Old 06-15-2012, 10:49 AM   #41
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Oh, come on... think Rakar.
Legendary weapons is just expensive, but expensive was also epics till some time ago. Now everybody don't look for epics and sold in store.
Don't forget, trojan said will be 15 pieces of every type of weapons. If lg beast coming just for 3 times per month we talking here about 4 or more years to all lg weapons to be discovered.
U forget something. We are in a speed century. No need to wait so long for so little. Is not so many differences between lg and 99 epics. No worth it to w8 so long.

I dare all who get next legendary weapon to destroy it, if have guts.
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Old 06-15-2012, 11:24 AM   #42
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They're already level 100, the armor legendaries got more powerful because the store bought ones were sub 100.
If you make a sad face when you sing I hate you, die.
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Old 06-16-2012, 07:10 PM   #43
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there will not be 15 weapons of each type

each legendry set have 5 weapons in it 3 of them are bowset peices ( bow / quiver / arrow )

2 legendry sets are visible now in " http://forums.nodiatis.com/forums/sh...33&postcount=1 " and by looking at them u can tell that there will be 30 melee weapons 15 of them will be 1h and 15 will be 2h but duno how many will be slashers / crusher or peicers

and there are 15 bowsets for sure i have seen picture of every bowset
good or bad whatever i am i am .....not going to change and not going to pretend <3 and i will never be intimidated by anyone ever !!!

be careful of those alpha nerds !!!

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Old 06-16-2012, 11:33 PM   #44
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why would i destroy the bow....? pointless till someone can craft jackass.....the person who has it when tht is possible can dismantle when the time comes if they wish to try and make profit. I had no reason to hold onto something that would just deteriorate with time. strike why the iron is hot.....any businessman knows well enough
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Old 06-17-2012, 05:26 AM   #45
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Concede, roif is just jealous about it :3

Atropos SELL/BUY thread

Some useful links:
Trojan's Transparent Legendary Pictures
S1: DTM Inc Crafting Thread

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Atropos is correct.
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Old 06-19-2012, 07:24 PM   #46
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hey when did the bow come out? Man i missed that
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Old 06-30-2012, 03:19 PM   #47
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Hi, i'm Fior, and i'm archer.
I like that bow and i would like to have it.
Unfortunately i can't afford... yet. And Trojan said will be 4 or 11 more legendary bows so... is no rush, maybe others will be cheaper (i just hope).

I read this forum but not daily.
If someone else want to take revenge of you and write messages with name Edecnoc everyone else can think Edecnoc=Concede even is not the same. If someone want to tell something to Roif, please use Roif name.
Fior name owned to Fior as in game. IDK what to say more and i don't.
In fact i want to afford that bow.
As i say earlier, weaker weapons will come first...
Felix, youre hurry was wrong, but u are first person here who use a lg weapon.
Idk if Huggles have right... remains to see.

Concede u think to discovered me ? ) Now Fior transform in Roif and i'm in the troll position and i can say for free - Concede, u are a greedy and coward one. U looking for faster opportunity to reach but youre bravery is low.
U have no guts to destroy that bow.

I dare all who get next legendary weapon to destroy it, if have guts.
Before destroyed, make a picture of weapons to all can see what weapons was.
And make a movie how destroy that weapons, if u can, for all to believe.
Enyone who can do that can be named brave warrior and powerfull person. Others can be naned greedy and coward as Concede, traders or normal ppl.

suck it chode......

go hide behind some other falsity and pretend you are better than the rest of us.
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