Old 09-23-2014, 12:23 PM   #61
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I thought that was obvious, but let me elaborate just a little bit...

Good portion of the players from old server will leave it, hoping to become top dogs in the new one. My rough estimate is 1/3 or so.

There will be a lot less resources and crafting professionals around on old server due to those people leaving, which will make everything harder and more annoying to get.

Little by little people that get annoyed by that will move to new server, except that small number of people that do not have the will to grind from scratch.

That all will only become true if the new server attracts at least twice as many newcomers as veterans that came from the old one.

At least that is what happens in most cases with new server opening in most online games.
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Old 09-23-2014, 02:12 PM   #62
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I guess only time will tell. A new server is needed to attract new players. On that I think we all can agree.
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Old 09-23-2014, 09:15 PM   #63
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I highly doubt that many people will leave the old server. The new server is meant for new characters and that's mainly what will be there. Its an exact clone so people that already have a foothold in the current server will be better off just staying there instead of starting over. Besides the new server wont be a lvl 85+ lvl cap and will have very little gold and epics, and without much crafting.
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Old 09-26-2014, 12:34 AM   #64
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I might return to check it out. I suspect a lot of other old timers will also return. Whether they stick around or not is a different matter. To be honest I doubt if I'll stay long, but it will be fun for a while, especially if some of the old gang also return.

I thought the game was best when it first came out. Personally I much preferred the days when a Charred Dagger was OP. The only gold in the game will be 2-3 gold per chest, + a few drops to vendor for a few hundred, + quest gold which was much smaller in the original game. It will (hopefully) take a while before people even get to 6 figure amounts of gold, let alone 7-8 figures in gold.

There won't be any power leveling, because there won't be anyone to do it. There won't be high level toons feeding gold and gear to low level alts. I don't think you'll see a flood of TCs starting out and the prices will be very low for a while. There just won't be enough gold for a while.

So why buy TCs when the prices will be very low? Because 10K gold will be a lot of gold. The absolute amount of gold doesn't matter. What matters is how much gold one player has compared to other players. If someone can get 10-20K out of a TC it gives them a huge advantage. The AH will be empty. When things start showing up, the first person to grab things will be the first to higher levels, therefore the first to get higher level gear, therefore can sell that higher level gear for more gold. Every single time someone enters a new zone before the masses, they have a big advantage.

Something that would be fun to see again are *real* PKs. The early PKs won't have anything to lose. They can go wild, and the PKKs can go wild chasing after them, just for fun. So I'd expect a lot of them. A PK can be OP with a few rares. But if the rares are lost, not a big deal.

The game won't be loaded with legendaries. So what? What it will be instead is fun, not a grind. That's what a game is all about.
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Old 09-26-2014, 01:55 AM   #65
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glich there is no advertisement on nowhere . you rushed that new server. (
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Old 09-26-2014, 03:54 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by tkots
glich there is no advertisement on nowhere . you rushed that new server. (
Would not be smart for glitch to start advertising until the new server is up and running
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Old 09-27-2014, 06:03 AM   #67
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1. See answer #2
2. Because no new players in their right mind would want to start from scratch on such an old server where people have exp in hundreds of billions and gold in hundreds of millions (over several characters).
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Old 09-29-2014, 10:57 PM   #68
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Newgrounds happens to be the best place to advertise a free flash game, since that's the whole point of the website. People looking for free browser games to play. The fact that there is a rating voting and comment section of the site only makes it better!
If you think that new players will only play on server 2 you are sadly mistaken. Players will check out server one just to see what the future and potential for server 2 is.
Some might stick around just cuz they can. Just like the oldies head over to server 2, just cuz they can.
Time will tell, maybe the community in s2 will become a friendlier place... Or not.

Glitchy is in the business to make money, I can't think of a better way to put our lovely game out into the world than to host it on a free to play browser site.
Now if we could g
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Old 09-29-2014, 10:58 PM   #69
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Get nodiatis on steam
That would be amazing.
Greenlight it?
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