Bump. I am adding some further ideas on implementation.
New line of epic artistry/crafting tools purchasable from select towns. Capabilities for all new tools are as follows:
1) Can craft a full stack (based on toons' item stacking skill) of items. Ex. 1 - Toon has 100 item stacking. Epic tool allows you to place 104 plants in tool to make 52 Dye. Ex. 2 - Toon has 95 item stacking. Epic tool allows you to make 33 planks from 99 pieces of Wood.
2) Epic tool cuts crafting time by 50 %. Perhaps a skill to further reduce time.
3) To encourage leveling of toon and skills, a minimum level requirement to use tools. Say, a lvl 60 or 80 toon can use epic tools, and/or level 80 in applicable skill needed.
Ideas for tools:
Puukko - skinning prey
Fish Scraper - removing scales from fish
Stove or Kiln - making oil
Pelt Stretcher - making leather
Bobbin - making thread
Cloth Jack - making cloths
Pigment Seperator - making Dye
Scrub Plane - making planks
Nodule cutter - making Geodes.
Caster - making Ingots
Cost can be determined by Glitch. Something in the 500k-1 mill range sounds reasonable.
Also, note that if an item requires 2 resources to craft, epic tool works as follows: Ex. - Leather require 2 skins and 1 Oil. Toon has 95 item stacking. Epic tool allows toon to use up to 100 skins and 50 oils.
I realize that Glitch has not commented in forums regarding this idea. With these further suggestions and support, perhaps Nod crafters will be able to enjoy the new year more.