Concede said this in "Player Guides and Help ------> Arena Guides" :
4. Pedrowazup, Smertnik, Alhimyk- Very well rounded team being able to pull out almost any tactic to catch you off guard. Tank/Dps healer support/Healer dps support. The casters could switch roles with ease depending on which form (DD, DoT, Deplete, Healing) was most potent against which teams. Sometimes the most effective way to disassemble a team is to go after their hitpoints last. This team will always be a conteder. Primary classes are Beast Master tank, Warlock dps healer support, Angel healer dps support. Probably the most versatile team there in this competition.
Originally Posted by Chloe
IF you enter a business agreement and agree to the terms and conditions of that service, then break the terms and conditions, the contract is void, and dont expect them to continue to provide you a service.
As my oppinion i have some coments :
1. Discrimination : If ToU is for everyone, then ToU must apply for all in same way.
Banned for sharing account as other said then 50% of Nod must be banned.
So why sharing is good if u are a looser in arena, and bad if u are trying to get first place in Arena ? So, why banned ppl from the first place, and not banned ppl in other low places in arena ?
2. U and others starting to post as u/they assumed that guys is quilty. Do u have proves ? Do u have evidence ? If yes, please share with us. If not why u trying to trust some who don't want to be displayed, as evidence of quilt ?
3. I read "Player Guides and Help ------> Arena Guides". Is not such rules of conduct in arena. All can do what they can to win. Everything is allowed, including his stall to finish as equal.
I will consider Pedro team innocent untill proven otherwise. Is the first statement in low : All ppl is innocent untill they prove otherwise.
Where is the prove here ? They told me what hapened. I trust they. They joke about something and some of those who hear/read what they say hurry told to Glitch as they was so quicly to discover an illegality. Just because they was so envious about Pedro team and that malevolence attitude covering theyr mind to see the truth could not distinguish them as simply was just a simple mocks.
I was playing arena only once or twice since arena start. I forgot.
So... someone please explain in what way anyone can trick / deceive in arena ?
If we have a rule written somewhere for arena, someone can cheat only if that rules was broken.
We have a rule to follow for arena ? Where that rule is displayed for all too read can follow and all who violate that rule to pay the price ?
Also, what price will be to pay if broking the rule is displayed somewhere... as all to know ?
Any low rule in this world show us what kind of penalty u get if broke that low/rule. In my country, if steal something take one/ two year, for robbery take 4-7 years. For rape take 7-10 years. For kill take life prison.
All that punishments is displayed for all to know.
Here i don't see any rules for Arena. Also i don't see what kind of penalty get if broke rule.
Btw ToU said that :
Upload files that contain software or other material protected by intellectual property laws (or by rights of privacy of publicity) unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents to do the same.
How is it possible that in game not be allowed custom faces if unauthorized copies, but like drawing avatar in forum, even if is copy image and is protected, is allowed ? And maybe Chloe avatar is such a drawing? :P