattacking while dual wielding.
Beet Da Brat
01-08-2012, 04:13 AM
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Heres My gem suggestions.
#1 Aura of magical penentration Rank X
Rarity: Rare
Gem color: Red
Mana cost X, energy cost X. (Or no upkeep costs)
Effective when in play
The wielder's spells ignore a portion of their enemy's Magic resistance, causing increased magic damage. Ignores X% of the target`s magical resistance.
#2 Avatar Rank X
Rarity: Rare
Gem color: Gray
Mana cost X, energy cost X.
One cast per draw
Makes You immune to all incoming magical damage for X seconds.
#3 Multicast Rank X
Rarity: Rare
Gem color: Blue
Mana cost X, energy cost X.
Effective when in play
The effect of the next active gem you cast will go off 3 times, but manergy costs will be trippled also.
#4 Mana Drain Rank X
Rarity: Uncommon
Gem color: Blue
Mana cost No, Energy cost X.
One cast per draw
Instantly steals X mana points from Your enemy target. (mana rephlenish to self only)
#5 Missing...
#6 Death Coil Rank X
Rarity: Uncommon
Gem color: Black
Mana cost: X, Energy cost No. (i suggest low mana cost)
One cast per Draw
Pays X Hit Points To damage the target enemy for 2.5*X damage.
(Good gem damage sourse for tankers)
#7 Purge Rank X
Rarity: Rare
Gem color: Gray
Mana cost X, energy cost X.
One cast per draw
Removes all positive buffs from the enemy target and makes it unable to receive any bonuses from gems auras for X seconds.
#8 Spike Shield Rank X
Rarity: Rare
Gem color: Gray
Mana cost X, energy cost X.
One cast per draw
Places a shield on self that returns 100% of any incoming damage back to the enemy for X seconds.
*Damage is returned as pure damage
*Returns any damage you take (after reductions) to the unit that dealt the damage (you still take the damage as well)
*Does not return damage that was caused by another Spike Shield
#9 Evasion Rank X
Rarity: Rare
Gem color: Gray
Mana cost X, energy cost X per 5 seconds.
One cast per draw
Causes X% of all opponents` attacks to miss. (Self effect only)
#10 Frenzy Rank X
Rarity: Epic
Gem color: Red
Mana cost X, energy cost X.
One cast per draw
Dramaticaly increases Your range and melee haste, but causes You to receive 20% more damage. Lasts X seconds. (This gem especially good for Vampires, cuz of their lifesteal)
#11 Oblivion Rank X
Rarity: Rare
Gem color: Blue
Mana cost X, energy cost X.
One cast per draw
Sends the user to the ethereal plane for a small period of time. Increases Your gem draw hatse by X% and gives physical damage immunity for X seconds, but renders You unable to attack and take 25% extra Magical Damage. (Helps fragile casters to avoid physical damage, especially good for Casters in Caster vs Physical damager duels/battles)
#12 Procast Rank X
Rarity: Rare
Gem color: Blue
Mana cost X, energy cost X.
One cast per draw
Removes all your current gems from play and instantly draws the same number of random gems from Your pouch.
#13 Reincarnation Rank X
Rarity: Legendary
Gem color: Gray
Mana cost X, energy cost X. (I suggest huge manergy costs)
Activates on death
When killed You will come back to life after 5 seconds delay time with 35% of Your life, mana and energy and with no gems in play. Will not revive if You do not have required mana and energy for this gem to be activated. (The fabled legendary gem of immortals, the result of work of the greatest enchanters of Nodiatis to find a way to prevent DEATH... blah, blah, blah :3) [Who wants to live forever? ;D]
#14 Judgement Rank X
Rarity: Legendary
Gem color: Red
Mana cost X, energy cost X. (I suggest huge manergy costs)
One cast per draw
Deals an average X to X damage to Your enemy target and instantly kills it if Its life is below 625 HP. [Cannot kill enemies under Vampires Grave and Tacticians CA damage immunity buff] (Legendary DD gem :P)
#15 Deadly Kiss Rank X (Another nice Dot gem)
Rarity: Legendary
Gem color: Black
Mana cost: X, Energy cost X.
One cast per draw
Places a curse on target enemy where Its health regeneration will be frozen and will shatter if Its fall close enough to death. HP freeze prevents most kinds of healing including those from CA and gems. Also deals minor X damage over X seconds. The damage is doubled if the targets life is lower than 40%, trippled if its HP is below 20% and instantly kills the enemy if damage suffered below 10% HP. [Cannot kill enemies under Vampires Grave and Tacticians CA damage immunity buff] (Legendary DoT gem!!!)
Last edited by Atropos; 01-08-2012 at 09:56 PM..
01-08-2012, 10:27 PM
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Tell me what do U think about my gems :3
01-08-2012, 10:40 PM
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One more crazy gem
#16 Suicide Rank X
Rarity: For Fun, mmm, well can be Rare or Epic also xD
Gem color: Black
Mana cost: X, Energy cost X.
One cast per draw
Instantly deals huge damage to yourself and all your enemies.  Harakiri!!! xD
*Damage counted as a DD damage, can be crited, tripplecasted etc xD
*Imagine Suicide gem + Reincarnation gem combo xD woooo!
Last edited by Atropos; 01-08-2012 at 10:43 PM..
01-10-2012, 09:28 PM
Seer's BFF
NoRemorse is offline
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some nice gems atropos altho your slogan reminds me of some1 blue ^^ who used to call: i will heal you to death
"Hit the lights" because we can always "Enter Sandman"
Life with "NoRemorse" till we hear "for whom the bell tolls"
Purpose of life: Be able to look in the mirror at the end of the day and be satisfied with it
01-15-2012, 07:28 AM
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#17 Etheral Form Rank X
Rarity: Rare
Gem color: Blue
Mana cost X, energy cost X. None
Effective while in play
Causes you to take X% less physical damage (pets, arrows etc), but makes You more vulnurable to magical damage by X%.
Usefull gem for casters in combats vs other non caster classes
01-22-2012, 02:43 AM
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#18 Sacrifice X
Rarity: Rare
Gem color: Black
Mana cost X, energy cost X.
One cast per draw
Consumes 75% of your current Hp, mana and energy to rervive a dead alied player. Revived ally will have their current amount of hit points, mana and energy set to the 75% of sacrified HP, mana and energy amount.
Last edited by Atropos; 01-22-2012 at 02:49 AM..
01-22-2012, 02:55 AM
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#19 Mana Shield Rank X
Rarity: Rare
Gem color: Blue
Mana cost None, energy cost None.
Effective while in play
Creates a shield that absorbs 50% of the incoming damage by using Your mana.
Rank 1 - Absorbs 0.75 damage per point of mana.
Rank 2 - Absorbs 1.25 damage per point of mana.
Rank 3 - Absorbs 1.5 damage per point of mana.
Rank 4 - Absorbs 2 damage per point of mana.
Rank 5 - Absorbs 2.25 damage per point of mana.
Absorbs damage before any damage reduction takes place, meaning that armor class will not reduce the amount of mana needed to absorb damage.
#20 Energy Shield Rank X
Rarity: Rare
Gem color: Green
Mana cost None, energy cost None.
Effective while in play
Creates a shield that absorbs 50% of the incoming damage by using Your Energy.
Rank 1 - Absorbs 0.75 damage per point of Energy.
Rank 2 - Absorbs 1.25 damage per point of Energy.
Rank 3 - Absorbs 1.5 damage per point of Energy.
Rank 4 - Absorbs 2 damage per point of Energy.
Rank 5 - Absorbs 2.25 damage per point of Energy.
Absorbs damage before any damage reduction takes place, meaning that armor class will not reduce the amount of Energy needed to absorb damage.
Usefull for characters with huge mana or energy pools, such as Priests, paladins and other mostly caster classes <3
Last edited by Atropos; 01-22-2012 at 03:02 AM..
01-22-2012, 03:09 AM
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#21 Command Aura X
Rarity: Epic
Gem color: Red
Mana cost X, energy cost X. for every 5 seconds
Effective while in play
An aura that gives all ally in the group X% max bonus damage to all their non DD attacks.
Last edited by Atropos; 01-22-2012 at 03:20 AM..
01-30-2012, 01:17 PM
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Mnemonic - Blue - Rare - Sold in Stores - Once per Draw
When drawn, it automatically draws the first available gem in your pouch immediately before it.
If you place more than 1 Mnemonic together, wichever Mnemonic is drawn will always get you the gem before those Mnemonic.
Example #1:
Candleburn, Mnemonic, Mnemonic, Mnemonic. -> If you draw the 3rd Mnemonic, it will make you draw the second Mnemonic, wich will make you draw the first Mnemonic, wich will make you draw Candleburn.
Issues #1:
What happens after Candleburn gets drawn?
A: The "linked" Mnemonic will keep searching backwards until it finds something it can draw.
Example #2:
Burnskin, Candleburn, Mnemonic, Mnemonic, Mnemonic -> Any Mnemonic you draw while Candleburn is in play (thus unavailable) will make you draw Burnskin instead.
Issue #2:
What if you place Mnemonic in the first slot, or all gems before the Mnemonic are already drawn?
A: The Mnemonic will keep searching "backwards", starting from the last gem in the pouch.
Wards and Guards
Ward: prevents completely 1 effect type, but triples the rest.
Guard: prevents up to X total damage of 1 effect type, but doubles the rest.
Crimson Ward: Ends when you are hit by a harmful Red, Blue or White effect. Nullifies the next harmful Red effect aimed at you, but triples the next harmful Blue or White effect aimed at you. (Red vs Blue & White)
Crimson Guard: Reduces up to 10 damage from harmful Red effects for 10 seconds, but doubles damage taken from harmful Blue or White effects. (Red vs Blue & White)
- Black vs White & Green (Ebon)
- Blue vs Red & Green (Azure)
- White vs Red & Black (Ivory)
- Red vs Blue & White (Crimson)
- Green vs Blue & Black (Veridian)
Wards against Grey magic would have 1 weakness, and there would be a version for each weakness:
- Grey vs Red (Ash)
- Grey vs Black (Dust)
- Grey vs Green (Smoke)
- Grey vs White (Cloud)
- Grey vs Blue (Mist)
Last edited by Nurvus; 01-30-2012 at 01:23 PM..
02-27-2012, 10:09 AM
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flight - increase evasion vs melee attacks
05-07-2012, 05:50 PM
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Mana Cost-5 Energy Cost-5
Gives an extra 10% chance of successfully landing an attack. Upkeep every 5 seconds.
05-29-2012, 11:26 PM
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Reflex Aura
Grey Magic
10 Mana/10 Energy Upkeep every 10 seconds.
When put into play this gem is in cool down. When the cool down is over this aura causes you to swing your weapon(s). It has a 0% chance to remain in play. 15 second cool down if used with weighted steel aura. Only one may be used at a time.
18 Mana/18 Energy Upkeep every 10 seconds.
When put into play this gem is in cool down. When the cool down is over this aura causes you to swing your weapon(s). It has a 10% chance to remain in play. 15 second cool down if used with weighted steel aura. Only one may be used at a time.
14 Mana/25 Energy Upkeep every 10 seconds.
When put into play this gem is in cool down. When the cool down is over this aura causes you to swing your weapon(s). It has a 20% chance to remain in play. 15 second cool down if used with weighted steel aura. Only one may be used at a time.
33 Mana/33 Energy Upkeep every 10 seconds.
When put into play this gem is in cool down. When the cool down is over this aura causes you to swing your weapon(s). It has a 30% chance to remain in play. 15 second cool down if used with weighted steel aura. Only one may be used at a time.
42 Mana/42 Energy Upkeep every 10 seconds.
When put into play this gem is in cool down. When the cool down is over this aura causes you to swing your weapon(s). It has a 40% chance to remain in play. 15 second cool down if used with weighted steel aura. Only one may be used at a time.
55 Mana/55 Energy Upkeep every 10 seconds.
When put into play this gem is in cool down. When the cool down is over this aura causes you to swing your weapon(s). It has a 50% chance to remain in play. 15 second cool down if used with weighted steel aura. Only one may be used at a time.
67 Mana/67 Energy Upkeep every 10 seconds.
When put into play this gem is in cool down. When the cool down is over this aura causes you to swing your weapon(s). It has a 60% chance to remain in play. 15 second cool down if used with weighted steel aura. Only one may be used at a time.
75 Mana/75 Energy Upkeep every 10 seconds.
When put into play this gem is in cool down. When the cool down is over this aura causes you to swing your weapon(s). It has a 70% chance to remain in play. 15 second cool down if used with weighted steel aura. Only one may be used at a time.
85 Mana/85 Energy Upkeep every 10 seconds.
When put into play this gem is in cool down. When the cool down is over this aura causes you to swing your weapon(s). It has a 80% chance to remain in play. 15 second cool down if used with weighted steel aura. Only one may be used at a time.
100 Mana/100 Energy Upkeep every 10 seconds.
When put into play this gem is in cool down. When the cool down is over this aura causes you to swing your weapon(s). It has a 90% chance to remain in play. 15 second cool down if used with weighted steel aura. Only one may be used at a time.
Upkeep is still every 10 seconds.
Beet Da Brat
Last edited by beetdabrat; 05-29-2012 at 11:39 PM..
06-08-2012, 07:30 PM
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Aura Overtime
red magic
level 99
energy cost:30
mana cost:30
applies a burning effect to your enemy for 400 over 5 seconds every 5 seconds. Cannot stack with other aura overtime gems.
(can only be obtained by drops and they come sb)
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