05-06-2012, 04:52 PM
Boss Hunter
moblob is offline
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Posts: 109
I think that there should be an entirely different tab included for clan things...like you can level the skills up by killing other members of other clans in a clan battle...then you gain more exp each level and each different skill can be activated like a bonus for a certain amount of time...like a potion, except activated differently...for instance>
Clan Bonus-Activates a bonus as soon as you log on for one hour of game time (plus an additional 5 minutes each time this skill is leveled up) that increases all active exp and gold gains by 10% and gives a chance of double the normal amount of trophy drops
Passive RP-Gives a free 5000 rune power at the beginning of each day. Each level gives an additional 1000 rune power.
and other things like that
05-06-2012, 06:03 PM
Boss Hunter
moblob is offline
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Tributary-Gives a 0.01% chance for one of your trishots to trishot again
05-07-2012, 06:39 PM
Boss Hunter
moblob is offline
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This has probably been suggested like a million times, but maybe a skill that does this>
Every skill level in this point allows you to craft more than one item at once, but at double the cost of energy/mana, which can be reduced with the assembly and sweatshop skills.
05-15-2012, 06:00 PM
Auction Master
beetdabrat is offline
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Melee Perfection
Level 80 Melee
Every point in this skill reduces weapon delay for one handed weapons by 0.2% and 0.15% for two handed weapons not including staves. This skill also increases the chance for slice, smash or puncture to go off by 50%. You must be at level cap for this skill to take effect. (For example 15% chance to puncture with one handed piercers instead of 10%)
Indomitable Warrior
Level 80 Melee
Every point in this skill increases weapon damage against mobs whose levels are much higher than your own. You must be at level cap for this skill to take effect.
Battle Shield
Level 80 Melee
Every point in this skill grants a .25% chance for your shield to clone your weapon and act as if you're dual wielding for 10 seconds when you successfully block. You still receive shield bonuses while the weapon is being cloned. You must be at level cap for this skill to take effect.
Berserker Oath
Level 80 Melee
This skill increases the chance for a critical hit and critical hit damage for two handed weapons not including staves. You get 0.2% critical hit chance and 0.1% more critical hit damage after 25 swings. You must be at level cap for this skill to take effect.
Improved Dual Wielding
Level 80 Melee
While dual wielding you get an additional 10% chance to crit and 0.15% more damage per point. You must be at level cap for this skill to take effect.
Seek and Destroy
Level 80 Archery
This skill grants a 10% chance for each shot to trigger a random dot gem in your pouch. Every point in this skill reduces the mana and energy cost of the gem by 1%. You must be at level cap for this skill to take effect.
05-21-2012, 06:44 PM
Boss Hunter
moblob is offline
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Superior Secondary-Every level in this skill gives a .01% chance of one of your character abilities to not set off the other character ability
05-23-2012, 01:17 PM
Seer's BFF
Flashus is offline
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Craft/Artistry Expertise (lvl 80 skill)
Every 10 points in this skill allows the production of an extra set of resources but with an exp penalty 9.5% to base exp, this skill only works on resources items.
1. this will allow a max of 11 stacks of resource items in 1 go.
2. each extra stack increases the time to create each stack.
e.g. 11 stacks takes 11 times the time to create 1 stack
3. each extra stack increases the Energy/Mana requirement .
e.g. 11 stacks takes 11 times the Energy/Mana requirement
4. stacks created in Trave, Mode will be SB.
5. stacks created with Travel Mode off will be UnSB.
6. 11 stacks created will only return 5% exp compared to the exp for 1 stack.
e.g. 1 stack gives 1k exp, 11 stack only gives 50 exp, similar to exp penalties for skills
Craft/Artistry Mastery (lvl 80 skill)
Every 10 points in this skill reduces the Mana/Energy/Time requirement for multiple stacks or resource crafting by 5% to a max of 50%.
there think that is everything covered. Jeff if you see this please give it some consideration. I have tried to include everthing to avoid exploitation. Either was please reply with Yes/No/maybe to close out all the suggestions for multiple crafting.
06-04-2012, 11:52 AM
Boss Hunter
moblob is offline
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Evacuate:at a skill of 100, it gives another ability next to your ca's. This ability forces your other target to escape whether they are taunted or not and they run away leaving a chest of gold. only works on mobs
06-04-2012, 11:53 AM
Boss Hunter
moblob is offline
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Originally Posted by moblob
Evacuate:at a skill of 100, it gives another ability next to your ca's. This ability forces your other target to escape whether they are taunted or not and they run away leaving a chest of gold. only works on mobs
With a cooldown of 30 minutes
06-07-2012, 05:49 PM
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Social Skill: Attention Wh0ring - Each point in this skill adds a 0.25% chance of your next comment to be bedazzled in flashing rainbow colored text.
06-07-2012, 05:50 PM
Tucco the Rat is offline
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06-07-2012, 05:55 PM
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brow is offline
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Originally Posted by Relic
Social Skill: Attention Wh0ring - Each point in this skill adds a 0.25% chance of your next comment to be bedazzled in flashing rainbow colored text.
SupporT! <3 Justin
06-08-2012, 07:18 PM
Boss Hunter
moblob is offline
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Leroy Jenkins-gives a 0.1% chance to yell out a battle call once every 2 seconds and gives an extra 100 hp and mana for the next 10 battles
06-08-2012, 07:19 PM
Boss Hunter
moblob is offline
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Originally Posted by brow
SupporT! <3 Justin
i support this...if you didnt like it just turn chat colors off...i think id enjoy this
06-27-2012, 08:53 AM
Boss Hunter
moblob is offline
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Paralysis-0.1% to apply a paralysis effect on the enemy target, causing them to lose their aim and miss or for you to resist all hits for the next second.
06-27-2012, 08:56 PM
Rare Collector
Atropos is offline
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Skill: Ray of Light
Type: Life Magic
Gives 0.25% for staff users (0.05 for non staff users) to cause an instant magical damage to all enemies in combat when using an instant heling gem. The damage caused is equal to 30% of HP healed with the gem.
06-28-2012, 04:49 AM
Rare Collector
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Skill: Precision
Type: Psych Magic
Every point in this skill gives o.1% chance to ignore half targeted enemy's magical resistance when using a direct damage spell. Staff users gain 10% bonus chance.
06-28-2012, 05:17 AM
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Skill: Speedy Healing
Type: Life Magic
Each point in this skill increases the speed at which your healing over time gems work by 1%, effectively doubling the speed at the level of 100. Gives only 0.25% bonus speed for non-staff users.
06-30-2012, 09:12 AM
Auction Master
beetdabrat is offline
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Bow Master
Archery Level 60
Every point in this skill increases ranged damage by 0.1% and grants a 0.1% per point ranged haste.
Magic Shield
Level 60 protection
This skill grants a 25% chance to place a damage absorbing shield on you upon a successful block. Every point in this skill adds 2 points to the shield.
The Wall
Level 80 Protection (Cap skill)
While wearing a shield this skill grants a 0.25% per point bonus to all healing and damage absorbers that are cast on you. The effects of this skill only take effect if you are at level cap.
Beet Da Brat
07-01-2012, 03:29 PM
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Skill: Overheal
Type: Life Magic
When using immediate healing gems and if used gem's healing power is greater than target's missing portion of HP You will have 1% for staff users (0.3%) chance per point in this skill to Overheal and cause healed target to be blessed regaining the overhealed portion of used gem over 10 seconds with unlimited stacking. At level of 100 You will always get an Overheal effect when healing more than nescessary if You have a staff equiped.
Last edited by Atropos; 07-01-2012 at 03:32 PM..
07-20-2012, 10:27 PM
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Answered Prayers-
Each point in this skills permits a 0.07% chance of getting a free Timecard with any real currency purchase equal to or more than $10.00 USD. With this skill maxed you have a 7% chance to get a free Timecard.
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