fake deathmatch exploit again |
05-16-2012, 06:05 PM
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fake deathmatch exploit again
l8ly with all the fake deathmatches i been thinking maybe its time to just remove deathmatches there only used as a means to exploit epic transfer with no risk anyhow (yep no virtz needed by either party) seems a valid exploit to me .... is there not already a valid non exploit reroll option in place already
ya i know it could still be exploited with taking it pk and pkking it but there is a slight risk at least unless they just attack there own main and lose but there is a solution for that too i'm sure like maybe make it so a pker cannot be looted by the killer till they have more than one kill or till they have finished flashing after there first kill or well idk but i'm sure there are lots of ideas out there as well as i know Glitchless could think of something as long as it dosnt totally kill real pk/pkk anymore than it already has been.
yep new one:
may 18 @17:30 server dancerer kills shgabsh DM
may 18 @21:47 server umbrastar kills Jgcurry DM
may 19 @unknown uberevil kills unholymonk DM
may 19 @unknown deathtoocome kills ambergreen DM
may 19 @unknown uberevil kills internettroll DM
may 20 @unknown jackamoe kills zeneth DM
may 20 @unknown bidemion kills tharkas DM
may 21 @unknown rantantan kills just DM
may 21 @unknown danaarlan kills tridius DM
may 21 @15:28 server rogue kills yepimdead DM
may 21 @15:37 server chloe kills peeta DM
may 21 @unknown Eledar kills eznite DM
may 22 @unknown tehleetknight kills blackvain DM
may 22 @unknown acebyrd kills captainthunder DM
may 23 wasnt on much so far so no idea how many i missed but was told that japanjesus or whatever was fake DM
may 23 @unknown villemo kills siska DM
may 24 unfortunatly nod booted my accounts before i saw who it was
may 25 @2:33 server talic kills jassofallout DM
kills i know of since this post started so far =22
Last edited by Sexykills; 05-25-2012 at 02:29 AM..
Reason: because i said i will be adding new fake DM's here instead of new posts
05-17-2012, 08:58 PM
Seer's BFF
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yep and another and yet another.... these millions in epic transfers are adding up nicely cant wait to see the figures for how much this exploit is figured to be gaining people if others l8ly have been valued as highly as they have been
ohh and all the tax free gold transfers :O
Last edited by Sexykills; 05-17-2012 at 09:01 PM..
05-17-2012, 09:19 PM
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ya, 50 tc's to u. wait, i not admin :/
05-17-2012, 09:21 PM
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serious note this is a exploit on same lvl as the pk thing driiveby did, boon makes it not much diff
05-18-2012, 12:49 AM
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Jewal has great boobs. She should be rewarded. Seriously though, I agree. It's not uncommon for people to use deathmatch to transfer items when rerolling. An easy solution would be to make all looted items from PK/PKK or DM to be soulbound.
05-18-2012, 12:51 AM
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Originally Posted by raperoo
Jewal has great boobs. She should be rewarded. Seriously though, I agree. It's not uncommon for people to use deathmatch to transfer items when rerolling. An easy solution would be to make all looted items from PK/PKK or DM to be soulbound.
Yes, I'm a PK. Yes I'm suggesting SB loot from PvP kills. It's for the good of Nod.
05-18-2012, 03:43 AM
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Why not just make it like Clan War kills and you cant kill your own toons? and we can still have DM.
05-18-2012, 06:09 AM
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Items are sb after a pkk or a death match and I don't think u can change this without removing pkking and death matches. Also, what's the problem with rerollers keeping epics when they earned them in the first place and probably will only be concerned with legendaries once they get back up there?
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05-18-2012, 06:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Disfigured
Why not just make it like Clan War kills and you cant kill your own toons? and we can still have DM.
thats a great idea unfortunatly its the same one used to stop fake pking your own toons as well and dosnt work obviously , other then that would work 
05-18-2012, 08:48 AM
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Not all items are SB after PKK.
05-18-2012, 08:58 AM
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only already unsb items that u can just trade to your alt anyway...just seems a non issue to me.
Do you have angel wings when your blood runs dry; that make my tears incarnadine, when I start to cry? - Sigha
05-18-2012, 11:58 AM
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Most of that death matches are just to get gear from your own toon beofre rerolling, so what is wrong with that? I am playing my alts and if i want to keep some things why it should forbid me that? it looks like ppl want to get free TC-s by reporting things that happenening when i start play this game over 2 and half year ago.
Why you dont point in real problem in game , like fake PK-ing and account sharing, everyone knows who and how do that, All of this are realy somehow hipochrisy rather that real care about game
05-18-2012, 12:32 PM
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jewal, in order to get a few tcs, you are hurting the community of NOD.
There is already more than enough restrictions in transfering items through toons right now. All these epic items, they are hard-fought drops, and should be entitled to the owners. Why should there be so many restrictions to its transaction?
And for glitch: you may think, "good, if I listen to sexy, then I can force more ppls to buy virtues to enrich me"... but that is shortsighted. The higher the barrier for a new player to get into this game, the fewer new players there will be. Do not you see right now NOD is becoming a pretty much closed cirlce for a handful of old fans only?
05-18-2012, 12:52 PM
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the exploit part is that some1 can offer to dm an acc that has epics but no virts then sell the epics and split the profit or somethin, and with boon its not much consequence. thing is lots of stuff has been nerfed cause people found a way to make gold in it or better thier acc's while the one's to lazy to do it were jealous so reported as exploit. pling, pking, boss runs mainly so imo stick to "fixing" all of them or change it all back. would rather the second obtion tho
05-18-2012, 01:06 PM
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if the owner of that toon agrees to split the profit with some1 else, be it one way or the other, why would that be an "exploit"? The owner of the item does not have the right to choose how to exercise ?
It is not like the owner of the item stole it or obtain the item in any dishonest way. He farmed it. So it is his. He should be able to do whatever he likes with it.
And it is far from free. You have to get back to lvl 0 again plus a tc to make the toon paid. Even with toon, it is extra work.
OK, I should clarify here: I do not have a lot of alts myself. I only have 3 alts to assist in arena fights. I do not have time to train them so they are not getting much drops at all. So this won't affect me much one way or the other. But I just think it is unfair to people who spent a lot of time playing ... only to find that those time spent are just wasted UNLESS you spent a lot more money as well. A game community of course need real life money payer to make it sustainable. But more importantly you need a lot more players(paid or nonpaid) to form a basis for these paid players to enjoy.
If you make it plain boring or impossible for the Ns, soon the paid players will find it boring and lonely too.
05-18-2012, 01:14 PM
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i agree, but when virtually the same thing was happening with pking and splitting profit stuff, cept the risk roles were reversed. it was so frowned upon that an acc was making a buck from an epic without buying the virts that it was nerfed screwing every real pk out there, even if it isnt many.
05-18-2012, 01:20 PM
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another example is when smashbros reported that you can loot epics from an alt or acc while pling them that they got in a drop without them having the virts, long as they left it on mob and hit exit. was quickly nerfed
05-18-2012, 01:22 PM
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anyway i would love for things to go back to how they were allthough i doubt they ever will. have fun
05-18-2012, 01:28 PM
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I hear you, Nemesiss. And I agree.
05-18-2012, 03:35 PM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by Nemesiss
anyway i would love for things to go back to how they were allthough i doubt they ever will. have fun
i agree with this actually... and always have..
and to all those that think otherwise please refer back to all those patches and see who posted in opposition to most of them, you will see my name hmm where were you guys.
anyhow as far as fishing for tc's can you not tell sarcasm ? i dont want anything from Glitchless except real players doing real PVP battles this fake crap makes me sick , fake pkers , fake dm's , fake arena, fake pkk's what the hell is real here? seems just a bunch of people getting bonuses and skills for just faking playing... and the subject of boon and rerolling dont even get me started on that fail player crutch, make a toon and stick with it ffs why baby and reward people who cant make a choice or cant figure out wth there doing.
just be honest with yourselves and open your eyes boon as well as the other things mentioned are nothing more than allowed exploits there rairly used to get players back to where they were but instead to make the hard to earn skills easily gained .
as for the ones that say DM's should be allowed as free transfer of epics well Neme kinda answered that when he mentioned all the other ways used in the past to do the same thing that all of Nod seemed to complain about its the same as those, and using DM for anything except a real DM IS AN EXPLOIT no matter what anyone says , why else is there a reroll option? does Glitchless just like wasting his time making buttons? i'm thinking not ...
definition for an exploit in my own words would be using something for a purpose other than its intended purpose for some sort of gain to benifit themselves..... seems transfering epics to yourself benifits yourself right not someone else.... and the fact that it can be done with no virtz on either toon makes it even more of an exploit because you can transfer them indefinatly between toons and never ever need to buy any virtz right ... BIG FAT EXPLOIT!!!
plain and simple and many more gain much more from abusing it then the few that rerolled just to get the bosses and sell loot then reroll ever did, but that was apparently a terrible exploit .
so bash me all you want but allowing everything to be faked is not for the better of nod lol
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