09-16-2014, 10:43 PM
Ragnar is offline
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The only rational reason for the introduction of the new server to be excessive burden on the old main (caused by excessive number of players). But if not, I do not see any reason to create a new server.
09-16-2014, 11:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Samhaine
Where is there is an issue with logins/emails/whateverelsepeoplecan'tseemtounderstand.
Brand new server. Like "new game". Play there or play here. It's really not complicated people. If you are established on ND1, the only reason to play on ND2 is for an adventure (or to join your friends if they all stop playing on ND1).
I dont think that will be working lol, I tryed the nd2.nodiatis.com and this came up....

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09-17-2014, 12:17 AM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Originally Posted by TamariChan
I dont think that will be working lol, I tryed the nd2.nodiatis.com and this came up....

That would be because the new server isnt out yet... XD
Beet Da Brat
09-17-2014, 06:55 AM
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Advanced >>> Proceed (unsafe) that works seeing as how I just did it. But yeah when the new server is live nd2 could be server 2. You are assuming that both will use the same log in. If they do I am sure glitch already took everything into consideration.
09-17-2014, 07:23 AM
ForumPipe is offline
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I would love to make a new character on a new server if I could keep account upgrades from server 1.
If that is not the case, I won't be making a character there, and I think that vast majority of players from server 1 won't either.
Just my 2 cents.
09-17-2014, 07:27 AM
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Server 2 sounds to be more for new players who get left further and further behind on Nod as is. How can you compete as a lvl 20 when TCs cost 1mil? It turns a lot of new players off. On a new server they'd have a level playing field, everyone can compete.
So on server 2 I see the playerbase being a lot of new Nodders and a bunch of wallet warriors all scrambling to be the next Relic, Zenga, or whoever.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
You won't be warned again.
09-17-2014, 07:47 AM
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Enduir, True, will be easier for low levels to find groups for farming and such. Same fore arena.
09-17-2014, 09:41 AM
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tbh ill probs make an alt there, just wont spend loads or buy all upgrades, maybe premium and just farm my daily rrt and leave
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Honorable mention goes to Emiliastormrage, Roguetiger, Hustlerking, Chloe.
09-17-2014, 11:06 AM
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I'm sure you will Chloe.. I'm sure you will...
names? |
09-17-2014, 03:56 PM
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jadedsoul is offline
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are the names on server one going to be off limits to server two or can someone use your name and pretend to be you on server two?. for that exact reason is why i would suggest that names already on server one not be available.
09-17-2014, 04:32 PM
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I'mma create an army of all the top playernames from server 1!! poopooface will be first :P
09-18-2014, 10:06 AM
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Is it estimated time known yet?
*holds breath*
09-19-2014, 06:43 PM
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...just a fading, memory...
What was, was, and what will be, has yet to happen....
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09-20-2014, 07:37 AM
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chrisdj is offline
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totally in agreement, with your point of view here sixx, there is no other reason to have a complete clone of nod server unless your planning to kill the first one!
why not fix, expand and make more people want to play the current game rather than do this?  bonkers!
09-20-2014, 08:56 AM
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why not fix, expand and make more people want to play the current GAME rather than do this? bonkers!
Yes id like to know too :/
09-20-2014, 09:18 AM
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Without a new world his proposed advertising campaign would be a waste of money and time. I doubt any new player would like to join a game that is nearly complete as it can get by a number of people. level 100 in most skills and t3+ gear. Would have no hope of catching up without spending a ton of cash.
As for the new world anyone that intends to make a toon there my advise to you would be get accel and go pk as soon as u hit level 20. You have the advantage as you have played before. Even make x3 toons the same build and go pk on all 3. You will quickly become top dog along with others who will go pk if you dont take risks and dont be foolish.
09-21-2014, 02:44 PM
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Glitchy, you said just a little bit ago that the new sever is ETA this coming weekend, aka, Sept, 26ish you will release it? and what time is the ETA? :P
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09-22-2014, 09:25 PM
tkots is offline
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New server idea can be very good or fatal mistake for nod.
If you pull enough player for new server that means nod will come back alive again.
3 years ago there was lots of players now I am seeing just same faces and their alts. its not good not good at all.
Opening new server:
1. can divide players already a few here.
2. can be empty server if not enough players pulled and ends with closing nod.
so please be careful guys
my suggestion
1. instead opening new server make a vote for merge . I mean there is just 1 server player can come without items or any xp starting from level 1 but keeps their upgrades.(yes you are expecting players will create new toons and buy upgrades again but it can turn out very bad suppose that 30% of current players create and buy upgrades that means average 100-150 player will buy them again minus side they wont play at s1 150X300usd(45k) is too low for new server even 90k is too low means 60% will go new server that exceeds even max)
I am suggesting :
1.make advertisement and pull players dont rush for new server.
2. make reborn at new server options for players with keeping their upgrades but now any xp or item or tc.
3. after some time merge these servers and close s1. run 2 suggestion mandatory this time.
doing that you will lose a little from your current player pool but nod2 server will be crowded and with full of new adventures. if you pull enough players you can extend nod2 for at least 5-6 years more.
sorry for my english its not my native.
09-23-2014, 03:53 AM
ForumPipe is offline
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I am sure Glitch had some smart economy experts calculate potential gains and losses involved in opening a new server.
Bottom line is, if those projections show there is more to be gained than lost, and if relevant risk vs reward is something Glitch is ready for, there isn't a thing we can say that will change his mind.
Many people will be reluctant at first, but majority will bite the bullet and transfer to the new server.
That means they will all need upgrades for their accounts, and all those upgrades have to be bought with TCs.
Some will buy TCs for $$, and others will buy TCs for in game gold from those that bought them for $$ and are willing to sell them in order to advance faster in the game.
All in all, there will be only a very small portion of the player base that won't be willing to start over, but those should be more than compensated for by influx of new players.
In conclusion, the sooner you start on new server the better for you, since new server is gonna chew up and spit out old server slowly but surely,
you could wait for proposed merger, but that is gonna take a while, and in all that time old server is gonna die more and more each day.
You know what they say: early bird gets the worm 
09-23-2014, 09:46 AM
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adino is offline
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Respectfully...LOL @ "bite the bullet" and transfer to new server.
The new server is intended for new players... hence the ad campaign glitch mentioned. Why would anyone that has a toon/toons with upgrades want to create a new toon and either spend $$$ for upgrades or go through the grind of walking without accel/grinder. Honestly, after playing a toon with upgrades then a low level toon with none, I don't know how anyone lasted
Words of wisdom by the princess... "Welcome to Stronhad... I didn't think you would make it."
Last edited by adino; 09-23-2014 at 09:57 AM..
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