Max Gold |
05-09-2012, 11:32 AM
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Max Gold
When a player has close to max gold, they are able to post items on AH for an amount that exceeds max gold. They are not, however, able to sell said item. This enables the rich players to manipulate the price of items on AH for their own benefit.
For example, if a player has 24m gold, they can post a stack of 25 timecards for 100k gold apiece. Now anyone else who has more expensive timecards will see this and may lower their price in order to compete. This enables the original seller to buy up all the remaining TC's at a discounted price, when the market price is technically higher.
In order to prevent higher level players from exploiting the gold cap in order to manipulate the Nodiatis market, I suggest that we either remove the gold cap altogether, or disable players from posting items that will put them over the hard gold cap.
EDIT: On the off chance that a player posts an item before the sale would put them over the hard gold cap, and then go over the amount that would result in the sale putting them over gold cap, sellers should have to forfeit the remaining difference of gold. Say i had 24m gold, sold something for 2m gold, the remaining 1m gold that i would have earned goes to Goblin Tax due to my own negligence.
Last edited by Roo; 05-09-2012 at 11:40 AM..
05-09-2012, 11:35 AM
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terrorbladestorm is offline
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I have seen ppl do this. was always confused why NO one bought those 100k TC stacks
05-09-2012, 11:53 AM
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05-09-2012, 12:01 PM
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Roo has raised two different points in his post.
First is the potential that players are intentionally placing a large quantity of items in the AH at an individually low price in an attempt to drive down the price by other players for the same item. The first player then buys up all of the similar priced items. This is his point with his time card example. I've certainly seen players place a stack of 100 time cards in the AH at a low individual price but very high collective price: a collective price that would put them over the gold limit. Have no idea if they were attempting to manipulate the market as Roo suggests, or just bragging and showing off that they have 100 time cards in their inventory. I guess this does have the potential to be abused.
His second point is that the gold limit of 25 million gold may now be too low. With all of the fairly recent buffs to gold acquisition over the past few months, earning gold as a high level player has gotten easier. While I'm nowhere near 25 million gold, there is also nothing I particularly want to buy, except for some additional legendary armor. That is gold that won't go to another player, and circulate through the economy as it would if I purchased time cards or trophies from another player: it will simply disappear from the game. So if the purpose of the gold limit is to force me to circulate my gold through the Nod economy, that isn't going to work, at least not with me.
I like the idea of raising the gold limit, or perhaps eliminating it entirely. It doesn't appear to be serving a useful purpose.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Confirming TJ correct.
05-09-2012, 12:12 PM
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Be that as it may, it should not be in the hands of the top 5-10% of players to dictate prices and market fluctuation. It should be supply vs demand alone.
05-09-2012, 02:25 PM
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Prime example.

05-09-2012, 03:17 PM
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05-09-2012, 08:14 PM
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Good catch roo. Support action to change this and a get out of a squelch free card or something for roo for his efforts
05-10-2012, 10:15 AM
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Glitch, are you going to acknowledge this? It's legit. I reported it the way I'm supposed to. I offered a couple ways to fix it. What more would you like me to do here?
05-10-2012, 11:24 AM
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Glitchless: Raperoo is a genius of the highest order and a boon to society.
Now get your damn face back!
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05-10-2012, 11:35 AM
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Unless people start undercutting these TCs , I don't see a need for a fix. If they do start undercutting these TCs, I don't see a need for a fix. The only item I've seen this done on is TCs, and I'm not seeing prices go down to match, so I don't think anything needs done.
Gold cap is fine, I don't see any items costing close to 25 mil so why would anyone need more? Raising it would just let the most OP toons/biggest spenders stockpile even moar gold waiting for legendary weps. If you want to stockpile more, use an alt. IMO anyone who complains that 25mil isn't enough is whinging for the sake of whinging.
*waits for some *******s to deliberately do this and create a problem, just so everyone can come and whinge and say SEE WE TOLD YOU IT WAS A PROBLEM!*
Originally Posted by Glitchless
You won't be warned again.
05-11-2012, 09:40 AM
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Really? Even with Trojan selling LG pieces at 10m? How about xCasterx? He's clearly closer then you think if 4m would put him over.
05-11-2012, 11:50 AM
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I hate to say it... but I support Roo's Idea.... Me & roo agreeing... smh..... has hell frozen over yet?
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05-11-2012, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by raperoo
Really? Even with Trojan selling LG pieces at 10m? How about xCasterx? He's clearly closer then you think if 4m would put him over.
It's not that I don't know how close they are to the gold cap, it's just that I don't see this as a major problem. There is a gold cap of 25 mil. There is a system in place that prevents people from selling items if it will bring them over the gold cap. To me, that makes sense. How that system operates though, makes less sense. So I do support the suggestion that it should not be possible to put items on AH at a price that would bring you over the cap.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
You won't be warned again.
05-11-2012, 02:12 PM
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I agree with Roo (TC's are deserved)
I want to add that sooner or later more people will craft legendary armors and soon weapons. Those things go for 10M and specific shields or chest pieces would sell even higher and this itself is a problem
When you trying to sell item worth of 13M gold your gold limit is 12M which forces you to trade anything over it to alt. Also you might want to sell other items along it such TC's , trophies etc.
If you leave expensive legendary piece for sale overnight (you were able to post it since this one item would not reach cap) but your trophies might sell sooner and make you unable to sell legendary since your gold go up.
Same thing with posting few legendary on AH - when one is sold (and you afk) all others are "locked"
with capped socials you are able to post 35 items - with gold cap Gitchless would have to edit salesmanship and add condition says:up to 35 items but only items not exceeding gold cap will be sold...or something like that.
Gold cap needs to be raised or eliminated - as economy in game progress so should game.
Input from Glitchless would be appreciated.
05-11-2012, 03:23 PM
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RogueTigeR is offline
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I agree w/ roo aswell
05-11-2012, 04:02 PM
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hotshot64 is offline
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I don't think it's as big a deal as is being made of it, but I can see the issue and agree that it might be prudent to not allow someone to auction something if it will put them over max gold.
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05-11-2012, 05:35 PM
Karrodin is offline
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Agree with the roo. And look at Gem master plans. Many go for 25mil.
05-11-2012, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by hotshot64
I don't think it's as big a deal as is being made of it, but I can see the issue and agree that it might be prudent to not allow someone to auction something if it will put them over max gold.
Give it time, it will become more of a big deal as more people are getting into Legendaries.
05-11-2012, 06:30 PM
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I actually support raising the gold cap rather than the other thing now that I really think about it. 75 mil maybe.
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