Kerrlahg Aesonicus Xzeroxzero

Rating: 117.593           Wins/Loss: 26/37

Last OpponentsW/L
Danielrox Kensei BillyrulesLoss
Siska Pixiethewarrior CrynusLoss
Nemesisknight Froth KatsumajrLoss
Akilthedestroyer Humanscourge HuzefaWin
Akilthedestroyer Humanscourge HuzefaWin
Brother And CatWin
Danielrox Kensei BillyrulesLoss
Doomsdayvision Eve LuminaraWin
Nemesisknight Froth KatsumajrLoss
Jche Petal ZacronWin
Brother And CatWin
Chrism Regnar RerollerWin
Jche Petal ZacronWin
Doomsdayvision Eve LuminaraWin
Mother Daughter SisterLoss
Doonmonster Oderman KwazikaiWin
Umbrastar Smuckers JvanceLoss
Danielrox Kensei BillyrulesLoss
Umbrastar Smuckers JvanceLoss
Danielrox Kensei BillyrulesLoss