08-05-2008, 09:25 PM
I would not say he's "losing money". Sure he's not making as much money as he could, but he is saying "I paid this much real money for this, I am happy with accepting this much gold for it".
Adamska let me put this into real world terms:
I would rather sell an old lady my dog for $300 than sell him to a drug dealer for $3000.
Get it?
08-05-2008, 09:44 PM
I got ya, you are controlled by morals, while a lot of people just don't give a ****.
08-05-2008, 09:55 PM
Lol, you're right about that.
08-06-2008, 12:42 AM
It would help, but with now with the ability to buy anything with time cards except other time cards and gold it's going to drive the price up to a new number of which i cannot imagine.
08-06-2008, 06:46 AM
This is stupid, everyone complaing because my and hell said there should be a cap/agreed amount for a TC. Man i understand there are some people who actually pay money for the damn things and they sell them for a reasonable price. Thats great, grand, and just ****ing fantastic, and i thank you for doing so. But what we are tryin to stress is if that an agreement is not made or a cap established. There will be no way a free player will ever be able to afford one. Hats off to pirates for selling them for 6k, if thats what he actually does. But everybody else is in it for the money and they will get everything they can out of them. So in turn it will come down to who pays the most and right now thats decker. And if he continues to pay 15k for one, here shortly everyone is gonna want 15k for one. Yea there may be some people who still sell them for 6k, but whats stopping the dude he just sold a TC for 6k too, to not turn around and sell it to someone else for 15k. Then over time the one who sells them for 6k, can no longer sell them for that becuase it is no longer cost effiecent. Which in turn drives the price up more and more, and like hell has said the price will it up to be crazy. And the whole concept behind the damn TC is shot.
08-06-2008, 07:53 AM
ok first off where the **** are you guys getting your info, i hope your saying hypothetically I pay 15k for a time card because i've never payed that much nor do i expect to pay that much for a time card, that just ridiculous since when i want to upgrade ingame items i can't just goto auction and get items for cheaper than store cost ., i have to actually buy it from shops because no one else gets/has those items i need. .. i may have lots of gold on my at some points but that drops when i need to upgrade.
15k for a time card is ridiculous and whoever says i've paid that is just bull****ting you to try and get more gold.
08-06-2008, 09:54 AM
Ok, so what do you pay for TC decker? and what do you think is a reasonable price?. Maybe we can settle this as players and come to an agreement on the amount of a TC
08-06-2008, 12:40 PM
I find it incredibly retarded that non-paying players are complaining about the in game cost of a time card. Lets see...7.00USD Real Life dollars >>>>>> than imaginary money in game.
Lets see how much Monopoly money would I have to give you for 7.00 dollars? Wait now that you say you want 1000 monopoly dollars, I'm going to complain about it, since it's not fair. You should sell me 7.00 RL dollars for 500 monopoly money since I can't get any more than that.
Dude you are trading FAKE Money (aka gold) for real money...the rate will not be fair. All you have to do is buy your own Time Card or buy a subscription, like everyone selling TCs.
Anyways I think the rate will continue to increase, since each day there is more gold being injected into the economy. As you level up you need more and more gold to buy upgrades, so while 1 TC might be enough for a full set of gear at level 5, it might not be enough for a set at 10 or 15, unless the price of TCs increase accordingly. So yeah, you should expect the price of TCs to increase, and rightly so.
PS: I in no way claim Decker buys TCs for 15k.
08-20-2008, 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by DeLeon
****ing seriously, I mean the whole reason behind this post was to say that rich or only getting richer and the little people are getting screwed. I like you hell love this game, i think its cooler then ****. And i have all intentions of buying a standard account as soon as the mobile cash comes around. I can't come off that kinda of cash because of bills, but if i can add to a bill then i can compensate for it. Im just sayin that in the little time that the time cards have been out they have blown the **** up and prices have gotten way out of hand. They were made so free accounts could see what it was like to be a payin char and want to change over. But as of right now there is noway a free player can come up with enough to buy one.
is this the way the real world works or what!!!
08-20-2008, 04:26 PM
Hell yea! TC prices are just going up and up. Inflation at work, but maybe they will even out after a couple of players get to level 60.
08-20-2008, 05:47 PM
they wont even out because u have players who artifically increase the price arbitrarily in the auction, i saw timecards jump 15k in about 2 days because of these people
08-20-2008, 05:48 PM
true that...first time card I sold went for 12k, now they're up to 25k and up.
08-20-2008, 11:16 PM
earlier i saw some time cards for about 70-80k
08-21-2008, 08:39 AM
those people arent really expecting to sell there time cards, but they do help to artificially increase the price
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