way to toggle on and off use of skills , isntead of having to delevel them to test stuff ,
example 1
archery one with nature
what if i would like the use of the skill pvp but for pve i would rather have more vengeful shots
example 2
Death magic
hasten demise and one of the rupture skills ,
lvlving and delvling these skills depending on what trying to do with dots ,
If going for large full hp ruptures u would not want the skill , but are other times i think it may be useful
Beast master stalking
I would like to be more easily able to compare build ideas using and not using this skill,
Using faster hits to try vamp more frequently compared to large random hits that i may want for arena or other areas i farm
These skills all alter dps based on situational use
Id rather not have to dlvl them or not use them per wich situation i want
Originally Posted by Glitchless
You look to be correct about Dinhoruiz and we believe he has been involved or scammed in the past, however, we cannot confirm this with 100% certitude which is necessary for any bannings. Definitely don't trust him - not that you should trust anyone.