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Old 06-02-2011, 05:05 PM   #41
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endy, i said you was grounded, get off forums NAO.
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Old 06-02-2011, 05:16 PM   #42
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Wait. Let me get this straight please. I and half a dozen other people get scammed by Driiveby and we're called idiots for it and everyone jumps on Driiveby's cock defending him. Someone sells his account and doesn't get the $$$ for it, and you're all suddenly on his side hating the scammer even if it's a misunderstanding? Rofl ****ing hypocrites.
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Old 06-02-2011, 05:18 PM   #43
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Btw I'm sorry you got scammed, it makes me sad that so many are getting scammed right now, guess every day you get more proof that people can't be trusted in this day.
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Old 06-02-2011, 06:10 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by hotshot64
Wait. Let me get this straight please. I and half a dozen other people get scammed by Driiveby and we're called idiots for it and everyone jumps on Driiveby's cock defending him. Someone sells his account and doesn't get the $$$ for it, and you're all suddenly on his side hating the scammer even if it's a misunderstanding? Rofl ****ing hypocrites.
Youre preaching to the choir here man.
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:36 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Ubeisea
Scammer, I am created the forum account when arena finished, to place posts on the forum!
Do not touch my wife, you already got involved once in our life, get lost!
I hope that money will be for your funeral!
.... probably reverse...
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****/Seletchi/ READ THIS POST
Old 06-03-2011, 05:00 AM   #46
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Default ****/Seletchi/ READ THIS POST



Even if you want to ignore the situation with Driiveby, right here in this post, without anyone even denying it, they both admitted to it Ube. and Bloodrain that the accounts were sold, even if the money was not transferred to Ube. it was still admitted to that was what they wanted to do and therefore this is in direct violation of TOU..

I am sure you are very busy with thinking up another patch that will be useful for a day or two, but can you please take some time to read the forums a bit better.
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Old 06-03-2011, 05:08 AM   #47
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ohhhhh and btw

Roif you should have stayed under that rock after the way you acted when the game went down back in January

Bloodrain you are a true piece of work, the bad kind but hey its something right??

It is easy to see you are lying and surely you will be banned down the road after we keep this alive a month or two cause I have plenty of time to keep on this along with the rest of the scam douches.

I should have known something was not right in arena a few weeks back when Ube. started losing to my team..... now I know why, you are a pretty bad player when you can't even use what was sold to you already done for you
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Anger will only make the beast grow stronger, denial makes the fire of rage burn hotter.

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Old 06-03-2011, 05:16 AM   #48
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teh engrish in this thread iz teh funneh

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Old 06-03-2011, 06:55 AM   #49
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glitch has said in the past he wont ban for account sharing olvan.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
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Old 06-03-2011, 11:18 AM   #50
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I hope something can be done for Ube in this case, and Bloodrain gets punished.. This is just absurd
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Old 06-03-2011, 04:52 PM   #51
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Olvan, shut the **** up. In that january days Glitch was unprepared. Idk about u, but i pay money in this game till then (mine, like others players, accel, virtues, grinder and continuum premium account till now, also for exchange TC with gold). Are u read how much players pay in this game ? 2500$ just one single person and many, many others players for that tc's who is sold day by day in AH. Some players write here, spend more then 2500 $. How much must be spend to buy a backup server for that Nodiatis game ? Glitch neglected to make backgrund. In january was not the first time when databaze was broken, but was first time when Glitch can't recover so well. That work for their own negligence is that when we neglect ourselves and insulting us. Is like : "fools, you just give more money and take second class service, and when sh** happend just shut up and w8 to regain work when i want". In this century is a big negligence to not have protected agains that type of problems. And btw don't cost that much. Idk about youre time, but my time is important even Glitch give some discounts.
Seletchi quit this game. Popooface also quit. Idk about Seletchi, but i understand Popoo also spending some money here.
What do u think ? Glitch throw away many thousands of dollars bring by bloodrain in the game? If yes, why don't make something about that damn backup ? If no, question is the same if money is not a problem ?
Btw, Domnitor and Markoil is lvl 1. Yesterday Ubeisea was lvl 83 and today is lvl 1. Bloodrain is still lvl 83.
I was stopped and passed about then and i hope Glitch was learning a lesson, so please stop to talk about and remind me that time.
I was right then and also i am right now about Bloodrain. Right now Glitch must act and i think it already did (don't ask what Glitch did about backup because idk :P).

Last edited by Fior; 06-03-2011 at 04:55 PM..
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Old 06-03-2011, 05:08 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by krimlinger
this isn't an "account sharing" issue tho smash... it's an "account SELLING" issue, which is a bannable offense to both parties. Even tho the money may not have gone through, it's the principle of the matter.
i know, was just pointing that out.

there are 3 things i see breaking the ToU, which is #1, #2 (obviously as they go hand in hand) and #6, as the account was "traded" for something irl.

i feel bad for ube, and would love to see bloodrain punished, as what she done is not only retarded, but heaps slack to take advantage of someones nature like that.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
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Old 06-03-2011, 05:12 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Roif
Olvan, shut the **** up. In that january days Glitch was unprepared. Idk about u, but i pay money in this game till then (mine, like others players, accel, virtues, grinder and continuum premium account till now, also for exchange TC with gold). Are u read how much players pay in this game ? 2500$ just one single person and many, many others players for that tc's who is sold day by day in AH. Some players write here, spend more then 2500 $. How much must be spend to buy a backup server for that Nodiatis game ? Glitch neglected to make backgrund. In january was not the first time when databaze was broken, but was first time when Glitch can't recover so well. That work for their own negligence is that when we neglect ourselves and insulting us. Is like : "fools, you just give more money and take second class service, and when sh** happend just shut up and w8 to regain work when i want". In this century is a big negligence to not have protected agains that type of problems. And btw don't cost that much. Idk about youre time, but my time is important even Glitch give some discounts.
Seletchi quit this game. Popooface also quit. Idk about Seletchi, but i understand Popoo also spending some money here.
What do u think ? Glitch throw away many thousands of dollars bring by bloodrain in the game? If yes, why don't make something about that damn backup ? If no, question is the same if money is not a problem ?
Btw, Domnitor and Markoil is lvl 1. Yesterday Ubeisea was lvl 83 and today is lvl 1. Bloodrain is still lvl 83.
I was stopped and passed about then and i hope Glitch was learning a lesson, so please stop to talk about and remind me that time.
I was right then and also i am right now about Bloodrain. Right now Glitch must act and i think it already did (don't ask what Glitch did about backup because idk :P).
ok cause your an idiot ill point a few things out:

if your paying someone else for use of their servers, there is NOTHING you can do, if that server dies on you. he takes backups, everyday, hence why there is down time.

poopooface and seletchi, didnt quit, they were both perma IP banned by gitch, so yeah he would ban bloodrain even if they were bringing in thousands of IRL $$ if they broke the rules harshly enough, and warrented a ban in glitches view.

bloodrain DMed all 3 of those toons, so that she gets their gear, and money, and they are all level 1, meaning glitch done nothing about that, as you said he did, that was the act of a selfish player, who didnt want to lose what they gained through ill means

Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
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Old 06-03-2011, 09:17 PM   #54
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OMG Smash thank you for putting that so well.

Roif really?

I bet I have spent more then you and you have nerve to ask me about my time?

Lets see... I have Ten active toons, all of which have all 30 virts, all of which have accel upgrades, and 2 of them have Grinder, even though I have bought some time cards to refill used up rrt or to activate standard or prem account status with in game gold.... You know all those Upgrades and Virtues I mentioned just a few lines back??? I SPENT ALL REAL CASH FOR THEM, EVERY SINGLE ONE.

Not only that but I now actively buy time cards throughout the month to activate accounts that are getting close to N status.

This was not done all at one time of course but I have spent a great deal over the last 3 years since I started in the first week of August of 08 (ok close to 3 years for those of you that will add that up).

I tried to get on back in January just like many many others did and you know what, just like many others I sucked it up and waited until the server came back online, while you Roif sat there and made post after embarrassing post of how mad you were and you wanted to be compensated, and oh my wow we didn't even lose rrt or days, it was all frozen and waiting for us when we returned and we still got compensated by Glitch which I was more then pleased about and didn't expect, yet you still went on bitching for a long while wanting something more.

Unfortunately I read these forums alot, and I read civil and uncivil to much and hence why I stay on red alert, but you have to be the biggest baby bitchy fest and want something for nothing I have ever seen, I mean as much as I can't stand Driiveby even he is not a whiny bitchy baby and that really is something that I am giving him more credit then you.

You like getting all bad and trying to tell people off, might wanna learn how to type out what you want to say a little better cause all the rest of us are doing right now is laughing our asses off at you and your posts and we are all waiting for your next one to flame me so I can laugh even harder.



P.S Oh yeah and Bloodrain along with those other toons he got by ill means need to be banned. Seems this is something most of us agree about.
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Last edited by Olvan; 06-03-2011 at 09:20 PM..
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Old 06-03-2011, 09:30 PM   #55
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Old 06-03-2011, 11:20 PM   #56
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We will generally recover accounts if your identity matches that of the original purchaser for an account. E-mail help@glitchless.com and we can help you most likely. The fact that we do this makes it pretty stupid to ever buy characters aside from the fact that is against the rules.
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Old 06-03-2011, 11:38 PM   #57
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what glitch MEANT to type was its very stupid to *EVER buy characters etc etc blah blah
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glitchless makes mistakes too heh
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Old 06-03-2011, 11:39 PM   #58
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and i fully agree.. way to go glitchless.. ban each char, player, owner, and buyer of second hand accounts!
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Old 06-04-2011, 12:48 AM   #59
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Yes Paul, i already use translator.google.com. :P

Tell me Olvan u pay so much and are u agree with bad treatment ? Oh, ok, in this world some ppl like to suffer. U are that kind of ppl.
I think all mobs beat you.
Are u slave or u just don't know about u have some right's in this world and must ask for better services ?
And btw about number of toons. I have 84 toons with accel, all virtues and grinder and all my toons have premium and all is playing every day No rt or rrt remains. Also i started that game about two days after Nodiatis open. How come ? Well, i hired 83 ppl to play Nodiatis for me.
Is soooooo easy to say words but for u and others who disagree with me, is soooo hard to think.

Ofc is Glitch servers and ofc is allow us to play on his servers but that just because we pay. Even those who don't pay have acces because Glitch hope and encourages all who play his game to pay once or more. Is a matter of advertising. Tell me, is there a game somewhere where there is no need to pay for all users and users have full options ? Even is nonpayable game must have critical point when something bad occurs.

With 30 toons in game youre place must be top 1. Are u top 1 or u are a scammer/liar liar too ?

As i say before, shut youre mouth, make notes, learn and come back when you grow up from kindergarden to school.

I will stop to write here about that subject. If u or others want more information for better understanding of life just pm me.

Are u curious about what happend with Bloodrain and Ubeisea accounts or not ? Because Glitch not writing yet in this post about a decision he made to Bloodrain and Ubeisea accounts.

Last edited by Fior; 06-04-2011 at 12:51 AM..
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Old 06-04-2011, 02:10 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by Roif
Yes Paul, i already use translator.google.com. :P

Tell me Olvan u pay so much and are u agree with bad treatment ? Oh, ok, in this world some ppl like to suffer. U are that kind of ppl.
I think all mobs beat you.
Are u slave or u just don't know about u have some right's in this world and must ask for better services ?
And btw about number of toons. I have 84 toons with accel, all virtues and grinder and all my toons have premium and all is playing every day No rt or rrt remains. Also i started that game about two days after Nodiatis open. How come ? Well, i hired 83 ppl to play Nodiatis for me.
Is soooooo easy to say words but for u and others who disagree with me, is soooo hard to think.

Ofc is Glitch servers and ofc is allow us to play on his servers but that just because we pay. Even those who don't pay have acces because Glitch hope and encourages all who play his game to pay once or more. Is a matter of advertising. Tell me, is there a game somewhere where there is no need to pay for all users and users have full options ? Even is nonpayable game must have critical point when something bad occurs.

With 30 toons in game youre place must be top 1. Are u top 1 or u are a scammer/liar liar too ?

As i say before, shut youre mouth, make notes, learn and come back when you grow up from kindergarden to school.

I will stop to write here about that subject. If u or others want more information for better understanding of life just pm me.

Are u curious about what happend with Bloodrain and Ubeisea accounts or not ? Because Glitch not writing yet in this post about a decision he made to Bloodrain and Ubeisea accounts.
Yes glitch has posted, open your eyes.

paying people to play = retarded. ergo you = retarded.

and now i have figured it all out, Roif = Driiveby. you both ramble ****, you both claim to have a ****load of toons and get people to play it.

must be the same person

Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
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