05-18-2012, 03:37 PM
Seer's BFF
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and btw again and again
(oh btw i'm posting here for every fake deathmatch epic transfer jus so we can keep a tally on just how much it happens unlike so many of the latest "exploits" that only a couple people were doing, hmm maybe i should start including the names too)
and again btw but going to start editing and adding then to 1st post i think and that one was eve killing misty
Last edited by Sexykills; 05-18-2012 at 04:37 PM..
Reason: added another epic transfer
05-18-2012, 04:39 PM
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And another faker bites the dust...

05-18-2012, 04:41 PM
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Seriously Glitch, make ALL looted items SB.
05-18-2012, 04:50 PM
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idiot94 is offline
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all looted items soulbound?
You hated NOD that much? roo?
Among all these online rpgs I played so far (not many, about 20 or so), NOD has the best skill balance, yet, it has the fewest number of players. Did you ever think about why?
It is the trade restrictions plus the complexity. But the trade restriction is the bigger factor in my opinion. I have played other complex rpgs too, but they do not have as much trade restrictions.
Every drop soulbound? At least among the rpgs I played, NONE implemented that way. That will almost kill trades instantly.
roo, I seriously wish your brain is at least as half big as your other parts, or at least close to that...
05-18-2012, 05:03 PM
Seer's BFF
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i do belive he was refering to looted from pvp combats not mobs btw of course now after thinking about it ya you could be right
Originally Posted by raperoo
Seriously Glitch, make ALL looted items SB.
ya that could be a possible start would possibly stop people farming epics with a toon that has no virtz and transfering to one that has them to sell or trading to another that dosnt have them to use but as i see it even the second method could be exploited an example would be toon A has full epic suit that toon B a differant persons toon wants it , toon A is either just a epic farm toon or a toon wanting reroll. anyhow player B offers player A a gold amount for there suit so seeing how player A dosnt have the virtz either anyhow he agrees and boom instant sellable epics from someone with no virtz .
a possibly better solution would be to just allow people without the virtz to store sell that way they "get what they work for" as someone above mentioned .
then make it so only players with virtz can loot in any form of pvp because it kinda seems that the virtz are always the issue with these types of exploits now as well as the past ones.
just ask yourself why did Driive run a service pking people for there epics in the past .. ahh because they didnt have the virtz.
why do people DM to transfer epics ahh because they didnt have the virtz .
and ya i do see that people could still have non virted toons and DM them with virted toons so idk maybe n's and people without the virtz shoulda never been allowed to move or use epics as it was before that patch which btw i was also against but anyhow it woulda been an ez fix before that patch, coulda just had it so epics could only have been looted off mobs into storage rather then inv and not be used or moved without virtz..
so ya idk the answer just bits of possibilities here sorry
Last edited by Sexykills; 05-18-2012 at 05:08 PM..
05-18-2012, 05:15 PM
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idiot94 is offline
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with all due respect, Sexy, you are different roo, first.
Ok, then, let me state this fact to you: no matter what you do, you canNOT stop "fake" things happening.
It is not going to be "exploits", it is side products. There are always people thinking differently, they will probably utilize tools/projects/quests/whatever in other ways than designed. You can't possibly stop that from happenning at all.
However, you may wonder, then what is the harm of at least trying to reduce such side-effects? Answer is simple: you are making the rules more and more complicated, actions more and more restrictive. And thus less interests. Remember this is a game, not a law school. (hint: honest people do not reject paying tax, however, almost everyone hate tax laws, guess why? it is too complicated, right?)
Currently NOD is already full of interlocking rules, even veteran players frequently need to ask in civil or clan channel as for certain things are doable or not. How do you expect this kind of tax-law-like complexity to attract more new faces??
Then think about the other side, what do you gain by "regulating one more step into pkk/pk/dm"? You basically gained nothing, because as I said, you can't stop ppl from doing "fake" pk/pkks ---- no matter what rules are there, there are always sideproducts people may want. You will still see more "fake" ones than "real" ones. (Question: this is a frigging game, ya? SO in the end, what the f*** is a real pk??? ) What you gained is simply more restrictions on yourself and other players. PLus fewer and fewer blood into NOD world. Eventually, if glitch thinks it is beyond reviving, we all seek other games to play.
These days, there are talks about how diablo 3 may divert interests from NOD .... (BTW, this comparison does not make much sense to me, anyway, a game with 10s of millions of players vs. one with a few hundred? divert?) ... but at least one thing maybe we should learn from diablo series huge success is its totally open trade system, it is even tradable on Ebay. And we are here trying to restrict the ingame trade to the last bit.
How smart!!!!
05-18-2012, 05:42 PM
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D3 like the others is just another short term one hit wonder tbh like all the others wasnt it Skyrim just last week? hmm "huge success" um ok 0.o
as to the other stuff i'm not going to continue writing books i am very aware of what past changes have done and admit to being against them as well and also as you said admitted that its pretty hard to stop all exploits and still have the game function... maybe that is the purpose of this whole thread to make people realise that, maybe the purpose is to create drama or maybe the purpose is to try and stop people from avoiding the real gameplay by using exploits to get ahead the same as everyone else complaining about all the past exploits some of which werent even much of exploits and used by very very few people.
who will really know the answer maybe its all just one big challange to Glitchless that he cant make a patch to stop the exploiters so maybe a differant approch might be for him to find ways to profit from them idk
i do however belive that the game is more to Glitchless then just money though because he proved that to me by not requiring a whole new set of Virtz for LG's as i recommended because i know other companies would have ,
so ya we can all question and argue everyday but when it all comes out it will only be Glitchless that chooses changes .
btw new fake DM's added to 1st post at this point on
Last edited by Sexykills; 05-18-2012 at 05:44 PM..
05-18-2012, 05:51 PM
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oh yes, you get the point this time: the key is whether this game is to conform to glitchless' personal opinions or to conform to customers' needs? That is the choice he will have to make. Although they do not necessarily always contradict each other.
About diablo series, if you question blizzard's success, I have nothing to say.
05-18-2012, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by idiot94
all looted items soulbound?
You hated NOD that much? roo?
Among all these online rpgs I played so far (not many, about 20 or so), NOD has the best skill balance, yet, it has the fewest number of players. Did you ever think about why?
It is the trade restrictions plus the complexity. But the trade restriction is the bigger factor in my opinion. I have played other complex rpgs too, but they do not have as much trade restrictions.
Every drop soulbound? At least among the rpgs I played, NONE implemented that way. That will almost kill trades instantly.
roo, I seriously wish your brain is at least as half big as your other parts, or at least close to that...
05-18-2012, 07:05 PM
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You guys look at the gameplay and everything in nod and this is what you identify as something that needs so much attention? This really seems like a pretty small matter to me.
05-19-2012, 06:20 AM
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Oneangel is offline
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Agreed ice. Tho if it changes so u need virts to get items from a dm I guess that's ok. Will mean all us capped rich toons can keep going as normal and only the low lvl or poorer toons get screwed over...
Do you have angel wings when your blood runs dry; that make my tears incarnadine, when I start to cry? - Sigha
05-19-2012, 05:37 PM
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NoRemorse is offline
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agreed with iceblood
"Hit the lights" because we can always "Enter Sandman"
Life with "NoRemorse" till we hear "for whom the bell tolls"
Purpose of life: Be able to look in the mirror at the end of the day and be satisfied with it
05-20-2012, 05:29 PM
Seer's BFF
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hmm 11 so far in just 4 days yaay exciting 
05-23-2012, 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Oneangel
Agreed ice. Tho if it changes so u need virts to get items from a dm I guess that's ok. Will mean all us capped rich toons can keep going as normal and only the low lvl or poorer toons get screwed over...
05-24-2012, 07:24 PM
Seer's BFF
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already 21 toons have used this exploit to epic farm and transfer epics off toons without virtz ... yaay go Nodders
so lets see 21 people all benifiting from this exploit vs the reroll and get the bosses while leveling just to reroll again which was exploited by just a handfull and really only one or 2 peeps that did it repeatedly and they earned like 1-2mill tops for all the effort, this exploit you can use a stripped no extras toon to farm gold, drops and exploits then just transfer them all over to any toon you wish for use or for profit and gain making the patch that dosnt allow you to sell epics without the virtz useless and ya seems alot of people are benifiting lots off this not just a select couple that "someone" didnt like or was jelious of. hmmmm
so still waiting to hear from Glitchless team if this is intended and considered great stratagy of game play or if this is an exploit ???
Last edited by Sexykills; 05-24-2012 at 07:40 PM..
05-25-2012, 03:46 AM
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FattyNoob is offline
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I have 1 char. This is not biased.
After 4 years this is brought up after most people have used it to their advantage and no longer need it.
If it does not effect you, why care? Why are people so absorbed in what others do or gain? I never understood this.
This seems like game trolling to make it even more of a police state.
News flash. NOD is not growing. We need to keep our current player base and gain more people, not chase what's left off. And scare new players with a rules list 20 pages long.
Pro tip: You cannot stop it. Anyone can buy an internet connection to use solely on an account with intention of doing this. People spend thousands on this game. Do you really think people wouldn't get 2 or more ISP's to get ahead? The only way to stop it is to remove DM, and then u kill even more of already lacking pvp options.
05-25-2012, 03:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Oneangel
Agreed ice. Tho if it changes so u need virts to get items from a dm I guess that's ok. Will mean all us capped rich toons can keep going as normal and only the low lvl or poorer toons get screwed over...
05-25-2012, 05:26 AM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by FattyNoob
I have 1 char. This is not biased.
After 4 years this is brought up after most people have used it to their advantage and no longer need it.
If it does not effect you, why care? Why are people so absorbed in what others do or gain? I never understood this.
This seems like game trolling to make it even more of a police state.
News flash. NOD is not growing. We need to keep our current player base and gain more people, not chase what's left off. And scare new players with a rules list 20 pages long.
Pro tip: You cannot stop it. Anyone can buy an internet connection to use solely on an account with intention of doing this. People spend thousands on this game. Do you really think people wouldn't get 2 or more ISP's to get ahead? The only way to stop it is to remove DM, and then u kill even more of already lacking pvp options.
YES!! agreed more exploits for everyone Glitchless please p.s. i just heard a newsflash that lotsa exploits and cheats will bring new players yaaay i thought we would never solve that problem, thanks Fatty
this is the part i found most enjoyable about this post : " The only way to stop it is to remove DM, and then u kill even more of already lacking pvp options"
lol too funny as if DM is in any way shape or form a real actual used form of pvp lol omg frickin too funny you peeps sometimes 
05-25-2012, 06:09 AM
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Jewel 3 questions:
what would your proposed solution be?
Is your issue actually with boon itself, the fact that players want to keep their items when they reroll (not adding new gold to the game), or the fact that they can do this without having an alt with the required virts?
What benefit to the game and community do you perceive happening if things changed?
Do you have angel wings when your blood runs dry; that make my tears incarnadine, when I start to cry? - Sigha
06-03-2012, 09:38 PM
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Huggles is offline
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The entire PK system needs to be reworked. It won't be though because it would cause more people to be unhappy because they can't exploit it anymore.
Does anyone remember a day long ago when Driiveby made a point of the flaws of the PK system and setups? (I do).
He got a few people who were willing to help, and he had them constantly force on him and let him kill them. He got loads of points with almost no risk, almost instantly. Unfortunately, this display did not lead to a better PK system.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
If they put a nice icon on you it's beneficial if they put a mean one on the other guy it's detrimental.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
The player was banned for using an exploit repeatedly without reporting it. There's only 1 proper way to profit off an exploit: report it.
Originally Posted by Huggles
Old Delay/(1+haste%) = New Delay
For slow effects, use the slow % but as a negative.
Just repeat for multiple effects.
DO NOT multiply by 1+slow% to get your new delay. 1*1.4 is not the same as 1/0.6 and your answer will be wrong.
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