Originally Posted by Glitchless
We'll do that next 1v1 season. And there's already a 40 fight a day cap this season, down from 100. The no life excuse for someone outranking you is going to be a tough sell this season.
well thank you, that is good news
Originally Posted by King
yeah arena will be led by no lifers for first few days then balance out when they run out of stock which is nice. 40 matches a day takes around 3 hours from what i saw when i tried which is very doable :{
mmm i dunno i managed to do around 40 fights since arena started few days ago, so i am far from reaching the limit, and i'm staying in queue maybe between 4-6 hours a days, and honestly, i cannot really do more than that .... queue is slow during my timezone maybe ...
just trying to state the obvious and give my 2 cents to improve arena.