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Some new ideas for character developement.
Old 06-01-2008, 07:06 PM   #1
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Default Some new ideas for character developement.

On the old forums jeff posted a query asking for suggestions for 20+ skills for archers, and i just thought it would be a neat idea to have one for vampires, probably because they are the most underestimated class in the game.

I believe that vampires could be a strong contender to be a great class, like the archer (which is easily apparent if you've ever had an archer or partied with one, they dominate).

With this is mind I notice specialized skills like 3 different types of magic, and beast mastery, and I think to myself: Why is there no speciality skill called "Vampyrism".

Under this skill set you could have such neato skills (which vampires and only vampires will receive a bonus in . ie class enhancement raising would be a key factor in maximizing the potential of a true vampire.) as;

1. Mind echo : gives the vampire a natural 10% chance of paralyzing the enemy in fear for 1-3 ticks (the mobs natural attack timing) . every 5 skills in this point could raise the 10% by a factor of 1% for a maxed percent of 30 when skill reaches 100.

2. Reflection: every skill in this gives the vampire a slight chance to reflect the mobs attack be it magic or direct damage. ie. rock scorpion hits vampire for 20 and instead of vampire taking 20 dmg the rock scorpion does. ( kinda like riposte for warrior classes)

3. Life drain: every 5 points in this skill adds 5 energy (to the default of 5 energy) that can be stolen from a mob. ie. mob has 25 energy, your skill in life drain is 15, you are able to steal 20 energy from the mob, leaving him with only 5 energy and effectively stopping him from multi magic attacks. at maxed 100 the vampire will be able to steal or drain 105 energy from enemy.

4. Essence drain: same as above but with mana.

5. Death gaze: (20+ skill) every point in this skill gives the vampire a 1.5 %chance to destroy a grey enemy with single look. ie upon entering a grey battle with the vampire, the grey mob will drop dead. maxed this skill will give the vampire a 150% of oblitherating a grey enemy. (effect only when crushing weapon equipped)

6. Confusion: (20+ skill) every point in this skill increases the chance of the vampire confusing the enemy and the enemy targetting themself.

7. Rapid leech: every point in this skill increases the amount of hitpoints vampires leech off of the enemy by a factor 1.5.

8. Vampyric Strength: k so vampires are known for their inhuman feats of strength, so why not give them a skill which gives them a higher unmodded strength by a factor of 2 when maxed? ie. str = 124(unmodded), with Vampyric Strength at 100, str now = 248. With Vampyric Strength at 50, str will = 186

9. Evade: vampires are creatures of the night that dwell in the shadows and prey on the innocent and misfortuned. so why would they just stand around and let an enemy attack them. every point in this skill gives the vampire a 0.4% chance of evading being the target of an enemy while in a party. At maxed the evade percentage will be 40%.

hrmm well thats all I can think of for now, let me know what you think Jeff.
Will post more if i happen upon some neato ideas. Feedback from everyone is appreciated as well.

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Old 06-01-2008, 07:26 PM   #2
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the one thing is everyone will have access to those skills making vampires lose their uniqueness within nod unless there is a class tweak too boost the skills? other than that those skills would make everyone way over powering vs npcs not that they are really all that hard to beat currently.
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Old 06-01-2008, 09:19 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Decker
the one thing is everyone will have access to those skills making vampires lose their uniqueness within nod unless there is a class tweak too boost the skills? other than that those skills would make everyone way over powering vs npcs not that they are really all that hard to beat currently.

yes a class tweak was mentioned.... the whole part about class enhancement, those boost the stuff under class description in the skills window. I mentioned briefly that vampires would need a change there.

Firstly, it wouldnt make everyone overpowering as in most of the skills i specifically said effect a vampire, therefore if you arent a vampire , raising these skills would be pointless and moot, which would keep the vampires uniqueness.

secondly the only skill i listed there that would give the vampires an advantage would be the one that auto kills GREY mobs (death gaze), we dont get exp off these anyways, so having a vampire on your team would be useful for this skill alone and it wouldnt create that much of an advantage as most archers can 1 hit grey mobs anyways, i see this as a chance to balance the classes out whereas archers arent the top of the food chain.

by npcs i assume you mean mobs, does that include bosses as well? i still dont feel by giving vampires their own skill set, that mobs will be any easier or harder. i just think vampires need some depth and character, otherwise they will be as useless as the troll class on rwk.

almost every class on nod has its own special skill set, class bonuses or abilities that make it a good class, except for the vampire which just gets a leeching ability based on melee dmg.

I stand by my ideas, and if anyone has any better ideas feel free to post them.

thanks for the feedback troy

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Old 06-03-2008, 01:03 PM   #4
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well it might be interesting to see some unique vampire boosting skills but some of it might be reduce the good things that already are there about the vampire
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Old 06-06-2008, 10:21 PM   #5
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let me know what you think jeff

also troy and i discussed how some of those skills would be better as STAT skills

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Old 06-06-2008, 10:24 PM   #6
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stat skill 'if' you're a vamp
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Old 06-06-2008, 10:31 PM   #7
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yes troy, if, like companionship for beast masters.

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Old 06-06-2008, 11:19 PM   #8
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I think the idea of vampires having their own skill set is a good idea at first.

But then I start thinking well...shouldn't all the other classes have their own skill sets too?

Then I think well, some do. Archers and beastmasters, namely. But these sets can be used by everybody.

The problem I am running into with this line of thinking is where would you draw the line between the skill sets that can be shared (as all of them are now, which I think is good) and the class-specific skill sets.

Other than that, I could give you tons of vampire skill suggestions, but I don't know how feasible it would be to balance every other class in comparison.
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Old 06-07-2008, 05:47 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Somneil

But then I start thinking well...shouldn't all the other classes have their own skill sets too?

Then I think well, some do. Archers and beastmasters, namely. But these sets can be used by everybody.

The problem I am running into with this line of thinking is where would you draw the line between the skill sets that can be shared (as all of them are now, which I think is good) and the class-specific skill sets.
i like this point archers, weapon masters, advetures , spell casters , crafters all sort of have there own skills that can be raised by everyone

but i think maybe a vampire skill section might be an idea as they seem to be the only class without there own skill section

though if this would ruin the vampires uniqness who knows

but without it they would probably not be as good as they could be say

they ahd skills
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Old 06-07-2008, 06:07 AM   #10
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well as i hear it currently vampires are forced into being primarily melee only at the moment to get there heal bonus so they couldnt choose to use for example archery which i hear deals great damage and would probably make there bonus more effective
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Old 06-07-2008, 06:12 AM   #11
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ohh i did not know tht

hmm then they defo should have there own skill xD

or at least something tht boosts the melee damage

as weapons dont do tht much
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Old 06-07-2008, 06:15 AM   #12
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well im not 100% sure but thats just from what i heard
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Old 06-07-2008, 11:58 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by doctor-warlord
well im not 100% sure but thats just from what i heard
you're 100% correct, vampires can only use melee attacks if they want to effectively implement their leeching skill.

as i've explain in shout many times, guess i should have added it but to be quite frank, im lazy, anyways, beast masters have this taming skill that can only be implemented by using a whip, while other classes can use a whip to gain this skill, it wouldnt benefit them in the least. for example , if a warrior decided to use a whip, they would be limiting the extreme dmg potiential they get off of using lets say a crushing weapon. same with archers, if they equip a whip they suffer a 15% delay to their archery, seems like a total waste to me just to gain a little bonus in healing pets. But, at the same time , beast masters have a skill called ferocity which has no class specific limitations, so everyone can utilize it with no penalities, they just wont get the class bonus that beast masters get, big deal.
now even though im asking for a seperate skill set for vampires, i realize that this would make them too powerful if all the skills were for strictly vampires only. so while bantering with troy in shout about it, we came to the agreement that some of the skills could be learning skills that can only be used "if" you're a vampire, while most of the other skills could be utilized by every other class, thereby balancing. I still believe that vampires need their own skills that no one else can implement though, as vampires are one of the more lacking classes in bonuses , etc.

hope this cleared some questions up, and if necessary i'll go edit first post displaying which ones are for stat, which ones are strictly vampire skills and which ones can by used by all. let me know what y'all think, cause i wont waste time doing it if it's not necessary.

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Old 06-07-2008, 01:33 PM   #14
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im not quite sure if i understand completely but it would be something like vampires gets extra bonuses from the vampire skills that others dont receive but they can still use the same skills but they would be less powerfull like the way it is with most other classes just take a wizard as an example he is best with damage spells and need staff to get the most out of them where he deals a lot more damage with damage spells then other classes do with the same spell

if i have understood it correctly i think its a very good idea
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Old 06-07-2008, 02:39 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by doctor-warlord
im not quite sure if i understand completely but it would be something like vampires gets extra bonuses from the vampire skills that others dont receive but they can still use the same skills but they would be less powerfull like the way it is with most other classes just take a wizard as an example he is best with damage spells and need staff to get the most out of them where he deals a lot more damage with damage spells then other classes do with the same spell

if i have understood it correctly i think its a very good idea

you understand correctly

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Old 06-07-2008, 03:00 PM   #16
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then i think it might be a good thing as it wont overpower the vampires since the other classes and it would definetly make it much better fort hose who choose the vampire class
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Old 06-08-2008, 09:35 AM   #17
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I see what you mean now, Chandra about the beastmaster skills and how some of them are only used to fullest effect by the beastmaster class.

I agree vampires should have a skill set that is most fully utilized by members of their class.

The energy and mana leeches sound good. Rapid leech for HP sounds good too. Fear and Confusion make sense for 20+ skills also. And there should definitely be some kind of melee bonus skill, but I dunno if I would restrict it to STR. Maybe just melee in general so we can still have our favorite weapon. Riposte is a good skill that could be used by any melee.

The ability to obliterate greys at first seems overpowered, but when you think about how you can kill them in a couple hits anyway, it really turns into just a nice timesaver.

Lets have a Vampyrism skill tree!
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