12-19-2015, 09:35 AM
Glitchless is offline
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The results of toon sharing are extremely consistent: breaking such explicit rules have poor consequences for those who do so and then end up fighting about who true owner is, getting us involved.
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12-20-2015, 06:34 PM
Seer's BFF
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I disagree on two points made here:
1. The first is that toons were unbanned. To my knowledge no toon has ever been unbanned. There have been particular toons banned in the passed and the owner of the toons not IP banned. The owner in some cases was even allowed to keep some toons as was the case recently with Kaineth, not quit sure of the spelling.
2. The second idea I disagree with is that the toons should not be banded. If someone sells a toon then after the buyer invested time and money in the toon then the seler emails Glitch and ask for the toon back they should for sure be banned.
Last edited by Pale; 12-20-2015 at 06:42 PM..
12-20-2015, 07:18 PM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
The results of toon sharing are extremely consistent: breaking such explicit rules have poor consequences for those who do so and then end up fighting about who true owner is, getting us involved.
Am glad to here that you are consistent in banning toons once you have been ask to get involved in an account sharing account sale scam. In light of that, I ask you to ban or give back to me the toon Thorin. Matt the guy that started that toon sold it to me. Then emailed you and got the email and PW reset. He ran other scams to. Over all he scammed me out of hundreds of dollars. I payed for some of the account upgrades on Thorin. So if you could either give Thorin back to me or ban the toon? This after all would be consistent with what you just did in banning the toon above. The difference is that Thorin sold many toons, mostly other peoples to make money. Players would let him sit their toons and return to find he sold them to some1 ells or find they were banned.
12-20-2015, 07:51 PM
Glitchless is offline
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Not sure how you interpreted "poor consequences" to mean banning. It means unhappy results for one or more of the rule breakers. I would argue that your results were entirely consistent with that.
Don't break rules.
And especially, don't break the rules, and then expect us to waste our time sorting through the petty he said (s)he said shenanigans that comes from it.
Read the #2 rule again, specifically the 2nd paragraph:
2. Do not share or trade accounts. Doing so is dangerous and due to rule #1 you cannot share or trade accounts since you'd have to give someone your password to do so.
If you buy a character the seller will likely be able to take the character back by e-mailing us since we recover accounts when proof can be provided that you were the original owner i.e. original person to make a purchase on the account. DO NOT buy characters, you are being scammed and it is against the rules.
There simply is not a way for us to make it any clearer.
Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
P(a or b ... or z) = 1 - P(!a and !b ... and !z)
12-20-2015, 08:05 PM
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im kinda getting annoyed with all this crap... why dont yall let glitch focus on other things. other than this junk time after time...
DO NOT buy characters, you are being scammed and it is against the rules.
its kinda simple.
I wanna see more new stuff other than this constant BS
12-20-2015, 08:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
You look to be correct about Dinhoruiz and we believe he has been involved or scammed in the past, however, we cannot confirm this with 100% certitude which is necessary for any bannings. Definitely don't trust him - not that you should trust anyone.
12-20-2015, 08:09 PM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by Svetlana
Toon is banned.But i learned from mistakes.No more investing to accounts given by other people (including irl boyfriends).
What I mean by consistent is if you banned this toon that was taken away from Svetlana after the owner email you and got the account back then ban Thorin. That would be consistent.
12-20-2015, 08:34 PM
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Two things:
One: Different circumstances:
Two: Shouldn't you have done something about this five years ago if this was so important to you and it actually happened the way you said it did?
That's all I'll say. Glitch, you should close this up, I don't think anything productive is going to come from this thread.
What was, was, and what will be, has yet to happen....
12-20-2015, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Pale
What I mean by consistent is if you banned this toon that was taken away from Svetlana after the owner email you and got the account back then ban Thorin. That would be consistent.
If we are to be consistent Eli, why would a previously known botting account, Palehorserider, Hobreezi and Elijah, (all 3 banned for townwalking bots) be allowed to return to the game?
You can deny your breath out that you are not those accounts but you're wasting it on me, who has talked to you from the day i saw you on S2 and helped you get the toon Brow back from a person that was not playing it anymore.
You talk about consistency and demand thorin to be banned for the sole purpose that he is about to beat you in S2 arena, you can't stand someone else beating you, you can't accept the fact that you are not the centre of the server and that there are people that are able to beat you. Your request is completely unfounded and based on nothing but fear that you will lose 1st place in arena.
I agree with what DL said that glitch should focus on new content on improving existing content rather than the petty drama especially if it is caused for no reason what so ever like you are doing. You are nothing but a waste of time for game developers and pretty much everyone on S2.
TLDR version: Thorin did not scam Pale, thorin does not deserve to be banned.
12-20-2015, 09:21 PM
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"Your request is completely unfounded and based on nothing but fear that you will lose 1st place in arena. "
My request is based on truth.
12-20-2015, 09:31 PM
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Believing a lie doesn't make it true; not even if you believe reeeeally hard.
12-20-2015, 09:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Pale
My request is based on truth.
Well... in that case why did you not comment on the matter 5 years ago when it happened? Why now when Thorin's toon will take your place in arena?
Oh wait! I know why you didnt. cause that way glitch would figure out that you ARE the 3 banned toons...
On a side note: If you have any proof about this then email it to glitch, he will make justice in this case, but mind you, both seller and buyer deserve a ban, one for selling one for buying (as glitch stated in the rules). Do you want to lose another 3 toons like you lost the previous 3 to botting?
TLDR Version: You are full of air Pale.
12-20-2015, 09:35 PM
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12-20-2015, 09:37 PM
Seer's BFF
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Steeling and lying are not ok. Manipulating and slander are not ok. Using people is not ok. He is trying to hurt me on s2 by slander and lies. So I have chosen to speak out in the forums this time in hopes justice will be done.
Last edited by Pale; 12-20-2015 at 09:39 PM..
12-20-2015, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Pale
Steeling and lying are not ok. Manipulating and slander are not ok. Using people is not ok. He is trying to hurt me on s2 by slander and lies. So have chosen to speak out in the forums this time in hopes justice will be done.
OK... all of the above are not correct... but... is botting correct? Justice for him and not for you? now that's plain hypocritical don't you think? How is he hurting you on S2 by slander and lies? because he's beating you in arena? Because he's better than you are? Get better and he wont beat you dude...
TLDR version: Quit your lying and get a life
12-20-2015, 09:54 PM
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Tl;Dr but basically people whining that similar scenarios with different circumstances have different outcomes?
12-20-2015, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by King
Tl;Dr but basically people whining that similar scenarios with different circumstances have different outcomes?
Correct. Text book insanity xD
12-20-2015, 10:05 PM
Seer's BFF
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" but... is botting correct?"
Do you really want to talk about botting where Thorin/Beorn is concerned? He has a small army of toons on s1 that magically farm themselves and trade their gold to Thorin.
Now a small army of alts on s2 ? Do you really believe that his kids walked Boern to over 90 adventuring skills six months ago ? He claimed in chat to have over 90 level skills . For the naive, a photo posted on face book with Nod opened and a kid in front of a computer screen does not mean the kid has done all the walking on that toon.
12-20-2015, 10:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Pale
" but... is botting correct?"
Do you really want to talk about botting where Thorin/Beorn is concerned? He has a small army of toons on s1 that magically farm themselves and trade their gold to Thorin.
Now a small army of alts on s2 ? Do you really believe that his kids walked Boern to over 90 adventuring skills six months ago ? He claimed in chat to have over 90 level skills . For the naive, a photo posted on face book with Nod opened and a kid in front of a computer screen does not mean the kid has done all the walking on that toon.
Now you are accusing him of botting as well as scamming? ANY proof what so ever to back up your claims? Because so far you have provided nothing but slandering a good player's name and reputation.
And i REALLY want to talk about YOU botting on 3 accounts, getting caught and coming back 5 years later to "start fresh" and ending up trashing one of the most respected players in the game just because he's better than you are.
01-03-2016, 10:14 AM
Seer's BFF
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You brought botting into this thread not I. Botting will ruin s2 as it has s1 if it is allowed to continue! If cheater win by cheating, others will leave the game or start to cheat. I will not cheat.
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