12-14-2013, 10:55 AM
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Rarity: Epic
Color: Grey
Target: All players in combat
Type: Aura
No upkeep cost
Reduces effectiveness of all group based aura gems in play by half.
12-14-2013, 10:57 AM
Boss Hunter
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A bit overkill
12-14-2013, 11:09 AM
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01-05-2014, 01:09 PM
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Amplified Mortality Aura
Rarity: Epic
Color: Black
No Upkeep cost
Increases damage taken for everyone in combat by 10%.
this gem was suggested before, but since this one may affect pve also, next one may help fasten arena fights.
Last edited by Atropos; 01-05-2014 at 01:22 PM..
01-05-2014, 01:19 PM
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Doom Aura
Rarity: Legendary
Color: Red
No Upkeep cost
Increases player source based damage taken by 15%. Affects all living targets in combat.
Last edited by Atropos; 01-05-2014 at 01:45 PM..
01-05-2014, 01:37 PM
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Rarity: Epic
Color: Grey
Target: Enemies
Type: Aura
No upkeep cost
Reduces effectiveness of aura gems in play by 20%.
Rarity: Epic
Color: Blue
Target: Self, Allies
Type: Aura
No upkeep cost
Increases effectiveness of aura gems in play by 20%.
Last edited by Atropos; 01-05-2014 at 01:47 PM..
01-30-2014, 03:34 AM
Auction Master
beetdabrat is offline
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Volcanic Eruption
Legendary Aura
Level 100 Red
Mana: 0
Energy: 0
This gem increases maximum direct gem damage by 250.
+1 max damage per tier.
Kiss of Embers R21
Legendary Recastable DD
Level 100 Red
Mana: 552
Energy: 0
1-1135 damage +1 max damage per tier
Lavaburst R21
Legendary DD
Level 100 Red
Mana: 482
Energy: 0
1 - 1208 damage +1 max damage per tier
Lavaflow R21
Legendary DD
Level 100 Red
Mana: 530
Energy: 0
1 - 824 damage to all +1 max damage per tier
Combustion R21
Legendary Dot
Level 100 Red
Mana: 450
Energy: 36
700/10 damage + 2 damage per tier
Do Unto R8
Legendary Support Gem
Level 100 Red
Mana: 55
Energy: 20
99% mirror +1% chance to stay in play per tier
I just started with red gems to give an idea of how to go about legendary gems XD
07-12-2014, 11:11 PM
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Guardian's Presence Aura
Color: Blue
This gem places a 20% damage mitigation aura on your team, but causes you to take 40% more damage.
Superior Stun
Cost: 10,000,000
Rarity: Legendary
Sold in Faar
Color: Blue
Stuns your target for 2 seconds. Has a 90% chance to ignore Stun resist aura effects.
Superior Mesmerize
Cost: 10,000,000
Rarity: Legendary
Sold in Faar
Color: Blue
Mes your target for 3 seconds. Has a 90% chance to ignore Mes resist aura effects.
Superior Daze
Cost: 10,000,000
Rarity: Legendary
Sold in Faar
Color: Blue
Dazes your target for 4 seconds. Has a 90% chance to ignore Daze resist aura effects.
Time Break
Rarity: Legendary
Color: Blue
Mana: 875 Energy: 875
Stuns all players in combat, including yourself and allied targets for 5 Seconds. Ignores stun resist auras.
Last edited by Atropos; 07-12-2014 at 11:22 PM..
07-12-2014, 11:22 PM
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Unfading Veil
Rarity: Legendary
Color: Grey
Increases amount of non fading absorb damage absorbtion shield placed on you by 20% and Stops all Fading damage absorb shield barriers pending on you from fading. Affected by Gem handing as an aura gem. Igores Upkeep cost.
07-12-2014, 11:33 PM
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Devilish Aura
Color: Red
Increases Your direct damage output by 25%, but reduces health regeneration and any healing effects on you by 75%. No Upkeep cost.
Last edited by Atropos; 07-13-2014 at 12:02 AM..
07-12-2014, 11:42 PM
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Rarity: Legendary
Color: Blue
Recastable 1 second Cooldown.
Mana: 150 Energy: 150
Resets cooldowns of all recast-able and continuous gems in play
Last edited by Atropos; 07-12-2014 at 11:59 PM..
07-12-2014, 11:55 PM
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Spell Shield
Rarity: Epic
Color: Grey
Continuous 9 second Cooldown.
Mana: 50 Energy: 50
When castable automaticaly prevents a single detrimental gem cast on you.
Last edited by Atropos; 07-12-2014 at 11:59 PM..
07-13-2014, 09:26 AM
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Sticky Multiplicator
Rarity: Legendary
Color: Black
Active when in play
Mana: 0 Energy: 0
Reduces your gem draw haste speed by 15% and causes anyone who attacks you with a direct attack to immediately draw this gem.
Last edited by Atropos; 07-13-2014 at 09:30 AM..
07-16-2014, 05:53 PM
Auction Master
beetdabrat is offline
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Aura of Pain
Black Magic
Rank 1
Level: 25
mana: 7
energy: 7
2% more attack damage. Includes melee, ranged, pet, and direct. This aura will stack with broadhead. Upkeep every 5 seconds.
Rank 2
Level: 40
mana: 12
energy: 12
4% more attack damage. Includes melee, ranged, pet, and direct. This aura will stack with broadhead. Upkeep every 5 seconds.
Rank 3
Level: 55
mana: 17
energy: 17
6% more attack damage. Includes melee, ranged, pet, and direct. This aura will stack with broadhead. Upkeep every 5 seconds.
Rank 4
Level: 70
mana: 25
energy: 25
8% more attack damage. Includes melee, ranged, pet, and direct. This aura will stack with broadhead. Upkeep every 5 seconds.
Rank 5
Level: 85
mana: 40
energy: 40
10% more attack damage. Includes melee, ranged, pet, and direct. This aura will stack with broadhead. Upkeep every 5 seconds.
Beet Da Brat
01-30-2015, 06:48 PM
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Rigorous Aura
Grey Magic
Rank 1
Level: 40
mana: 5
energy: 5
A 2% chance to hit bonus on all attacks and all detrimental non direct damage gems have a 2% chance of not being resisted. Upkeep every 5 seconds.
Rank 2
Level: 55
mana: 10
energy: 10
A 4% chance to hit bonus on all attacks and all detrimental non direct damage gems have a 4% chance of not being resisted. Upkeep every 5 seconds.
Rank 3
Level: 70
mana: 15
energy: 15
A 6% chance to hit bonus on all attacks and all detrimental non direct damage gems have a 6% chance of not being resisted. Upkeep every 5 seconds.
Rank 4
Level: 85
mana: 25
energy: 25
A 9% chance to hit bonus on all attacks and all detrimental non direct damage gems have a 9% chance of not being resisted. Upkeep every 5 seconds.
Rank 5
Level: 100
mana: 35
energy: 35
A 12% chance to hit bonus on all attacks and all detrimental non direct damage gems have a 12% chance of not being resisted. Upkeep every 5 seconds.
Rank 6
Level 100 Legendary
mana: 50
energy: 50
A 16% chance to hit bonus on all attacks and all detrimental non direct damage gems have a 16% chance of not being resisted. Upkeep every 5 seconds.
03-20-2015, 12:49 AM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Unphased Aura
Blue Magic
Level 100
Mana: 25
Energy: 25
No fail upkeep that removes the gem upon lack of energy or mana. (Makes the stay in play 0% if it fails but still immunizes you.)
Makes you immune to the next mes, daze or stun with a 95% chance to stay in play. Upkeep cost every 5 seconds.
Last edited by beetdabrat; 04-29-2015 at 01:55 PM..
04-29-2015, 01:53 PM
Auction Master
beetdabrat is offline
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Chain Strike Aura
Legendary Grey
Gives an aura that has a X% chance to cause multi attacks including melee, pet and direct damage.
Prereq: 30
Upkeep: 7/7
Prereq: 46
Upkeep: 14/14
Prereq: 64
Upkeep: 22/22
Prereq: 83
Upkeep: 31/31
Prereq: 100
Upkeep: 41/41
Waver Aura
Legendary Grey
Casts an aura that makes any of your non direct damage detrimental gems unable to be resisted by X%.
Prereq: 30
Upkeep 5/5
Prereq: 46
Upkeep 11/11
Prereq: 64
Upkeep 18/18
Prereq: 83
Upkeep 27/27
Prereq: 100
Upkeep 37/37
Beet Da Brat
07-08-2015, 06:44 AM
Gem Pouch Expert
devil is offline
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Whisper of doom
color black
level 100
upkeep 50 mana
This detremential aura increases all damage taken by the target by 10%
Aura of confusion
color black
level 100
upkeep 50 mana
This detremential aura reduces target hit chance by 10% for all attacks
Staggering aura
color black
level 100
upkeep 50 energy
This detremential aura reduces target damage dealt by 10% this effects all attacks and damage over time effects
cost could be whatever as these would be drops only and would have to be crafted or got by a drop, with all the new benefical auras being introduced lately i think its time for some detremential auras to be released
07-22-2015, 12:27 AM
Boss Hunter
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Stat Enhancement
Prereq: White Magic (100)
Gem Colour: White
Energy Cost: 0 Mana Cost: 0
One Cast Per Draw
This gem when cast increases all stats (Increases in Mana, Energy, or Health will be recovered) of a friendly player by 5%. This gem can only be drawn once per battle and the effect lasts for 5 seconds. This gem cannot be cast upon yourself.
07-22-2015, 12:34 AM
Boss Hunter
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Mana Regeneration
Blue Magic (70)
Energy Cost: 50 Mana Cost:0
This gem increases your mre stat by 100 as long as it is in play. This gem also drains your hp by 100 every five seconds. This gem is affected by Gem Handling as if it were an aura and also has a no-fail upkeep until you die.
Energy Regeneration
Green Magic (70)
Energy Cost:0 Mana Cost: 50
This gem increases your pre stat by 100 as long as it is in play. This gem also drains your hp by 100 every five seconds. This gem is affected by Gem Handling as if it were an aura and also has a no-fail upkeep until you die.
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