04-25-2009, 12:41 PM
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The forest path ended abruptly and was displaced by rocky terrain.
Uneasily, the archer slung her bow over her shoulders and stood by the shadows of the fir trees. Dark eyes peered out, searching for signs of disturbance, but saw nothing visible from where she stood. No doubt, the path would continue onto higher grounds…
Strange, She thought to herself, unable to shake the feeling from her mind. T’was right there - a ripple of magic that filled the air.
She wondered if her mind was going.
Dubiously, she glanced at the path once more, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Frowning at herself, she turned her back to return into the heart of the forest. Just then, she felt a second wave of magic wash over her body, leaving her senses tingling. This time, it also left a strange coppery taste in her mouth.
Black magic, She thought to herself and spat the bitter taste from her mouth. Using black magic was strictly forbidden for the hunting of woodland creatures, yet many travelers still sought to attempt their hand at casting these poisonous spells against the innocent animals. The young archer didn’t understand the reason for such cruelty upon the defenseless and now she raced across the forest, ready to aid the victim… or victims, She thought to herself and pushed back a shudder.
If she arrived too late, she’d force the spell caster to eat the hunted victim. It was said that dark magic was often dangerous and lingered upon a body, long after the victim had died. She had seen, firsthand, many new magic users unknowingly eat game that was killed with dark magic. It’s effects were not dissimilar to poisoning…
Silently, she made her way closer - relying on stealth for her attack. Her feet made no sound against the dirt path and her eyes were familiar with the terrain. Spotting a clearing ahead, she nimbly pulled herself onto a low lying branch and crouched there, scouting the view ahead…
Her eyes widened.
She could see a male and female standing by the edge of the forest clearing, bordering the mountainous terrain. They both had their weapons drawn, but that wasn’t what surprised the young archer. It was what the armed couple was facing…
Black masses loomed before them, gliding from the trees, surrounding the two warriors. Their bodies were shadow-like and they drifted above the ground as if they were insubstantial, but the young girl figured they weren’t as innocent as they appeared to be. As her nails dug into the palm of her hands, she wondered if these were the 'Shadow Shamans' that her mentor had spoken about during her brief lessons.
Shadow Shamans were creatures summoned from the darker, gray realms of the world. They were hard to contain and even harder to kill. Being insubstantial demons, they required a huge amount of power to stay alive…and what they couldn’t generate, they consumed….
As she watched, the man muttered an incantation and his sword suddenly flickered and transformed into dark flames, a lot similar to the creatures flitting about him. Wordlessly, she watched as he leapt into action, his sword arching through the air as he swiped at the monsters.
Fight fire with fire, She intoned within her mind and was impressed. But what of the girl?
Qtchi quickly turned her gaze towards the other women. She was standing by the other man, her own weapon drawn and ready to fight. As she watched, the shadows flitted closer around the women. No. The archer would not stand by and let these demons harm an innocent.
Silently, she reached over her shoulders and slid an arrow to notch within her bow. Shifting her body, she quietly intoned under her breath. The words spilled forth her lips and sparked through her fingers. The tip of the arrow glowed softly for a moment, then suddenly ignited into flames.
Taking aim, the archer released her arrow, straight for the heart of the creature closest to the female…
[Tesvielle - I thought their battle was outdoors near a cave, just beyond a forest? At least...that is what I read in the other posts. You didn't really describe the proximity of this new tower in relations to the battle...so I apologize for not including it within my post, despite wanting to include you as well. I also love how this story is sort of split within two locations at the moment...it's almost like watching a movie with two different plots laced through it... heheheh]
Last edited by Qtchi; 04-25-2009 at 12:44 PM..
04-25-2009, 03:28 PM
Sorry for the absence, didn't think this would ever be picked up, feel free to delete my guy (if you haven't already)
04-25-2009, 04:52 PM
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[OOC: It's only page 3...LOL! I was wondering when you'd start posting again...just bring yourself back into the story, tis simple enough... ]
04-26-2009, 06:15 AM
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(Q, Elsani is sorrounded by a sphere of shadows, not by the demons. Ketotsue destroyed all but 2 of them and they are about to attack him.)
04-26-2009, 10:05 AM
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[OOC: Crap I mis-read. I thought she was surrounded by the similar shadows the male was facing. Q doesn't know what the shadows are so in her mind evil creatures = monsters = demons.
Umm...I don't think I can edit anymore for some strange reason...I can either re-write my post and post a double-one or...everyone can just read me aiming for the shadow thingy closest to the guy instead >.<!! Sorry for the mix-up..now I feel like a dolt...sigh...]
Last edited by Qtchi; 04-26-2009 at 10:09 AM..
04-27-2009, 12:29 PM
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( its no big deal really well just say you aimed for the spere to free her from the shadows or some such )
^ This is not good^. He looked back to see the girl still traped in a dome of shadow. Through the battle he heard something strange almost like the world was warping somewhere close. Then suddenly a strange man appeared. Ketotsue cursed his luck and hoped the new stranger didn't inteed to cause him any new harm. Just as he was recovering from the other stranger appearing he was again suprised by the sound of an arrow whistling through the air apparently heading straight towards him or hopefully towards one of the shadows that blighted the battle he was in.
He sighed in relife as the arrow struck the dome that had traped the first stranger he had saw that day. ^ The gods do surely enjoy throwing mysterious people in my path well no matter these shadows still need dealt with, Atterimus quickly come back to me^. As the strength of his spirit came back he heard the words of his spirit. ^ There is a spellweaver not far from here he has hidden himself behind some trees a few yards away after we deal with shadows I would suggest you kill him quickly^. He quickly nodded to himself and decided it was time to kill what remained of the shadows and imobilze the caster his spirit had found ^ to bad for him the spellcaster has to consintrate on this shadows^.
"Spirit release-dark lotis" As the words left him the flames that had imbraced his sword disolved away leaving the katana stained a luminous black. Shortly after the blade shatered into thousands of shards each of which now glowed black and hovered around him. Seconds passed and soon the shards knew there mark then sound of thousands of metal shards sung threw the air ripping through the glowing shadows time and time again whilst others soared towards the apparently consealed caster.
Last edited by ketotsue; 04-27-2009 at 12:32 PM..
04-27-2009, 03:47 PM
He smiled softly and chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, "Don't worry about it, young ilemni. You'll grasp control soon, I hope. You are headstrong from what I can tell, I think you will be an adept student." He grinned at her and pondered for a moment, "They are a manifestation of power..your power. My power is quite..subtler, more in the way of whole simpler changes. I am yet unsure of how to quite get rid of them, but it is on my mind." He smiled softly, nodding again. "Yes, I will teach you what I can. That is why the Queen has made you my ilemni. That is another burden you will have to deal with unfortunatly. You will only be able to leave my care when you're judged ready. You're not our prisoner..but you're also a danger to yourself, and others." He sighed softly and looked out over the enbattled Elves. "They train to fight you. Your people, at least. They do battle with the mortal realm." He heard her stomach and laughed merrily, "Perhaps lunch, then we will have your first lesson."
04-28-2009, 01:08 PM
Watching the quick chaos ensue, Lord Fang decided he would put up a globe to help deflect any arrows that may happen to hit him, knowing his luck he would get hit with the fiery blade of the man who battled the shadowy creatures. Then rethinking his plan of action Fang decided to deal with the more iminent threat, the shadows. Remembering something in an old tome he read years ago, he realized the shadows were spirits of some sort and mostly likely hurt by elemental energy. Now noticing the man had spread his blade into a thousand pieces and continally ripping at the shadows, while the others tried to get away. Conjuring within in his hand was one of Fang's favorite spells-Chain Lightning. Expelling his energy toward the beasts the bolt quickly separated and found its target amongst the group. Soon after the energy chained itself to another and then another till a few were bound and being rapidly consumed by the spell.
After the shadows disintigrated Lord Fang fell to his knees tired from casting the spell, he had forgotten about the scar that took most of his more powerful energy, when someone had stolen it from him in the middle of a battle. One day he would find the rest of his energy and restore what he had previously been, a High Mage. Till then he needed to get his mind out of the past and focus on the task at hand. Gritting, Fang got up and held his bow in front of him, waiting for the man to finish the shadows, and maybe have a chance to talk this out, or maybe have to defend himself. Who knows maybe this will be better than getting sucked into the portal.
04-28-2009, 01:28 PM
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Vuxxa lauphed to himself as they continued their pitiful attacks. As soon as a shard stuck these powered shadows the new yellow Aura sorrounding them just knocked the energy from the shards, sending that energy back at Ketotsue and the now normal shards passed through them doing no harm. The same happened to the chain lightning (earlier i placed a spell on the remaining shadows that deflects magic back at the caster) and the lighting now headed straight at Tesvielle.
04-28-2009, 10:43 PM
Quickly realizing his spell was coming back at him, Lord Fang raised his arm and summoned a temporary wall of stone to block the lightning. Looking at the creatures he realized the aura of protection, only one way to get rid of that and it was gonna be tiresome. Looking at one closest to him, Fang cast a dispel magic incantation that when come in contact with instantly devoured single spell, The bad thing was he would have to do this and concentrate to keep the aura gone...then the other was to attack and kill the shadow. Having no other option but hope the man would understand and take action quickly, for if not this battle could be Lord Fangs last......
04-29-2009, 10:08 AM
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As his blade reformed ketotsue was struck by the force of his attack cuts opened upon almost every inch of his body draining out most of his energy. ^Pah how foolish of me at this rate i'll be dead before I can kill another one of these damned hellspawns^. He cursed his own ignorance and tried to remain on his feet. The world around him was bluring and he soon realized that if the shadows didn't kill him the loss of blood would. Spiting out some of the blood that was now filling his mouth he looked to one of the shadows expecting to see its horrible glow he was shocked to find it normal well more normal than before.
^I don't really have a choice here this battle may yet be the last of me but i refuse to simply lay down and die^. "ATTERIMUS I give my body to you take me as your shell and rid this earth of this scum". He then heard the voice of his spirit sound within his mind. ^If i do this then you may not be able to regain control of your body when the time comes... and if you don't then I will surely die and it won't really matter then now will it^.
Ketotsue screamed out as his body began to fidgit and twitch with atterimus takeing control over it. Soon after his body began to glow black his eyes were now empty voides through which his spirit saw the world. A strange dual voice sounded out " How I hate these mortal bodies, shadow caster if you fear death then I would advise you dismantle these spells for your barriers will do no good now" The blade ketotsue had worn now shifted and soon was replaced by a massive katana formed through pure darkness. He then moved as though his body was weightless upon the world lifting the dark blade he first struck out at the dome that had traped the stranger. He then dash with inhuman speed and cleaved through the now unprotected shadow as it riped in two it was quickly absorbed into ketotsue. He now moved even faster than before ripping through the next shadow and his defensive shield as the second shadow entered his body he moved with more such speed his movement was no longer visable. Soon after the last shade was dismantled and with his last burst of speed he apeared in front of the mage responsible for the shadows.
"I know not why you summoned this blight but i do know you nearly killed my host for this you must be punished". He then brought up his blade and brought it down towards his head. Stoping an inch from the mages skull the blade froze and his body trembled ketotsue stood there frozen body engulfed in the shadow that was his spirit, soon after his original voice rung out echoeing through the forest and his body crumpled to the floor motionless.
04-29-2009, 02:09 PM
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Vuxxa begane speaking "Well this new person does not seem to be to bad of a mage. I can't believe Ketotsue made such a mistake. It has cost him dearly I see. No, I dont want him to die. At least not yet. I shall do something....." Vuxxa was shocked as he witnessed that dark spirit enter Ketotsue's body. ^No he would'nt dare^ he thought to himself. He still struggled with his disbeleive as Ketotsue cleaved through both shadows and the dome. "Such power! Very good indeed." then he smelled the darknees getting closer ^Ah. Atterimus. How long it has been.^ he thought.
Ketotsue was upon Vuxxa with ease. The darkness laping forth from his body. The evil in his eyes, enouph to crush any soul. The ground and plant life around Vuxxa began to drain of life. The color's fade, and decay took hold. The energy slithering to Vuxxa across the ground like green and golden colored snakes, turning black as they aproached, entering his body as darkness whipped around him. ^You will not kill me fool^ he thought as Ketotsue returned to himself and finally collapsed in total confusion.
He held his hand over ketotsue's body slowly chanting his wounds slowly closeing. Energy slowly filling him. He then yanked Ketotsue up by the shirt dragging him. He emerged from the forest and closed in on the mountain. Throwing down the limp body he began to walk away then said "He should be wakeing in a view minutes. Tell him his brother took good care of him."
04-29-2009, 07:16 PM
Standing in awe of the dark energy that pulsed from the man, Lord Fang watched him and felt some immense force take over the body, then a massive Katana seemingly ripped through the shadow beast's toward what seemed to be like the controller, after a few seconds the controller reappeared and dropped the limp man on the ground and said something about his brother. Watching the controller leave, Fang immediately drank a potion to give him more energy, then ran over to the man on the ground an began pouring both arcane energy and healing energy in hopes to revive him. On top of that Fang didnt know whether the man was still going to lash out towards him as well, fearing that, Fang stepped a few paces backward and returned to sending both types of energy through a stream....Waiting he watched and hoped that he wasnt reviving another enemy to deal with.
04-30-2009, 09:38 AM
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A battle raged in ketotsue's mind between himself and oddly enough himself. Never before had he seperated himself from his body and as a result was haveing more than enough trouble getting ahold of the shell that was now his body. He sat there in a type of limbo formed in the recess of his mind trying despreatly to regain control over his body. It was a strange felling being traped within your own mind the seclusion it forced upon him was an alomst crushing force upon his mind. Then when he had given up his hopes of a quick recovery an unkown energy source began to fill his body and thus his being as well. What time had passed seemed to be an eternity to him so when he finally felt himself gaining control again an amazeing felling of acomplishment took hold in his mind.
Shortly after he awoke finding himself slugish but in full control over his body. ^Atterimus are you still with me?...yes I am here but do try to avoid doing that again in the future^ the voice of his spirit echoed weakly through his mind and he suddenly got an idea of just how much of a strain he had forced on his spirit. He then stood up finding his body in much better condition than he had expected as he turned to veiw the battle ground he found himself in close proximity to what seemed to be a very bewildered mage of some sort. "You there I presume you are the one responsibly for my healing?"
Last edited by ketotsue; 04-30-2009 at 09:41 AM..
04-30-2009, 12:55 PM
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Vuxxa continued through the forest leaving behind trail of decay. Lauphing to himself constantly in his crazed mood. He sent a thought along a mental link to Ketotsue ^I hope you thank me for not decimating you. I saved your body from pitiful death and brung you back to your little group.^ Satisfied he continued on killing animals as he went, shocking, burning, suffocation, poisoning, even slow decay of the living creature, the method mattered not to him, it was the stifeling of life that mattered to him. He even killed some elf and human as he went.
He now clumb to the tree tops, the darkness following him, spreading to the sky darkening it. He looked on, "A village, hidden amongst the trees, I hope it doesn't care for a bit of flame!" he bellowed in his crazed voice. Now lauphing he called upon his magic and screached out "EGO excito ut planta of incendia. Depono super is moenia of vita a valde pluvia of incendia!" as the words left his lips balls of fire began to rain from the sky down onto the hidden village. Flames so bright as to light the skies for miles. It could be seen even in the deep caverns of the mountain.
Last edited by Vuxxa; 04-30-2009 at 12:57 PM..
05-01-2009, 01:47 AM
He chuckled warmly, "Well then that'll definatly help you on your path to knowledge." He grinned and shrugged his shoulders lightly, "I don't really know if I can give them back or even change right now. It's not a priority though, so I'm not too terribly worried about it." He smiled faintly, "Ilemni means apprentice..or student. It's kind of a mixture between the words. You're not really learning a craft, but in some senses, you are. It's just the word I would use in Elvish to describe you." He sighed, "I know you're not..hell the Queen probably knows that you're not dangerous..but we still are a very cautious people. We don't make rash decisions like mortals are prone to...though this war, in my opinion, is quite rash." He laughed merrily, "I suppose you have to look at it from different points of view. The mortals rarely tarry into our actual lands, and if they do they tend to relinquish their mortality. But its the things they do to the natural world. The slaying of beasts, the desecration of forests to build..all of these things are done against us. We are the last of the old guardians, save the dwarves. Well..to our knowledge at least." He gave her a crooked grin and laughed, "I'll fetch you a platter of fruit or something if you wish."
Fight flames with more fire... |
05-02-2009, 01:22 PM
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Fight flames with more fire...
She continued to fire rapidly, aiming for the base of the dark sphere. It encased the women, swirling high into the air so the edge loomed over her. As the young archer watched, the dim sunlight filtered past the thick forest trees and fell upon the shadows. Yet, to her amazement, it continued to stand strong, effectively cutting off the women’s features.
Fight! The young archer shouted the thought within her mind, willing the trapped women to combat the swirling darkness from within. Though Qtchi didn’t understand what this strange magic was, she reasoned the swirling shadows were another form of darkness…and darkness fears light. Dimly, she wondering how the women felt - Anger? Fear? Or….Pain?
Her lips barely moved as she continued to mutter the spell under her breath, feeling the power coursing through her lithe frame and sparking at her finger tips. The God’s blessed each and every arrow with bright, glowing flames, as the young girl drew once more, aimed for an instant and then released the string. Even as the bow twanged, the arrow spiraled through the air and landed upon the base of the prison with alacrity. Satisfied, the archer noted the flames flickering to life as they burned against the foot of their intended target.
”Gods…” She whispered, her face wearing a stunned look as she stared into the clearing.
The blade the swordsman was wielding was now stained a terrible black. Even as she watched, he threw his head back and bellowed an indecipherable cry. The blade shattered; t’was as if time had suddenly slowed as the young girl watched the broken pieces hover in the air before the swordsman. Then she blinked and almost let out a shriek, when she realized the pieces suddenly zooming through the air straight towards her!
The words barely escaped her lips when a sudden force sent the pieces flying back to the swordsman.
”Look out!”
Unable to contain her anonaminity, the young archer executed a neat flip and landed firmly upon the ground. Without pausing, her feet moved quickly upon the forest path, her bow slung low over her shoulder as she jumped through the shrubbery. Out of the corner of her eye, a sudden flash of light caught her attention. With a cry, she dove to one side, landing heavily upon the ground, just seconds before a chain of lightening targeted the very spot she occupied. Oi! Wot is going on?! She wondered, rolling onto her stomach. Who is summoning lightening? Ignoring her protesting muscles, the young girl watched the lightening series head towards the edge of the forest.
Along with the deafening boom, dust and debris rose from the ground. Coughing, she realized the bolts of lightening were headed towards a hidden target still within the forest - from where she had just exited. A strange dome suddenly flickered into view and the young girl flattened herself onto the ground, just as the lightening was repelled over her head and back from whence it came from.
Spell after spell was thrown back to the caster. T’was the man who recaptured her attention; a terrifying scream made the young girl glance over in alarm. He was still standing, with his face upturned towards the sky…but now his body was slowly turning a deep shade of black - much like his blade. Had the spirits possessed him? She wondered in shock, fear rooting her to the spot.
With huge eyes, she watched as he mumbled something incomprehensible and suddenly collapse onto the ground.
Holding her breath, the young archer slowly rose to her feet, her eyes wide upon the fallen swordsman. Clearing her throat, she called out to him tentatively, ”Sir‘rah?”
When there was no reply, she stepped closer just when a rustling noise came from her left. Even as a young man sprinted into a clearing, pausing only briefly to drink a vial of unknown substance, her bow was already drawn, an arrow notched in place. Without noticing the young archer, he ran over to the fallen swordsman and held out his hands. A burst of arcane magic rippled into the air and the young girl tightened her string, before she realized t’was a good aura that was now emitted from this young mage.
White Magic.
Her arms lowered her bow and she silently watched as the mage slowly rose to his feet, the magic arcing from his hands and down towards the injured swordsman. For a few moments, nothing occurred - the man continued to lay upon the ground motionless and the young archer turned an inquiring eye upon the mage, a question upon her lips…
Then, the fallen man stirred to life...
Snapping her mouth closed, she could see his chest slowly rising with every ragged breath he drew…then his eyes opened and the man rose to his feet, his movements were slow and a tad sluggish. Still concerned, the young girl took a few steps away from the rising man - letting him breathe.
Even as she took a step back, he faced the mage - his back towards her. His voice was deep and gruff as he spoke, emitting a shiver on her end - "You there I presume you are the one responsibly for my healing?"
She cleared her throat, announcing her presence to the two men.
”Aye, he is,” She replied for the mage, stepping around to get a look at their faces. Her eyes darted around the clearing suspiciously, searching for their foe. ”Wot are those things? Why were they after yo-”
Her words were abruptly cut off by the suddenly lights in the distance. Whirling around, she threw an arm over her eyes to shield herself from the fiery lights that suddenly exploded within the northern skies. It seemed as if the heavens had opened up and huge balls of fire were now reigning down upon the forest, not far from where the adventurers stood.
Shocked, the young archer felt the scorching heat wash over her lithe frame and smelt the acid burning of wood. Plumes of smoke were already curling into the air and everywhere, the birds were flocking away from the commencement of hostilities.
Then, it suddenly occurred to her mind where the fire was raining….
”My village!” She uttered in disbelief, shock constricting her voice so much, the words came out strangled. ”No no no! It cannot be…” Almost in a trance, she trotted a few steps towards the forest, before shock froze her mid-step. Her mouth dangled opened.
The young girl whirled around, her face a mask of panic as she threw herself at the two men.
”Do something! Please help me!” She sobbed, her hands reaching out to grip the arms of the mage and swordsmen. Her words were barely a strained whisper - ”Please… We have to save them.”
”You Sir!” She looked up into the mages’ face, begging him with her amber eyes. “You can cast a counter-spell? Make it rain? Please! Anything!” Her lower lip began to tremble.
”Maybe I should go there…yes…yes…I should go and try and save them…” She spoke her thoughts out loud, fear clenching her heart. Questions were racing through her mind - Who would attack her village? …And why? What in Gods name was going on?!
Last edited by Qtchi; 05-02-2009 at 01:25 PM..
Reason: O_O A lot of catching up in this post! LOL!
05-02-2009, 02:02 PM
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(that lightning was aimed at the shadows, not me, the ligting went back at the Tesvielle because of the shield around them, the shards of the sword went to the shadows also, but the magic in the shards were sent back at Ketotsue, wounding him severely, he let his spirit into his body, and he got a black aura, and his sword became black, he destroyed the 2 shadows, then the dome of darkness around Elsani, then Ketotsue ran into the forest tried to attack me but fainted, i dragged him back and as i left, said "He should be wakeing in a view minutes. Tell him his brother took good care of him.")
Vuxxa lauphed an evil lauph full of glee. "Yes, burn fools. Give me your energy." He outstretched his hands pulling in their life energy into himself, which turned lack as the waves of energy neared his body. He ran down to the town, those that did die in the initial attack were fleeing the town. Fear in their eyes. Vuxxa chased them through the forest, one by one his sword drew blood. He then entered the town, standing in the center he began pulling the life force from the earth and plants. Slowly the forest around the town died and blackened, and the soil now hard and gray, the group at the mountain could also see it as the trees along the mountains edge blackened and decayed. He got his fill on energy and moved on throught the forest like a phantom. Not a sound now came from that part of the forest except the cracking of flames. Only the smell of decay blanketed the wood.
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