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The Tale of an Armorcrafter – The Journey (Pt 1)
Old 03-08-2012, 11:37 PM   #1
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Default The Tale of an Armorcrafter – The Journey (Pt 1)

After a long adventure in armor crafting, I am finally returning to my master’s armory. He taught me everything I knew. I remember when he used to carry my ingots for me when I was young. It was so long ago, but these snow-filled hills seem so familiar. I tighten my armor buckles on my newest Deathkisser molds. I smile to myself in eager anticipation of showing him my crafting abilities. My master’s last words were to return when I have unlocked the secrets of the Deathkisser, the Honorless, and the Ostentatious. These words may as well have been a foreign language when I was a young apprentice, but after 30 Nodiatian years, I have uncovered the mysteries to make the strongest and most agile pieces of armor in the entire continent of Nodiatis.

A cold wind bites my ears and my nose as I pass over hill after hill. Every year, my master would write me about the new legendary armors he was intending to craft. Not only would the wearer be protected like a fortress, some pieces would even grant the user additional battle prowess. I was amazed to hear he would be capable of doing such extraordinary things. I had written him just over 3 years ago that I had finally mastered his task, but I received no immediate reply. I feared the worst and accepted the inevitability of life, hoping to visit when demand for my epic wares died down. But recently, I received a letter stamped by master but it contained no message. Instead, I found soft, powdery dust that emitted an eerie reddish glow. I took this as a sign that I should close my shop and make haste to visit him. I should have been more concerned, but I foolishly took his message as an encouraging sign that he was alive.

I should be nearing his shop now. In the distance, I see an abandoned shack. No, it’s not abandoned. I see a faint glow throughout the windows. The door seems to flutter in the wind. The door is loose on its hinges. Even an apprentice smith could repair a door hinge in a matter of moments. I should have been more concerned. Instead, here I was like a giddy child ready to show him my latest creations. I break out into a full run as I rush toward my master’s shop.
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Old 03-09-2012, 06:10 AM   #2
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I chase you and trip you, and then I draw a moustache on your face.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
If they put a nice icon on you it's beneficial if they put a mean one on the other guy it's detrimental.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
The player was banned for using an exploit repeatedly without reporting it. There's only 1 proper way to profit off an exploit: report it.
Originally Posted by Huggles
Old Delay/(1+haste%) = New Delay

For slow effects, use the slow % but as a negative.

Just repeat for multiple effects.

DO NOT multiply by 1+slow% to get your new delay. 1*1.4 is not the same as 1/0.6 and your answer will be wrong.
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Old 03-13-2012, 08:04 PM   #3
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Qtpie is offline
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Posts: 96

bump part 2 coming soon.
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