08-05-2008, 02:10 PM
Ill pay 6k for one if someone wants to be nice, i know hell is gonna offer more. But thats all i got.
08-05-2008, 02:40 PM
I know going rate is 10k+ I also wish to pay 6k, but that's not going to happen. I'll make this offer. 10k + ~80 450exp spirit trophies + ~80 550exp spirit trophies. It will take me 2-3 more days to gather up enough Rollover RT to gather that many trophies so that none will go to waste.
Last edited by Hellbender; 08-05-2008 at 02:45 PM..
08-05-2008, 03:11 PM
To clarify something to all people as per what Jeff said. Free accounts can trade items and gold as long as that person is trading for a time card. Otherwise free accounts cannot trade anything and cannot use the auction system to either buy/sell.
08-05-2008, 04:47 PM
Yea i know what the going rate is, and thats because people keep giving more and more **** for a time card. I have 6k and thats all i can give. So like i said if anyone out there is nice enough to do so i can pay 6k.
08-05-2008, 06:32 PM
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doctor-warlord is offline
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basically if you want time cards cheap et a max price you will pay then dont buy at above your max price per time card i myself wouldnt pay over 10k at the moment for a time card
08-05-2008, 07:13 PM
It's official! There's only two ways for someone to get a time-card. That's either buying it yourself or hope you get an epic to drop and buying the virtues. Course if you had the money to buy the virtues then you'ld think you'ld have the money to buy a time card.
The other option is to pay $20 for standard account for 16 weeks.
There needs to be a cap on which a time card be put up for sale.
08-05-2008, 07:21 PM
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doctor-warlord is offline
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that may be true but the way it is now the only way to drop prices is to refuse to buy at the high prices unless jeff does something to cap price of them
08-05-2008, 07:24 PM
I also think there needs to be a cap to the price, or people need to stop offering so damn much for one. Its making not worth buyin one. I just wanted to get a little time on standard before the mobile pay comes out and i buy standard. Just wanted to try it out to see if it was worth spendin money on
08-05-2008, 07:42 PM
It's people who have access already that are driving the prices up. The prime example I can think of is Decker buying time cards and driving the price up. Then there's Style putting 2 time cards in auction for 99,999 each. I think he's a bit nuts. So, far the system is based on for those who can afford to spend money to get further ahead than those that can't afford to buy membership. Yes, of course that's the incentive of paying money, but what Jeff doesn't realize is that this is going to feed off itself. Eventually the paying members are just going to be buying time cards and no longer buy standard/prem time. I predict that the price of time cards is going to hit 100k+ if not more by the end of the month. Just like RWK, if you don't want to spend real money to buy items/upgrades you have the option of using ash. However for an example if you want a D*D it'll cost you 150k ash. Getting 60 ash a day at the most it will take you 2500 days or 6.85yrs. It's not practical.
08-05-2008, 07:52 PM
That was a point in which we were trying to get to. The rate of inflation far exceeds any possibility for ANY free account to match or exceed. I actually like this game, but there are people that wish to try before you buy. Esp with a game that JUST came out of BETA. With this game being so young and so many more nice developes coming into the game a lot of people rather wait before sinking any real cash into the game.
08-05-2008, 07:55 PM
And I'm sure you weren't planning on selling us all time cards for 6k each. You're bluffing. The only reason why you said that is to try to make us feel bad. I swear.
"No one pays attention to a person until that person either does or says something outragious."
08-05-2008, 07:58 PM
You could always buy a TC for a tiny bit of pocket change anyway, I throw that amount on the dresser when I empty my pockets out, just to use for a drink or whatever later.
08-05-2008, 08:01 PM
Nice to know that your pocket change is = or > $7.70 USD. My pocket change is = or < $0.36. I'm going to logout before a type something that I might regret even further down the road.
08-05-2008, 08:05 PM
****ing seriously, I mean the whole reason behind this post was to say that rich or only getting richer and the little people are getting screwed. I like you hell love this game, i think its cooler then ****. And i have all intentions of buying a standard account as soon as the mobile cash comes around. I can't come off that kinda of cash because of bills, but if i can add to a bill then i can compensate for it. Im just sayin that in the little time that the time cards have been out they have blown the **** up and prices have gotten way out of hand. They were made so free accounts could see what it was like to be a payin char and want to change over. But as of right now there is noway a free player can come up with enough to buy one.
08-05-2008, 08:22 PM
They were not just meant to be exclusively be bought with gold though, they were meant to be a trial period for free players, as they only last a short while, and are an inefficient way of getting a sub.
08-05-2008, 08:48 PM
I would like to point out the time cards I have sold, were sold for 6500 Each and have continued to be sold at that price, the difference is I pick and choose who I sell too, while I think Decker is a swell guy I will not sell him a time card no matter what he offers, in an effort to squell inflation of prices I try to offset that and give others an opportunity based on how they present themselves both in game and in the forums.
Who Helps new players, who assists in quests, they get time cards at a reasonable price feel free to ask what Harpoon sells cards for when he's selling them.
I can understand your frustration, trust me but complaining about the prices in reality will only further aserbate (SP) the issue and create a mob of people ripping into you at some point.
Heres what SHOULD happen so all players get a taste of what being a paid player is all about, like most games that are free with paid perks, all new accounts created on a single IP per account addy are given the perks of a premium account for a period of 1 day to as much as 5 days, and then if remaining a free account reverts to the free account status, games like Outwar, Tales of Pirates Pirates Online Pirate King P2Universe Xeminus etc are examples of how to lure a free player into becoming a paid player.
Perhaps a Suggestion for Jeff in the suggestion forums, feel free to mention why its a good idea
08-05-2008, 09:11 PM
Hellbender and others should take a class on capitalism. It's a supply and demand system just like every other game.
Cheers to TalesofPirates for attempting to keep the prices from inflating too much.
08-05-2008, 09:14 PM
And losing money at the same time...and that is how the rich get richer, by abusing lower people that are suckers like that.
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