04-08-2011, 06:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
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Heroic essences will have a chance to drop off of heroic creatures of all level, but the lower level creatures will have a far lower chance of these drops. They can be freely traded.
does it matter if the creature is just a lvl or two below your lvl would make that big of a difference or not? say im lvl 80 and i go and fight creatures at whitecap making them one lvl below and at my 80, does that decrease the chance of the drops compared to if i was to delvl to 77 and fight them as 2 and 3 lvls above me? or would that close of lvl range not make a difference?
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04-08-2011, 08:51 PM
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I am very interested in Smash's #1 question... From a pre-existing post I was under the impression a new resource was going to be introduced that would allow by some means to uptier legendary armor w/o store-buying multiples. And by new resource, I do not mean like silks drop from mobs, i mean like after a heroic fight you are able to resource like we forage/garden/hunt/etc.....??????
EDIT: To clarity... the resourcing mini game was just the impression I got, the heart of my question lies w/ will these resources in some way be able to uptier legendary armors w/o buying a gazillion of them from the store?
Last edited by RogueTigeR; 04-08-2011 at 09:02 PM..
04-08-2011, 09:03 PM
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Originally Posted by RogueTigeR
I am very interested in Smash's #1 question... From a pre-existing post I was under the impression a new resource was going to be introduced that would allow by some means to uptier legendary armor w/o store-buying multiples. And by new resource, I do not mean like silks drop from mobs, i mean like after a heroic fight you are able to resource like we forage/garden/hunt/etc.....??????
EDIT: To clarity... the resourcing mini game was just the impression I got, the heart of my question lies w/ will these resources in some way be able to uptier legendary armors w/o buying a gazillion of them from the store?
already asked glitch, he meant a resource like silk, which i assume is the Heroic Essence.
question is though, will it allow us to up tier them?!?
Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers 
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
04-08-2011, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by StormGuardian
Smash...last couple sentences..."all will eventually be used," my guess is meaning:
t30 geode - legendary staff
t30 ingot/leather/bone - legendary slash/pierce/crush(forget which uses which)
t30 sinew - legendary whip
t30 oil - legendary gems
t30 plank - legendary bow
t30 berry - legendary arrow
t30 thread - legendary quiver
GLITCHLESS!!!.... PLZ PLZ PLZ do not make piercers leather again...i collected and had crafted a 99 2h piercer and once is enough!!!!... plz let someone else share the burden
04-08-2011, 10:18 PM
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FYI rogue, and whoever else thinks those are what they will end up being, those are just guesses, seeing as they're one of the two mats required to make the epic. i just paired them up for examples :P only glitch knows what they will be in the future
04-08-2011, 11:06 PM
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I knowz that... but...tbh...theyy're very good guesses...and that worries me
04-09-2011, 04:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Just like the store bought legendaries, the ones created in this fashion can be uptiered by combinging two like pieces with the enchanting rod.
Hope if you have hellram tier 2 armor then you can uptier it to tier 3 with any store bought legendary armor. Think it is fair since you could get tier 3 store bought legendary armor and apply essense to it.
04-10-2011, 01:35 AM
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ok so im a tad confused, for armor essence you have to have "extreme" clothworking and use a cloth and dust... ok makes sense
but for shield essence you need scale and woodworking....
scale =/= woodworking
was this a typo? perhaps glitch meant planks instead of scales? I hope so because if not...
seems a bit like we are rewarding clothmakers as the only thing they need for raising skill is silks/thread, thus making armor essences relatively inexpensive,
however for shield essences, you have to have high level fishing AND high level woodworking (this is of course if he truly meant scales+woodworking)
04-10-2011, 01:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Jarrhal
ok so im a tad confused, for armor essence you have to have "extreme" clothworking and use a cloth and dust... ok makes sense
but for shield essence you need scale and woodworking....
scale =/= woodworking
was this a typo? perhaps glitch meant planks instead of scales? I hope so because if not...
seems a bit like we are rewarding clothmakers as the only thing they need for raising skill is silks/thread, thus making armor essences relatively inexpensive,
however for shield essences, you have to have high level fishing AND high level woodworking (this is of course if he truly meant scales+woodworking)
need high level in armor/woodworking not clothworking.
believe it was a typo from glitch.
need level 115 in armor crafting, same as woodworking for the shield.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers 
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
04-10-2011, 04:16 PM
so does this mean there is no way to "uptier" the armor directly without just buying another piece to blow up? I get that the essenses+armor essense + armor = new set piece, but the tier remains the same as the piece used?
Does that mean 100 heroic bits ALONE could be used to uptier a piece of legendary with an enchanting rod? and does that mean you need 95 item stacking? because if it does thats evil on top of hateful bread and buttered with malice.
04-10-2011, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Jarrhal
ok so im a tad confused, for armor essence you have to have "extreme" clothworking and use a cloth and dust... ok makes sense
but for shield essence you need scale and woodworking....
scale =/= woodworking
was this a typo? perhaps glitch meant planks instead of scales? I hope so because if not...
seems a bit like we are rewarding clothmakers as the only thing they need for raising skill is silks/thread, thus making armor essences relatively inexpensive,
however for shield essences, you have to have high level fishing AND high level woodworking (this is of course if he truly meant scales+woodworking)
In my eyes the entire purpose of this is to give crafters a way to make money. In all actuality, there are 6 pieces of armor.. and only 1 shield.. so please tell me how a clothworker is going to get screwed here? Not to mention all classes need the armor, yet few need the shields..
04-12-2011, 11:11 PM
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Do you need the armour crafting skill to make the essences or just the armour?
Last edited by Oneangel; 04-12-2011 at 11:18 PM..
Reason: Hadn't read up
04-13-2011, 12:08 AM
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need it to make the Armor Essence.
the armor itself, isnt effected by skills.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers 
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
05-13-2011, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Dellamorte
100 heroic essences are needed, so you would also need 100 item stacking also to craft with essences?
95 item stacking, yes and u also have to guess the order to craft it..
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07-03-2011, 11:48 AM
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loxemet is offline
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hi .
if i have 2 pk accounts .
with legendaries .
then my group of 2 PKS got attacked by others .
1 of my acounts r died , but stil i won in the end.
do i loose the other legendary suits of my dead account s?
or i have it but cant use it ? or its just vanished ?
*anyway whats happend to account with legendary on it ?
09-09-2011, 03:52 PM
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Frankly, I think Glitchless really need to post up a comprehensive guide of what armor you get when you morph stuff, this business of asking other players what they did to get a specific piece of armor is no good, simply put if a player is pawning all in arena are they really going to give you the correct information so you can fend them off or pawn them... I think not!
Will Glitchless re-imburse players for all that gold and used RT if someone tells them incorrect information for the crafting of a legendary.... again... I think not...!
09-09-2011, 03:59 PM
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See this topic: http://forums.nodiatis.com/forums/sh...ad.php_t=11297
It contains most of what the players have discovered about legendary armor.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Confirming TJ correct.
11-16-2011, 07:54 AM
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All Known Lagendarys
DirectLink Part 1: http://forums.nodiatis.com/forums/sh...6&postcount=36
DirectLink Part 2: http://forums.nodiatis.com/forums/sh...9&postcount=42
Whats Missing : http://forums.nodiatis.com/forums/sh...&postcount=154
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11-20-2011, 07:40 PM
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Bengrim, please add this to the indices.

12-06-2011, 12:05 AM
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Bengrim, please add this to the indices.

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