04-20-2015, 06:46 AM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Originally Posted by King
i'll support if this is a level 90+ skill. at level 80 it seems too OP. it may take forever by the time you get to the higher levels but you would get level 40
fairly fast which is 120 stat points. much easier than pilging albeit no hp reward unless you put in dur >.>
It is 100 points at level 100 and cycles between the 4 making it 25 in each. at level 40 would be 10 extra points in each section. 10 stat points in melee, 10 in magic 10 in defense and 10 in recovery.
So for example you have each stat 85 to be level 85 which would be 252 points to apply to any of the 12 sub stats. at level 40 in this skill you would have 262 in each section instead.
Could also change it to every 4 levels it adds the points to all 4 sections at the same time.
Making this skill act like extra levels would be op at any level including 90. So I wouldn't be suggesting that in the first place.
Beet Da Brat
Last edited by beetdabrat; 04-20-2015 at 06:53 AM..
04-20-2015, 07:19 AM
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04-25-2015, 04:50 PM
Gem Pouch Expert
marzus is offline
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Heaven Shock Bow rework:
This bow provide a 21% bonus to all healing and cure gems and has a chance to deal 60 forsaken damage over 15 seconds when landing a ranged shot.
04-29-2015, 12:35 AM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Epic Psych Magic
This skill increases the amount of mana you have by 50% and increases mana regen by 100%
Epic Death Magic
This skill increases the amount of energy you have by 50% and increases energy regen by 100%
Beet Da Brat
04-29-2015, 07:38 AM
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too OP. i would be able to take like 200 points out of pre and 50 or so points out of pst and put them into defense regen or cnc.
i support because i would love that but just seems a bit overpowered when combined with energy draw energetic (+150% energy regen) and euphoric (+75%).
04-29-2015, 01:32 PM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Originally Posted by King
too OP. i would be able to take like 200 points out of pre and 50 or so points out of pst and put them into defense regen or cnc.
i support because i would love that but just seems a bit overpowered when combined with energy draw energetic (+150% energy regen) and euphoric (+75%).
I'm just having fun at this point since any new skills being added is gonna be extremely rare.
Beet Da Brat
Last edited by beetdabrat; 04-29-2015 at 01:35 PM..
07-22-2015, 12:19 AM
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moblob is offline
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Lootfiend-Each level in this skill increases the chance of getting an item of rare quality by .25% on a loot drop. This does not affect gems, silks, or epic drops.
Skill Idea>Uptiering |
09-02-2015, 08:43 AM
JJGiggles is offline
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Skill Idea>Uptiering
I will confess I didn't read all the pages so this could already be in here. I also might get boo'd out of the building, but....
What if uptiering/downtiering items both required and gave xp? This would mean a high level item would need to be downtiered for a lower level player, but also mean that people who spend a great deal of time doing this, would be able to "charge" for services.
09-28-2015, 11:22 AM
preadatordetector is offline
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Originally Posted by Decker
a skill for the lacking lvl 40 adventure skills.
Seems like a good idea for Trapper.
Mount - Adventuring 80 Epic Skill |
02-05-2016, 05:17 PM
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ShadeDaScout is offline
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Mount - Adventuring 80 Epic Skill
With every point in this skill you increase your movement speed, doubling it at a skill of 100 as long as you are at full health, energy, mana, not encumbered, and not in a PK mode (flashing).
+1% screen movement speed per level
-At the level 100, your toon movement speed on the screen will be doubled, thus making you travel 2x faster.
-To prevent swift PKers, the skill will not work if you are flashing red.
-If you are not at full HP, energy or mana (if you are "injured") you won't be able to ride.
-This skill also can't work if you are encumbered.
Last edited by ShadeDaScout; 02-05-2016 at 07:20 PM..
Reason: grammar (you->your)
02-05-2016, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by ShadeDaScout
With every point in this skill you increase your movement speed, doubling it at a skill of 100 as long as you are at full health, energy, mana, not encumbered, and not in a PK mode (flashing).
+1% screen movement speed per level
-At the level 100, you toon movement speed on the screen will be doubled, thus making you travel 2x faster.
-To prevent swift PKers, the skill will not work if you are flashing red.
-If you are not at full HP, energy or mana (if you are "injured") you won't be able to ride.
-This skill also can't work if you are encumbered.
I'd support if it included pks. Idk about s2 but on s1 pk is crappy enough without moving at around half the speed of hunters. Tho I doubt many would walk it past like 20 if that. Rest of it sounds fine
02-05-2016, 07:18 PM
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ShadeDaScout is offline
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Originally Posted by King
I'd support if it included pks.
To be honest, I have no idea of how hunting PKers work, so I included it not to work with flashy PKers so they couldn't "hit 'n run".Should it work with PKers or not is kinda balance-wise.
04-29-2016, 12:06 AM
Auction Master
beetdabrat is offline
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Higher Priority
Epic Magic skill
This skill makes the gem in your 5th pouch slot up to 10 times more likely to be drawn than the other gems in the pouch. This skill only works against creatures.
04-29-2016, 05:48 AM
Gem Pouch Expert
Bren_nerb is offline
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Auto stacking trophies after battles
05-29-2016, 10:59 AM
Epic Scholar
flipynifty is offline
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Explosive shielding. Gives a 0.25% per point that when your damage barrier is broken it explodes dealing damage equal to half as much health it had before breaking. Fading shields have a chance of exploding every time they fade. They deal physical damage when exploding but only half as often.. (Not testudo)
omg i wanna sammich nao
06-05-2016, 03:28 AM
Crab Defiler
SapreaverTwo is offline
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Flurry of blows
Reduces fist accuracy by up to 50% but reduces delay but up to twice that amount.
One punch
Reduces unarmed attacks to only one but increases damage by 3x and gives crit chance of 0.5% perpoint in this skill.
06-05-2016, 03:30 AM
Crab Defiler
SapreaverTwo is offline
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Only 1 can be used at once
07-26-2016, 11:56 AM
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ShadeDaScout is offline
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Jack of All Trades, level 40 stats skill
Gives up to 100% chance not to trigger the other class ability's cooldown, when one of the class abilities is used.While one of the class abilities is on cooldown, the other one has up to 50% efficiency.
Long story short, with this skill you can use both class abilities, except 1 of them will have only 50% efficiency (if you are level 80, the CA will be as strong as if you were level 40, etc.) if 1 of them is on cooldown.
10 second tactician invulnerability followed by 5 seconds and small damage from vampire CA...
Full stun from enchanter, followed wizard's ca...
Angel revive+paladin heal, etc...
__________________________________________________ ________________________________
Originally Posted by flipynifty
Explosive shielding. Gives a 0.25% per point that when your damage barrier is broken it explodes dealing damage equal to half as much health it had before breaking. Fading shields have a chance of exploding every time they fade. They deal physical damage when exploding but only half as often.. (Not testudo)
I would personally replace it with:
Mystic/Shield/Enchanted Shrapnel, level 40/60 Psych Magic:
Whenever a damage barrier is damaged the attacker will take up to 20% of damage dealt.Half damage if the damaged damage barrier is fading.Works with testudo.
This could make grey magic defensive utility and armor barrier procs a bit offensive, making grey magic and damage barrier procs more useful.
07-26-2016, 09:18 PM
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Soxson is offline
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Originally Posted by ShadeDaScout
Jack of All Trades, level 40 stats skill
Gives up to 100% chance not to trigger the other class ability's cooldown, when one of the class abilities is used.While one of the class abilities is on cooldown, the other one has up to 50% efficiency.
Long story short, with this skill you can use both class abilities, except 1 of them will have only 50% efficiency (if you are level 80, the CA will be as strong as if you were level 40, etc.) if 1 of them is on cooldown.
10 second tactician invulnerability followed by 5 seconds and small damage from vampire CA...
Full stun from enchanter, followed wizard's ca...
Angel revive+paladin heal, etc...
Sounds like a lot of work for glitch. He'd have to go through every single class, primary and secondary. He's pretty much got a plan on what projects to work on for the next year and a half at least.
Praise the hindu gods!
11-05-2016, 05:22 AM
Ghortarr is offline
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To be honest, i didn't really know where i have to put this. Already posted it (with search) at the recognition page but i have the feeling no one would read it or no idea i have to make a new topic BUT I popped up with an awesome idea for recognition!
Recognition would be brilliant if a black market would exist. A traveling merchant that wanders through towns that pops up instead of a random boss encounter. The higher the recognition the higher tiers he would sell or the rarer the resource would be! He wouldn't be selling the normal stuff you can buy in the towns but he will be selling random plants, ores, silks, dusts, fish, ... ofcourse not infinite... maybe drop a random pet in it aswel cause he is constantly traveling between towns and unknown areas and encounters weird stuff!
About his prices... would have to be cheaper or more expensive than AH price. i'm a little stuck there but i think that idea could be brilliant.
You could even make it sell LG and epic consumables or master plans (would also fix probs on server2)
Tell me what you think of this
and sorry if i said this in a wrong topic... didn't know really if i needed to make a new one or not...
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