09-17-2008, 02:11 AM
Waah waaah waaah... pkers ruined my fun boooo hoooo
If you play a game, with pk in it, why act surprised when you get pked? Thats just retarded.
09-17-2008, 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by Valiumandritalin
I've PK'd Valiant twice.
Strye twice.
Powaqa twice.
Cinnamon once.
And the list goes on.
But Mara.. don't discourage them from venturing out of towns when I'm PK'ing. I see less and less possible victims all the time.
And I gave you fools 5 gold.
I paid my debt to society.
and yet our love is unbreakable!!

09-17-2008, 02:48 AM
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Originally Posted by powaqa
first off clean you can use your time card but you CHOOSE not to
second unless you are a paid account the only thing you lose is rest time the same as you would to a mob so go qq more.
straight up people pking (aka player vs player) is part of the game deal with it and stop whining, there has been no hiding of it the seer tells you about it, unless you choose not to read then well sorry go cry to your mommy for not taking the time to read about the game you are playing.
i've been pked no biggie
if all you want is a game where you can't have anything happen to ya go play on disney cause you apparenlty aren't mature enough to deal with others
I'll whine if i want to whine and i'll cry to mommy (so arse-achingly US) if i want to cry to mommy. One thing i won't do is take lectures from someone like you.
I find it all tirelessly dull and mind-numbing and that's just the way it is. I'm not saying i didn't know about it or that it is unfair. I'm just saying it's all rather sad that this Vengeful chap is walking around with his dick out and a smile on his face, whilst everyone looks on and applauds. I've seen bigger dicks and smugger smiles, so i don't find it so ossome (just for you my American friend).
09-17-2008, 02:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Mara
I completely agree with Pow. This is a thrilling part of the game, and I would miss it if it were changed. And here's a question: why do you go out of town when there is a pk about? Don't blame them if you are pked because you do not pay attention to what is going on. And just so you know, it's not only non paying people, or low levels, being pked. They also pk their friends, and higher levels. And guess what? They are still friends afterward, so grow up.
~ Mara ~
This is the thing, i've never been PK'ed and never will. I don't find it exciting when he's out and about. Maybe when there are more high level players around (ie bigger scalps) and more of a chance that a PK will be killed himself. Watching him take out noobs is not exciting. When he's out and about, i just log-off, go watch some adverts and better myself.
09-17-2008, 09:03 AM
well clean you have proven how truely idioctic you are if you are going to use a word spell it correctly (try Dictionary.com)
2 obviously you don't want to be here if all you can do is whine so there's the door, take you and your hoity toity, pompus atttitude and leave.
3 all pker's know they will die eventually
and yeah i am from the us but at least i don't whine in forums if i or others get killed so to put it bluntly for all you whiners out there GROW UP
Last edited by powaqa; 09-17-2008 at 09:09 AM..
09-17-2008, 09:48 AM
Clean. You're upset because this guy is out killing people and acting like a badass while we sit back and applaud. There's a reason for this.
It's hard out there for a pimp.
In this case, pimp = PK. Any PK that rushes in head first without a very good plan gets taken out very quickly. The fact that he has survived this long means that he thought this through. And I know Venge; he's done this before and he's good at it. I've seen better *coughAustencoughcough* but not by much. He knows what he's doing and he's damn good at pulling this off.
Moreover... he kills weak people. We're aware. He's 41, why doesn't he pick on people in their 30's? Because it's too risky. He's well aware that if he gets caught by a strong enough character, he's dead. He's analyzed his risks and is going with the best route available to him. The fact that characters 30+ generally don't hang out near his current preying grounds only benefits him. He goes where the strong characters aren't as an attempt at self-preservation. Think about it this way: You're in the middle of a war, and you've got no support. To the north, there are people with guns. To the south, there are people with knives. You've got an assault rifle with a couple extra clips. Where do you go?
The path of least resistance.
If you want him to stop, create some resistance. Get the people in your area to band together to hunt him down. You can whine all you want, but that changes nothing. Well, almost.
It makes you a target.
09-17-2008, 09:57 AM
Go veng! Kill Minervian and Jon while you're at it... multiple times!
09-17-2008, 10:03 AM
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Originally Posted by powaqa
well clean you have proven how truely idioctic you are if you are going to use a word spell it correctly (try Dictionary.com)
2 obviously you don't want to be here if all you can do is whine so there's the door, take you and your hoity toity, pompus atttitude and leave.
3 all pker's know they will die eventually
and yeah i am from the us but at least i don't whine in forums if i or others get killed so to put it bluntly for all you whiners out there GROW UP
Firstly, which word i have i spelled incorrectly? You will have to illuminate this idiot with your explanation (please God, don't be my phonetic interpretation of ossome).
Secondly (i think it's a tad idiotic to form an opinion without understanding the facts, buy hey, go figure!), i have not been PK'ed. I'm not bitter or upset about it, because it's never happened. I also don't think PK'ing people is a bad thing. I just think PK'ing noobs is pointless.
Thirdly, i like the game, i just don't like this one little thing. I don't know about you, but i don't stomp off home to mom if one little thing upsets me. But, i do like to speak about it and i reckon a forum is as good a place as any. Hoity-toity? Pompous (check the spelling kid)? Maybe, maybe not. Give a sh#t? No.
Fourthly, if something disappoints me, i'll complain about it and if that's a moan, so be it. Semantics should never dictate emotion. If that makes you a reactionary whinger yourself (which, let's be honest, is what is happening here) then that's just the way you are. Wind you up and watch you go.
All i said was i find this all (Vengeful's unimpressive and dull quest and self-promotion) very dull and all the reactionists start slapping their heads and grinding their teeth!
Last edited by cleanprophet; 09-17-2008 at 10:07 AM..
09-17-2008, 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by cleanprophet
Firstly, which word i have i spelled incorrectly? You will have to illuminate this idiot with your explanation (please God, don't be my phonetic interpretation of ossome).
Secondly (i think it's a tad idiotic to form an opinion without understanding the facts, buy hey, go figure!), i have not been PK'ed. I'm not bitter or upset about it, because it's never happened. I also don't think PK'ing people is a bad thing. I just think PK'ing noobs is pointless.
Thirdly, i like the game, i just don't like this one little thing. I don't know about you, but i don't stomp off home to mom if one little thing upsets me. But, i do like to speak about it and i reckon a forum is as good a place as any. Hoity-toity? Pompous (check the spelling kid)? Maybe, maybe not. Give a sh#t? No.
Fourthly, if something disappoints me, i'll complain about it and if that's a moan, so be it. Semantics should never dictate emotion. If that makes you a reactionary whinger yourself (which, let's be honest, is what is happening here) then that's just the way you are. Wind you up and watch you go.
All i said was i find this all (Vengeful's unimpressive and dull quest and self-promotion) very dull and all the reactionists start slapping their heads and grinding their teeth!
Fact is, you're still whining over something that shouldn't be whined about.
And ranting about how you can complain if you want to makes you seem... quite... unsociable. And that's the nicest word I can find.
This a forum where people come together and discuss.
Not ***** like we got more than one dick up our ass.
09-17-2008, 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by cleanprophet
Secondly (i think it's a tad idiotic to form an opinion without understanding the facts, buy hey, go figure!), i have not been PK'ed. I'm not bitter or upset about it, because it's never happened. I also don't think PK'ing people is a bad thing. I just think PK'ing noobs is pointless.
Again... why go charging into a group of heavily armed people who could end your life before you can even get any fun out of your killing spree when you can go take out a bunch of people who can't defend themselves nearly as well, especially when you know the worst you'll set them back is one epic that they weren't even using yet?
As a PK, picking on someone your own size is suicide. It's stupid.
09-17-2008, 11:36 AM
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I don't only PK people in the 8's and 9's.
Been around the map, gone to Rocklands, found no one. Gone to Snowhills, found no one. Gone to Volcano, found no one. Gone to Lavalands, found no one.
Why ?
Because at this early stage of the game the largest supply of victims is on N-pass/dread and lower.
Don't blame me, blame yourself and others for not leveling up.
09-17-2008, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Valiumandritalin
Don't blame me, blame yourself and others for not leveling up.
Yes, if someone has been playing for a few weeks and still is only level 9 or level 10, they can't complain. But, some people below level 10 only started in the last week. If they start the game with every intention of levelling up as quickly as possible then that's fair enough, but if they keep getting PK'ed by someone like you it pretty much also kills their motivation to play, i'm sure. And yes, i know people will say "if they keep getting PK'ed then they're too stupid to play the game". Sometimes its not only about that. Avoiding being PK'ed can often mean you don't get that chance to level up.
I understand that noobs can have items they won't or can't use and that you're probably getting an itchy trigger finger, but i think the game would benefit if you stopped sausaging people who haven't had a chance to pull up their pants and get on with the game.
09-17-2008, 02:41 PM
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You do realize they have [almost] nothing to lose, and I stand to lose everything ?
Still, I'm not complaining.
09-17-2008, 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Strye
This a forum where people come together and discuss.
OMFG! dude, you made me laugh so hard i had water come out my nose. I still am sitting here laughing at what you wrote.
first you talk about how how he's whining and that he's being "unsociable" for doing so.... and then you go on to say that this is the place to discuss.
so, what you're ~really~ saying is that this is the place where everyone can go to say how much they agree with you; otherwise they can all just shut up.
as for myself, i really don't give a rat's backside either way about venge. i think he's nothing more than a waste of time & oxygen. yeah, way to go big guy! you pk'd a bunch of level 5 to 20somethings when you're level 41. my o' my. so do you want a medal or a chest to pin it on? the only skill i see in any of this is that you can click your mouse somewhat fast.....
OTOH, he's put the time, money, & the effort into building himself up, while the rest of us have been lazy mofo's. why the hell shouldn't he kick our asses if he wants to. :P
my only true constructive thoughts on the matter is that i would like to see something of a level restriction for pking. say, 20 levels? imho, a level 41 char shouldn't be allowed to hit a level 10 char. especially a level 10 char that's paying the grossly inflated and obscenely overpriced rates that nodiatis charges.
*shrug* that's just my thoughts on the matter
09-17-2008, 05:22 PM
Priceless, PK on Killa =)
09-17-2008, 06:18 PM
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Respectfully removed 
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09-17-2008, 06:23 PM
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You're the kind of Nodiatis players I appreciate. Instead of whining you manage to find entertainment in the chaos.
I find myself developing respect for you guys.
[aldready did respect Harp, but now SiSiX has earned it]
09-17-2008, 06:31 PM
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Originally Posted by fuzzee
my only true constructive thoughts on the matter is that i would like to see something of a level restriction for pking. say, 20 levels? imho, a level 41 char shouldn't be allowed to hit a level 10 char. especially a level 10 char that's paying the grossly inflated and obscenely overpriced rates that nodiatis charges.
*shrug* that's just my thoughts on the matter
I agree with this completely (agree with all your post in fact). Going around Traveller's Way Pk'ing people, most of whom are sub-level 10 players, is not what i think being a PK is about. I just find it bizarre to see people whooping and cheering him on as he effortlessly puts the sword to defenceless players. It's not exciting and it's not what the game's about. It 's just dull, dull, dull (as i said in my first post). People pay money, more than they probably should, to have time on this game and they can lose this game without having a leg to stand on. That's just not on. There's no skill in what Vengeful is doing. None at all.
I reckon fuzzee has a good point about their being some sort of threshold on the level of players a PK can go after. They shouldn't be allowed to take out players with more than 10 levels less than them. Yes, a PK has everything at stake, but only if he's taking on people who can challenge him, even in some small way.
09-17-2008, 06:35 PM
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Us PK's don't have to take on people higher up then us, they hunt us actively and that's where skill kicks in.
Avoiding death, survival.
The most primal skill of them all.
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