06-08-2012, 07:34 PM
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also some recastable dot gems would be cool
06-08-2012, 07:37 PM
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aura of bad looks:flashes your enemy player(s) blinding them for 5 seconds decreasing their accuracy also for 5 seconds every minute
magic type:blue
cost:50 mana and 50 energy
Last edited by moblob; 06-08-2012 at 07:40 PM..
06-26-2012, 11:22 PM
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Here are some gems that can improve melee players gem usage gameplay:
Gem: Melee Acceleration Rank 1
Rarity: Rare
Color: Red
Gameplay Type: One cast per draw stackable positive Buff
Manergy costs: X mana
When used casts 3% bonus melee attack speed on the user for 10 seconds and immediately draws a new gem from pouch. The bonus attack speed does stack.
Gem: Focus Fire Rank 1
Rarity: Epic
Color: Red
Gameplay Type: Upkeep Aura on self. Does not stacks with itself.
Manergy costs: X Energy, Y mana per every 5 seconds
Gives 15% bonus Range attack speed, but reduces the ranged damage dealt by 10%. The gem will be removed from play if u switch the target.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rank 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gives 75% bonus Range attack speed, but reduces the ranged damage dealt by 50%. The gem will be removed from play if u switch the target.
Tips: Works great with Potions of Envenomation :3 fast dps poson adding to ur target :3
Last edited by Atropos; 06-27-2012 at 07:39 PM..
06-27-2012, 04:14 AM
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Gem: Silence
Rarity: Rare
Color: Blue (50)
Gameplay Type: Misc. One cast per draw
Manergy costs: 500 Energy, 500 mana
Stops all players in combat from using gems for 3.5 seconds.
Can be bought in T9 (Slevisk)
Tips: Can be used for melee players to take advantage for a small period of time in pvp while players that relies mostly on gem damage cant use gems.
Last edited by Atropos; 07-03-2012 at 03:06 AM..
06-27-2012, 04:35 AM
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Some new DoT gems with a new effect mechanics that does not exist in Nod yet:
Heres a DoT gem which i would call "Instant Damage DoT Gem":
Gem: Instant Dissolution Rank 20
Rarity: Epic
Color: Black
Gameplay Type: AOE/DoT. One cast per draw
Manergy costs: X energy, Y mana
Deals 1500 massive damage distributed evenly among enemies in combat over 2 seconds.
Tips: The schtick of this gem is the way it damages the enemies. The damage is dealt nearly momentaly as it was a DD gem, but the damage is applied as a DoT gem, so u cant crit or steal life/energy/mana(if u have vamp runes) with this gem. Much faster then any other DoT gem, but not fast as DD, this gem is something in the middle of those gems :3 Works better in 1 vs 1 PvP, as it deals full damage to a single target.
This one is Aura DoT, affects all enemies in combat:
Gem: Eradiation Rank 12
Rarity: Rare
Color: Red
Gameplay Type: Stackable Aura/DoT/Continious
Manergy costs: X energy, Y mana every 5 seconds
Deals 25 damage to all enemies in combat every 5 seconds.
Tips: Works like DoT, but it is an aura so u cant get Devidents from it or Gift of light as it were an ussual One cast PD gem, but the damaging effect stacks with itself, so if ull have 2 gems of this kind in play, both of them will deal its full damage ;3 Can be used by those who want to deal DoT danage, but dont have enough points in Cnc、such as melee DoTers, etc.
Last edited by Atropos; 06-27-2012 at 07:42 PM..
06-27-2012, 09:40 AM
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Random Caster
Mana cost-0
Energy cost-0
Gem Color-Blue
Gem Level-40
Cannot have more than 1 of these gems in your pouch
Recastable every second
Randomly picks a drawn gem and makes that gem go off. Does not work on auras.
06-27-2012, 07:37 PM
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Gem: Mana Burn 12
Rarity: Common
Color: Blue
Gameplay Type: One cast per draw/Instant mana removal(still does not exist in Nod too)
Manergy costs: X mana
Burns 500 targeted enemy`s mana.
Gem: Energy Burn 12
Rarity: Common
Color: Blue
Gameplay Type: One cast per draw/Instant energy removal(still does not exist in Nod too)
Manergy costs: X energy
Burns 500 targeted enemy`s energy.
Last edited by Atropos; 06-27-2012 at 07:42 PM..
06-27-2012, 07:48 PM
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Gem: Life Drain 12
Rarity: Common
Color: Black
Gameplay Type: One cast per draw/Instant life steal(still does not exist in Nod too)
Manergy costs: X energy、 X mana
Steals 500 HP from the targeted enemy (actually it deals the damage to an enemy first, and then after resistance restinctions gives the caster Hp equal to the amount of dealt damage with this gem)
Tips: Will help casters to heal and damage at the same time with 100% life steal per casting this gem as it was a DD gem, but u cant crit with this gem  cuz its not a common DD.
06-27-2012, 09:37 PM
kingnutty is offline
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Anti-crit- steel aura rank 1 prereq 25 red magic gem color red energy cost 0 mana cost 15 this gem reduces the chance of landing a critical strike by 4% this gem does not stack as if it was a dot gem this gem affects the whole group
08-05-2012, 08:38 AM
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Gem: Sanity Eclipse 20
Rarity: Epic
Color: Blue
Gameplay Type: DD, One cast per draw
Manergy costs: X energy, Y mana
Deals 2 x Itelligence difference betwen You and your target damage. If your intelligence is lower that the target has it will not take any damage.
A request to change the face of some gems |
08-26-2012, 07:00 AM
Lolanda69 is offline
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A request to change the face of some gems
Dear Glitch,
I would like to suggest a change in how the STUN gems look.
As you can see, they look exactly like the MANA Cantrip Gems.
This makes it difficult to differentiate one gem from the other
during combat. It would be absolutely helpful if this was corrected.
I suggest that the STUN gem's appearance be changed instead of the
MANA Cantrip simply because it is used much less than the latter.
P.S. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
09-03-2012, 09:56 PM
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Mana/Energy cost:0
Effect: Reverses the mana and energy costs of all active aura gems in play, causing all energy costs to flip with the mana costs or the mana costs to flip with the energy costs
For example: Sharpened Steel r2: Energy cost: 15 mana cost: 0
Energy cost: 0 mana cost: 15 (with reverse gem in play)
Last edited by moblob; 09-11-2012 at 06:07 PM..
09-11-2012, 06:06 PM
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Reverses ALL effects on you back at the enemy for 5 seconds. Both good and bad effects.
Rarity: Epic
Color: Blue (level 40)
Mana cost: 40 Energy cost: 40
10-19-2012, 08:34 PM
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oh oops
11-20-2012, 08:59 PM
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Gem: Arcane Aura
Rarity: Rare
Color: Blue
Type: Aura, active when in play
No upkeep cost
Gives additional 50% mana regeneration for the whole group.
Random drop
Gem: Energising Aura
Rarity: Rare
Color: Green
Type: Aura, active when in play
No upkeep cost
Gives additional 50% energy regeneration for the whole group.
Random drop
12-20-2012, 11:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Atropos
Gem: Arcane Aura
Rarity: Rare
Color: Blue
Type: Aura, active when in play
No upkeep cost
Gives additional 50% mana regeneration for the whole group.
Random drop
Gem: Energising Aura
Rarity: Rare
Color: Green
Type: Aura, active when in play
No upkeep cost
Gives additional 50% energy regeneration for the whole group.
Random drop
Overpowered, but a good idea. I approve
01-23-2013, 10:47 PM
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Some new aura gems for Paladins and Dark Knight classes that came up to my head.
Positive Aura gems:
#Anti-Magic aura rank 5
Rarity: Epic
Color: Grey
Type: Aura, active when in play
No upkeep cost
Applies an aura on your group which mitigates 10% of gem damage taken.
#Fortification aura rank 5
Rarity: Epic
Color: Grey
Type: Aura, active when in play
No upkeep cost
Applies an aura on your group which mitigates 10% of all non gem damage taken.
#Divianation aura rank 5
Rarity: Epic
Color: Grey
Type: Aura, active when in play
No upkeep cost
Applies an aura on your group which mitigates 5% of all damage taken.
#Dispersion Aura rank 5
Rarity: Rare
Color: Red
Type: Self Aura, Active when in play
No upkeep cost
When this gem is in play you reflect 10% of all damage taken onto your enemies as a direct non gem attack damage.
Detrimental Aura gems:
#Corruption Aura rank 5
Rarity: Epic
Color: Black
Type: Aura, active when in play
No upkeep cost
Applies an aura on your enemies which amplifies 10% of all non gem damage taken.
#Nether Aura rank 5
Rarity: Epic
Color: Black
Type: Aura, active when in play
No upkeep cost
Applies an aura on your enemies which amplifies 10% of all gem damage taken.
New mechanics HP removal Gems
#Decompose rank 20
Rarity: Rare
Color: Black
Type: One cast per draw
X mana, 0 energy
Removes 650 Hit points from targeted enemy.
Note: This is not DD gem, so you cant crit, and the amount of HP removed cant be increased with Pain rune, Intelligence stat, or current existing legendary armor procs or DD skills. However You can double cast it with bonus gear procs or with Sleight of Hand skill. The usefullness of this new type of gem is in its mechanics. The amount of HP just got removed form the enemy, it does not counted as an actual damage and it can not be lowered by any mitigation gear, potions, angelic aura, armor class etc. So practicaly its a pure damage portion which ignores any protection. However this gem still can be resisted and You'll need proper Cnc to cast with more precision. Also you cant increase precision of casting these gems with "proc to hit on armors and other gear". With this new type of gem there probably may be a new skill in death magic section, which increases the power of Hp removal gems. These gems also got empowered by Necromacer, Jeweler and Dark Knight classes.
# Dismember rank 20
Rarity: Rare
Color: Black
Type: One cast per draw
0 mana, X energy
Removes 650 Hit points from targeted enemy.
Just another HP removal for energy gem.
Last edited by Atropos; 01-24-2013 at 02:57 AM..
01-31-2013, 07:06 PM
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Red Magic, same as balance increase levels
Rarity: Epic
Transfers _ energy or mana, whichever is higher to your hp once every 5 seconds. When full hp, converts to mana or energy, whichever is lower. When full, it does not work.
02-21-2013, 06:33 PM
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Hawkeye Aura
Epic Blue line
Rank(Requirement) - Mana/Energy upkeep
Rank 1(25) - 10/10
This gem gives you good accuracy with any detrimental gem. 5 second upkeep.
Rank 2(40) - 25/25
This gem gives you great accuracy with any detrimental gem. 5 second upkeep.
Rank 3(55) - 50/50
This gem gives you excellent accuracy with any detrimental gem. 5 second upkeep.
Rank 4(70) - 75/75
This gem gives you exceptional accuracy with any detrimental gem. 5 second upkeep.
Rank 5(85) - 100/100
This gem gives you epic accuracy with any detrimental gem. 5 second upkeep.
Beet Da Brat
02-23-2013, 02:16 PM
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I would really appreciate it if the pm sound, clan chat sound and group chat sound was different.
Will solve many problems and will save lots of time i think.
Also lvl 99 or high lvl rare weapons which store buying price would be considerably lower than normal store buying price which only can be equipped by player killers would be a nice addiotion to game and that would be seducing for players to be pk i think which will be fun.
Appreciate comments, trolling, suggestions 
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