why no more (individual) clan war losses announced?
Was this another non announced ninja patch included in the other patch?
also seemed to have removed the announcments when clans choose sides.
well i'm betting everyone is ok with removing the choosing sides spam and its easy enough to just check toplist for what sides clans are on but removing the (individual) clan battle losses kinda takes even more away from real war imo.
i mean it used to be you would lose a battle and it would hurt your pride because the clans would know it and give you crap making you want revenge also made other clannies wanna get revenge for you ... thus inspiring more war but as it is now you lose absolutly nothing and now dont even get to make the loser look bad

whats the point? guess i wont bother picking a side for my other clan then and probly just switch this one back to neutral as well... so confussed that a game announcing PVP really has non or at least very very very little