Glitchless just a quick question here about a possible bug or at least a need to possibly consider readjusting some skills ...
are all learning skills worth leveling or is it just some or none?
so the senerio is we have 2 toons we will call them A and B both are same player lvl , both townwalk a skill together at the same time, skill that started out at 0 learned defense to be specific.
both toons have Accell

n , TM

n, All Virtz, both premium and both using same rank wise rune.... both also have Active accel at lvl 73
now for the differances: toon A has:
rush of knowledge @72
group acum @71
adv learn @72
perception @73
cultivation @65
while toon B has :
rush of Knowledge @44
group accum @69
adv learn @73
perception @70
cultivation @54
now i ask you which toon A or B should have reached lvl 57 learned defense first? thats right Toon A should have if these skills were really worth leveling but obviously there kinda a rip off because Toon B had the lead for a long time then toon A caught up and both hit 57 at the same time hmmmm???
so ya not really worth it to lvl some of these skills and who knows if any are truely worth it ... the bug here is please Glitchless if your going to give us skills to lvl to help us lvl other skills please have them at least make a differance and i know its not just these skills , there are others like resourcing that even when at 100 your chances of getting a T30 resource is about as likely as it getting dark in nod .
and i know what the defense to this is already going to be ... "well its the RNG (random number generator) well if thats the case maybe it needs some adjusting because going over half way through leveling a skill that RNG shoulda kicked in a bit to give some gain over someone with lesser skills at least .
so in conclusion i see some of these skills as well as many others in game as just something for us to do with no real gains to be gotten, like a shiny object to distract us from whats really going on sorta players like me lvl things till we learn just how disapointing they are then sit wondering if any skills really do anything
thanks for reading be eager to hear replies