11-29-2009, 05:48 PM
^ bad name
depends on rank but it could boost hp regeneration for some interval of time.
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12-16-2009, 08:33 AM
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orderr is offline
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How about spell combinations? Like a spell that requires you to have another gem up to be able to use. I guess flare up auras are similar to that, but there could be powerful spells that work only if you have another gem(or 2 or 3) up at the same time.
12-16-2009, 10:34 AM
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love that idea orderr... say certain gems had bonuses when certain other gems were either out or effects were in play.. i.e .. the mob was poisoned burned, diseased. etc
01-30-2010, 12:42 AM
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Aura of Converse:
redirects reflected and mirrored damage due to auras back to the original target
Black Magic
Rank 1: Redirects upto 4 damage back towards original target
Rank2: Redirects upto 6 damage back towards original target
Rank3: Redirects upto 9 damage back towards original target
Rank4: Redirects upto 13 damage back towards original target
Rank5: Redirects upto 17 damage back towards original target
Last edited by RogueTigeR; 01-30-2010 at 01:01 AM..
01-31-2010, 03:57 AM
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Inner Sight Rank 1
Energy: 0
Mana: 0
Blue Magic 20
When placed into play this gem has
a 20% chance of casting your Class Ability.
Rank 2
When placed into play this gem has
a 40% chance of casting your Class Ability.
When placed into play this gem has
a 60% chance of casting your Class Ability.
And so on..
01-31-2010, 04:01 AM
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thatperson is offline
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awesome ideas rogue and relic
Originally Posted by Glitchless
There are modifiers that alter drop chance when you go AFK based on what you do when gone. We will list them here: - Fix and eat a sandwich +15%
- Watch TV -5%
- Urinate +20%
- Finish your homework +10%
- Stand on your head for 5+ minutes +33%
We believe these are working as intended.
02-16-2010, 12:52 AM
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Aura of Exactitude:
White Magic
Rank 1: Increases your chance to hit with melee strikes by 5%
Rank 2: Increases your chance to hit with melee strikes by 10%
Rank 3: Increases your chance to hit with melee strikes by 15%
Rank 4: Increases your chance to hit with melee strikes by 20%
Rank 5: Increases your chance to hit with melee strikes by 25%
**since this will mainly only affect PvE... hopefully this could even out the kill times, or even ability to kill blacks for melee users vs. casters**
02-25-2010, 06:47 PM
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Green Magic
Selfish Endurance: regardless of which frindly you are targeting, this gem restores 10 energy/6 secs on you
02-25-2010, 07:20 PM
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Sleepingfox is offline
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Originally Posted by Relic
Inner Sight Rank 1
Energy: 0
Mana: 0
Blue Magic 20
When placed into play this gem has
a 20% chance of casting your Class Ability.
Rank 2
When placed into play this gem has
a 40% chance of casting your Class Ability.
When placed into play this gem has
a 60% chance of casting your Class Ability.
And so on..
if i had this i would never die (since my class abilitie heals 1200 hp XD)
03-20-2010, 06:22 PM
This is a suggestion for the mez/stun/daze line gems.
First, they are far to expensive in terms of mana for any serious player to include them in their pouch. 20 energy and 20 mana at rank 10 is a huge cost for only 3 seconds on a mez. I understand that being cheaper could mean that a person could easily spam them and never be touched. Therefore I propose that a timer be placed on these gems and their cost be reduced.
If there is a timer a person could only cast it a certain number of times during a battle...but with a reduced cost in mana/energy it might still be worth it. As is, Im not sure why anyone would really want to use them.
03-21-2010, 06:25 AM
Name: Sacrifice
Magic: Black & White (100)
Mana Cost: ALL
Energy Cost: ALL - A one time use per fight where it will be a instant death for either you or the mob/pker you are facing. This will be unable to be used by any class that can revive.
Name: Wrath Rank 1, 2, 3
Magic: Red (20, 40, 60)
Mana Cost: 10, 20, 30
Energy Cost: 10, 20, 30 - Doubles attack speed, and damage, at the cost of 45 second bleed of 100HP to self
Name: Mirror Image
Magic: White (40)
Mana Cost: 0
Energy Cost: 0 - Transfers HP to either Mana or Energy (whichever is more) Gems cost double Cost for next 30 seconds.
Name: Lightspeed
Magic: Blue (20)
Mana Cost: 0
Energy Cost: 0 - Class ability takes 1/2 time to replenish
Last edited by Matt Aries; 03-21-2010 at 06:28 AM..
04-19-2010, 12:56 AM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Quick Demise Aura
Rank 1 Black Magic 5: Reduces the duration of your damage over time gems by 10%
Rank 2 Black Magic 11: Reduces the duration of your damage over time gems by 13%
Rank 3 Black Magic 19: Reduces the duration of your damage over time gems by 16%
Rank 4 Black Magic 27: Reduces the duration of your damage over time gems by 21%
Rank 5 Black Magic 35: Reduces the duration of your damage over time gems by 30%
Rank 6 Black Magic 46: Reduces the duration of your damage over time gems by 34%
Rank 7 Black Magic 56: Reduces the duration of your damage over time gems by 39%
Rank 8 Black Magic 67: Reduces the duration of your damage over time gems by 43%
Rank 9 Black Magic 78: Reduces the duration of your damage over time gems by 47%
Rank 10 Black Magic 90: Reduces the duration of your damage over time gems by 50%
Rank 11 Black Magic 100: Reduces the duration of your damage over time gems by 55%
Last edited by beetdabrat; 04-19-2010 at 12:58 AM..
05-07-2010, 10:19 AM
I would like a gem that allows you remove 1 gem from play, at random, from your targetted opponent.
Higher ranks can have a higher chance of success and/or lower cost and/or remove more gems.
07-30-2010, 01:05 PM
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Border201 is offline
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Blue aura Gem
Shared wisdom
Increases the minimum damage of all non-blue gems by 50% of their max while reducing their max damage by 15%
Basically make Casters more viable on Black level bosses.
08-06-2010, 03:58 PM
Gem Name: Roulette
Gem Color: Black (Detrimental gem)
Cost: Half your Mana & Energy amount
When put into play, the gem will increase all damage types by X% to the player or it's opponent. Can only be cast once per combat.
Gem Levels:- lvl 20: 5%
- lvl 40: 10%
- lvl 60: 25%
- lvl 80: 50%
Gem Name: Defiance Aura
Gem Color: Green
Cost: 0
Description: Increases Armor Class of any non shield user by 2% per their character level.
Gem Name: Berserker
Gem Color: Red
Cost: varies upon lvl
Description: Increases attack speed of all non magical attacks by X% per gem lvl
Gem Levels:- lvl 10: 3% 10 mana
- lvl 20: 6% 40 mana
- lvl 30: 9% 60 mana
- lvl 40: 12% 80 mana
- lvl 50: 15% 100 mana
- lvl 60: 20% 120 mana
- lvl 70: 22% 140 mana
- lvl 80: 24% 160 mana
- lvl 90: 26% 180 mana
- lvl 100: 28% 200 mana
Gem Name: Second Chance
Gem Color: White
Cost: All energy
Description: Has a chance to instantly revive you or a member of your group when in play
Gem Levels:- lvl 10: 1%
- lvl 20: 3%
- lvl 30: 5%
- lvl 40: 10%
- lvl 50: 12%
- lvl 60: 15%
- lvl 70: 17%
- lvl 80: 20%
- lvl 90: 22%
- lvl 100: 25%
Gem Name: Early Grave
Gem Color: Gray
Cost: 200 & 200
Description: Kill yourself to revive another member of your group of your choice giving them your hit point amount or their max whatever is less
Gem Name: Firing Squad
Gem Color: Blue
Cost: 0
Description: when put into play both you and your opponent have 1 minute to kill one another or you both die
Last edited by Gorefists; 08-06-2010 at 04:01 PM..
08-13-2010, 01:41 AM
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beetdabrat is offline
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Aura of Conservation
Blue Magic
Rank(required skill) - effect
Rank 1 (11) - Grants a 2% reduction in mana and energy costs of gems.
Rank 2 (22) - Grants a 3% reduction in mana and energy costs of gems.
Rank 3 (33) - Grants a 4% reduction in mana and energy costs of gems.
Rank 4 (44) - Grants a 5% reduction in mana and energy costs of gems.
Rank 5 (55) - Grants a 6% reduction in mana and energy costs of gems.
Rank 6 (66) - Grants a 7% reduction in mana and energy costs of gems.
Rank 7 (77) - Grants a 8% reduction in mana and energy costs of gems.
Rank 8 (88) - Grants a 10% reduction in mana and energy costs of gems.
Rank 9 (100) - Grants a 12% reduction in mana and energy costs of gems.
Beet Da Brat
08-13-2010, 01:54 AM
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Sanluciferr is offline
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Aura of Meditation
Blue and White Magic
LvL Req: (90)
Effect: Increase your energy and mana regenerations by 200%.
*Would help on bosses ( long fights) and will invite to try different builds <3.
My soul is continually in my hand: yet do I not forget thy law.
08-13-2010, 02:01 PM
For the ideas below,
rank(x) means the gems come in different ranks of tier x
f(x), g(x) means that the values very (increase) with Tier (x), and are calculated based on game balance. f(x) and g(x) in the same description indicate that there are different functions between result and the tier. F(X) would be different for each gem, based on the strength of the effect.
Impairment (Rank X)
Red Magic OPD
Target's skill in a random Combat or Protection Category is effectively reduced by f(x)% levels for 10 seconds. Multiple (each) use(s) of this gem would affect different skills, and these effects would stack on the same skill (but each % reduction i the same skill would be applied separately).
Aura of Enhancement (Rank X)
Grey Magic:
While in play, increases the effect of a class ability (only if appropriate) by f(x) %
Has no effect on class abilities that are primarily based on duration (e.g., would not boost weapon master class ability, would boost Paladin sacrifice and Angel Heal)
Aura of Extension (Rank X)
Blue Magic:
While in play, increases the duration of a class ability (only if appropriate) by f(x) %
Has no effect on class abilities that are inflicted all-at-once (e.g. paladin sacrifice, angel heal, etc, would boost weapon master ability)
Aura of Toxicity (Rank x)
Black Magic :
Increases all inflicted poison damage (by all parties, by any means) by f(x) %
alternative: as a OPD gem with a limited duration, and variable %, or as a variable duration with a fixed %
In this case, multiple casts would stack.
Aura of Balms (Rank X)
Green Magic
Increases the amount of all DoT Heals by f(x)%
Aura of Blessing (Rank X)
White Magic
Increases the maximum amount of all OPD Heals by f(x)%
All righteous auras would be considered negative auras for Dark Knight class ability purposes.
Aura of Righteous Fire (Rank x)
Red Magic
f(x)% of any damage target inflicts outside of direct Melee Pets or DD/DoT Gems (other categories as needed) is reflected back upon the originator (Would include hemorrhage, bleeds, bloodlets, mirrored damage, etc)
Aura of Righteous Frost
Blue Magic
f(x)% of any damage target inflicts outside of direct Melee, Pets or DD/DoT Gems including all pet crits (other categories as needed) is prevented. You gain g(x) mana points when this occurs.
Aura of Righteous Calm
Grey Magic
f(x)% of any damage target inflicts outside of direct Melee, Pets or DD/DoT Gems including all pet crits (other categories as needed) is cancelled. You gain an f(x)-point fading shield when this occurs.
09-03-2010, 05:25 AM
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Bloodflow Rank 1
Black Magic Level 2
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 8 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 4 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire classes.
Energy: 0
Bloodflow Rank 2
Black Magic Level 8
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 14 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 7 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire classes.
Energy: 0
Bloodflow Rank 3
Black Magic Level 17
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 26 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 13 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire class.
Energy: 0
Bloodflow Rank 4
Black Magic Level 22
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 30 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 15 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire classes.
Energy: 0
Bloodflow Rank 5
Black Magic Level 28
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 40 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 20 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire classes.
Energy: 0
Bloodflow Rank 6
Black Magic Level 37
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 60 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 30 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire classes.
Energy: 0
Bloodflow Rank 7
Black Magic Level 45
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 88 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 44 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire classes.
Mana: 70
Energy: 0
Bloodflow Rank 8
Black Magic Level 52
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 102 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 51 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire classes.
Energy: 0
Bloodflow Rank 9
Black Magic Level 60
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 140 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 70 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire classes.
Mana: 100
Energy: 0
Bloodflow Rank 10
Black Magic Level 70
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 160 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 80 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire classes.
Mana: 109
Energy: 0
Bloodflow Rank 11
Black Magic Level 78
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 182 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 91 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire classes.
Mana: 129
Energy: 0
Bloodflow Rank 12
Black Magic Level 84
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 204 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 102 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire classes.
Energy: 0
Bloodflow Rank 13
Black Magic Level 90
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 250 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 125 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire classes.
Mana: 178
Energy: 0
Bloodflow Rank 14
Black Magic Level 98
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 380 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 190 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire classes.
Mana: 350
Energy: 0
Bloodflow Rank 15
Black Magic Level 100
Causes your enemy target to bleed for 430 damage over 20 seconds. Heals you for 215 HP over 20 seconds. Double healing for vampire classes.
Energy: 0
EDIT: If the Outbreak skill activates, you will gain hp for all targets damaged.
Last edited by Huggles; 09-10-2010 at 08:21 PM..
09-03-2010, 05:29 AM
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Aura of The Wizard Rank 1: (RARE)
Increases Gem Haste and Mana/Energy Regen by 4%
Blue Magic Level 3
Each Rank rises equally to match gem haste aura. Higher level reqs than haste.
Last edited by Huggles; 09-05-2010 at 09:52 PM..
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